The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 77 The Hero Saves the Beauty 2

Chapter 77 The Hero Saves the Beauty 2
"He was dishonest first! I don't like it here, I want to go back first."

She really can't bear this depraved situation, it makes her feel suffocated.She just wants to leave now.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Chen Zilin suddenly raised her voice, startling her: "I managed to invite these people today, and now the party has just started, so you have to say leave. Xiang Nan wants to let What I brought you was yourself, not what I begged to take you. You can't leave until the end anyway. Otherwise, don't come to me if you have anything to do in the future. "

Chen Zilin was really angry.

Xiang Nan is uneasy, Chen Zilin is her senior, and she is also very popular in the circle.No matter what, she couldn't be offended, but her manager was not around now, so no one could help her with advice.She is a little confused now.

"Xiang Nan, any one of these people tonight can make you famous in the entertainment circle. As long as you endure tonight and become friends with them, you will be fine in the future."

Chen Zilin has been in this circle for so many years, and her forte is to read words and demeanor.Soon, she persuaded Xiang Nan with a few words.

"But... I don't want to sing with that person, please don't leave me alone, okay?"

She was really afraid of Mr. Zhou who had bad intentions.Seeing him makes me want to throw up.

"You don't know how to play dice, what are you doing with me? Be a wooden stake next to you?"

"It's not possible to learn, you just teach me." In short, she was determined not to stay alone.No matter what, I still want to be with Chen Zilin.

Chen Zilin really brought Xiang Nan with her, because she didn't know how to play, and the people at the side kept booing for a long time, and Chen Zilin helped her to calm down.Said to play with her after a while.

Immediately, several cynical men volunteered to teach her.Of course Xiang Nan would not agree.Holding Chen Zilin tightly, unwilling to let go.

Chen Zilin was in pain, but still teased those people calmly.Secretly warned him: "If you try harder, my hand will be useless."

Xiang Nan let go of his hand abruptly.

Chen Zilin played with her a few times.It still looks pretty simple.Soon the group booed and let her do it herself.Xiang Nan thought it would be easy, so he agreed.

But in practice, it's not easy at all.I keep making mistakes.Inaccurate guess.

The loser will drink a glass of wine, soon.Xiangnan drank more than ten cups.

There is no way to go on like this.After all, you still have to think about how to get out.

When it was finally over, Xiang Nan was a little dizzy.But sanity is still clear.It's just that the action is a little slow.Speech is a little unclear.

When Chen Zilin was on the way, she passed out drunk, and she originally wanted to take this opportunity to send her back.Naihe was stopped.When Chen Zilin was drunk, she didn't dare to act rashly, so she had to stay submissively and keep a distance from them.

People have almost dispersed.Even Chen Zilin was taken away.

Xiang Nan leaned on the sofa to rest.

"Miss Xiang is drunk, how about I take you back?"

Xiang Nan opened his eyes, and saw that the mischievous Mr. Zhou was looking at him with a lewd expression.Her heart was pounding.Chen Zilin left.I was drunk again.No one came to help me at all.Had to find a way to avoid him.

(End of this chapter)

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