Chapter 15
go you! "Tang Si flicked his right hand, and Liu Long flew out together with his stick. Immediately, there was an exclamation on the field. Tang Si's strength is already great. Before he got the first soul ring, Xuantian Kungfu was still on the first floor Yousheng was already a battle soul master of the first-ring assault system when he was young, and now both his internal strength and strength have increased. A soul master like Liu Long who doesn't even have a soul ring can hardly shake Tang Si head-on. Boss Xiao's expression instantly changed The gloomyness subsided, Tang Si's just erupted battle strength was already above him, even if he didn't summon the martial soul, he asked himself that even if he summoned the martial soul, he would never be able to be like Tang Si. "Are you sure?" Is it a work-study student? Boss Xiao stared straight at Tang Si. "Of course!"A first-year work-study student, a battle soul master of the eleventh-level assault department in the first ring, Tang Si, Wuhun Xuanyuanjian, please advise! " Tang Si summoned Xuanyuan Sword (it will be called like this from now on, the others are too troublesome), and the strong golden soul power spewed out following the summoning of the martial soul.

Tang Si must hide his strength for a while, after all, level [-] is too shocking.

Liu Long, who was just about to get up, saw the yellow soul ring on Tang Si's body, and immediately lay down and pretended to be dead. A one-ring soul master from tm came over to be awesome like me.

"Xiao Chenyu, a sixth-grade student, Wuhun, wolf. Eleventh-level one-ring battle soul master." Unlike Tang Si, Xiao Chenyu had a white spirit ring floating on his body.

Tang Si curled his lips in disdain, he hadn't reached the century-old soul ring yet, so he came over to play tricks on me.

Xuanyuan Sword in Tang Si's hand pointed obliquely at Xiao Chenyu, and the soul power of a fifteenth-level soul master surged, and a purple mist appeared around Tang Si's body that was visible to the naked eye.This is still the case when he only released the eleventh level of soul power.

Xiao Chenyu, the blue wolf claws rushed towards Tang Si like a storm, "Wind stab!"

Xiao Chenyu also used the first soul skill that Xiao Chenyu hadn't used in the original work. The invisible pressure on Tang Si's body kept oppressing Xiao Chenyu, making his soul power run to the limit. At this moment, Xiao Chenyu put aside All the concerns were exhausted, and the light on the wolf's paw rose half an inch out of thin air.Tang Si's eyes lit up, and at this moment he began to show its unique and powerful power. The Xuanyuan Sword pierced through the purple mist around Tang Zhou's body, and met Xiao Chenyu's wolf claws. Swinging his wolf claws vigorously, the originally hard bones strengthened by the martial soul were almost broken. However, under the impact of a hot soul power, Xiao Chenyu raised his head and spurted out a mouthful of hot blood.My head hurts from the shock.In a trance, Xiao Chenyu felt a cold touch pierce the skin of his chest. Before he could see it clearly, there was an exclamation in his ears, and the next moment, the stinging pain hit like sea water.Taking a closer look, Tang Si was less than one meter away from him when he was. The tip of Xuanyuan Sword touched his clothes, and the blood-red sharp edge pierced through his skin, piercing his chest with blood flowing.

"Admit it?" Tang Si stared at Xiao Chenyu, with a domineering and unquestionable tone in his tone, Xiao Chenyu half knelt down, his right hand was covering his chest, and there was a trace of blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, "You are better than me, I will obey you , but I don't agree with the two of them."

"Hehe." Tang Si looked at him sensitively.

Just as he was talking, Tang San Xiaowu released his martial spirit, "Tang San, an eleventh-level control system battle spirit master, Wuhun Lanyincao!" "Xiao Wu, a twelfth-level battle spirit master, Wuhun Rabbit!" Although Xiao Chenyu didn't understand the meaning of the control system, Tang San Xiaowu still dazzled his eyes with a hundred-year-old soul ring. "Sister Xiaowu, I'm convinced. From now on, you will be the eldest sister of our Nuoding Elementary Soul Master Academy." Xiao Chenyu lowered his head.Tang Si patted Xiao Chenyu's shoulder like a big black brother, turned around like Tang San and walked over, Xiao Wu rolled his eyes at Tang Si, Tang Si stole all the limelight.

Looking at his elder brother, and obsessively watching Xiao Wu perform the power handover ceremony, Tang Si shook his head helplessly, and then pulled him away regardless of Tang San's disagreement, and said as he walked, "Let's go, sing!" , let's go out for a walk."

The two of them wandered around until the sun was setting and then hurried to the academy. Seeing that they were about to enter the academy, Tang San hurriedly dragged Tang Si into a blacksmith's shop.Tang Si was fascinated at the time, what the hell, he had to work at home, why did he have to work every day when he got money every month.Under Tang Sansheng's pull, Tang Si and Tang San became apprentices in the blacksmith shop together.When Tang Si went back to the dormitory, he changed from his former high spirits, with a face full of lovelessness.Asking the reason clearly made Xiao Wu amused, lying on the bed laughing non-stop.Tang Si drew circles in the corner, leaving his butt facing the crowd.

Xiao Wu asked with some doubts, "Why do you have so much money?" "If you have money, take it, one gold soul coin a month." Tang San said while packing up the things he just went to the street to buy.

As soon as Xiao Wu heard it, it was worth it, and if she had the money, she immediately ran away in a hurry, swaying, Tang Si was eating and waiting to die, and the semester was over, but he and Tang San really worked hard and saved a small coffers, a few months Afterwards, as blacksmithing and profound arts became more and more refined, his strange strength increased a lot, and the master couldn't be more excited. Looking at Tang Si's eyes, Tang Si felt that he was about to be sliced ​​and studied.Tang San asked for leave and bought a blacksmith's hammer, ready to go home to see his father, Tang Si saw it, he remembered that his father should have prepared for Tang San to grow up independently, and went home Mostly you won't see them either.To be honest, Tang Si really missed Tang Hao a little bit.People are not plants, maybe Tang Si didn't feel that he had already treated Tang Hao as his biological father. "Xiao Wu, tomorrow is a holiday, do you want to go home?" Tang San said to Xiao Wu while packing his luggage.Xiao Wu leaned on the bed, her eyes showed a bit of loneliness, which was quite different from her usual lively and cheerful, "I don't go home, maybe, I'll just stay in the academy." Tang San was stunned for a moment, "It's been a year, you also Why don't you go home and have a look?"

(As usual, it is healthier to jump once, until you have returned from home.)
(End of this chapter)

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