Douluo's Overlord System

Chapter 16 Five years pass by in a hurry.

Chapter 16 Five years pass by in a hurry.

These days are passing by in a hurry, "Oh, pity my lovely wallet, it has been empty all these years, and I even borrowed the travel expenses to Shrek Academy from the master. Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo , i'm so miserable!" "why , do you have an opinion?" Xiao Wu had a dangerous expression on her face. "No, no, I mean the third brother didn't pay back the money he borrowed from me!" Tang Si said seriously.

The Shrek Academy Yu Xiaogang asked Tang Si and the others to sign up for is located in Soto City of the Barak Kingdom, a city called Barak Granary, and another important city of the Barak Kingdom is the capital Barak City. All are heavily guarded.Barak Kingdom is located in the south of the Heaven Dou Empire, bordering on the province of Fasno. It is said to be a kingdom, but in fact its area is only three-quarters of the province of Fasno. It is a subsidiary country of the Heaven Dou Empire. One of the great kingdoms.King Barak Kundera is the cousin of Okura, the king of today's Dou Empire.The south of the Kingdom of Balak directly borders the Star Luo Empire, which directly leads to the military strength of the Kingdom of Balak.Suotuo City is a big city, and the Wuhun Hall is configured here as the main Wuhun Hall.At this time, the sun was in full swing, and three young men walked in at the west gate of Suotuo City. The leading boy was dressed plainly and looked about twelve or thirteen years old. He was about 1.7 meters tall and was wearing a light blue dress. Very neat.Around his waist is a belt inlaid with 24 jade stones, and his black half-length hair barely hangs down to his shoulders. Although his appearance is not handsome, it gives people a feeling that he is easy to get close to.There is always a faint smile on the corner of the mouth.

If the boy looks peaceful and ordinary, then the girl beside him looks not so ordinary.

The silky smooth long black hair is combed into neat scorpion braids, even the braids still hang down over the calves. She is half a point taller than the boy, and she wears a pink dress on her upper body. The body that has begun to develop is tightly covered. If the chest is not plump enough, then her slender waist will make countless women envious.

Her slender and tight thighs were wrapped in white trousers, the perfect golden ratio. Although she looked young and had a childish look on her face, her round buttocks were already quite tasteful.

Curved eyebrows are naturally formed, a pair of big watery eyes and a slightly round pink face, not only beautiful, but also gives people a somewhat delicate feeling, the word cute seems to be tailor-made for her generally.The boy standing beside her has long been covered by her invisible brilliance, and beside her is an even more radiant boy. The boy's skin seems to have no pores, so white and tender that girls are envious, and his facial features are even more enviable. Marvel at heaven and man, sleep deeply, the eyes seem to suck people in.

This made others think she was a stunning woman at first glance, unparalleled in beauty.

The girl raised her hand, swiped her slightly damp forehead, and said with some complaints: "Finally arrived at this Soto city. I really don't know what the master thinks, obviously there are several intermediate soul master academies who have expressed their desire to He recruited us unconditionally, but he insisted on letting you come to this broken college that doesn't even have grades."

The boy smiled slightly and said: "The teacher asked us to take the exam, but he didn't let you come. Who told you to come with me. Fortunately, the Kingdom of Barak borders the province of Fasno, otherwise, wouldn't you be complaining even more? "

The girl gave the boy a blank look, "I'm so heartless, it's not because of you. Who told you to be my elder brother. Anyway, the exam will be taken the day after tomorrow. No matter, you have to play with me in Suoto City for two days to make up for me. The damage to a young heart."

The handsome boy laughed and said: "The eldest sister of Notting College for six consecutive years has a young heart? If your younger brothers see it, I don't know if they will jump into the river immediately."

These two men and one woman are Tang San Tang Si and Xiao Wu who came from Notting Elementary Soul Master Academy.

The three simply ate and started looking for a place to live.After a short time, Xiao Wu found a chic hotel. "Rose Hotel, let's stay here tonight!" Xiao Wu turned to look at Tang Si and Tang San. "Okay!" "Agreed!"

When you walk into the Rose Hotel, the first thing you will feel is the tangy rose fragrance. The refreshing fragrance has a somewhat ambiguous feeling, which makes you feel comfortable physically and mentally.

Tang Si walked to the counter, "Please open us two rooms." That's right, one for himself, one for Tang San and Xiao Wu. "Sorry, three guests, we only have one room left here." The front desk looked apologetic. "No way!" Xiao Wu showed a look of disappointment, this hotel is indeed very beautiful, it should be said that its red and white tones perfectly fit the girl's heart.

"Let's just have one room, Tang Si and I will sleep on the floor." Tang San suggested a solution, he didn't want to see Xiao Wu disappointed.

Just as they were about to pay the fee, a sudden voice interrupted them. "I said, this room should be mine!"

Tang Si and the others turned around and looked.I saw a man walking over with a pair of twins in his arms.Tang Si was not attracted by the twins, but stared at the man in front of him.

The boy's grade is not very old, his long golden hair is scattered behind his back, and his eyes have double pupils, which is very strange. "I'm afraid this is Dai Mubai," Tang Si thought to himself, "In terms of appearance, he is indeed a dragon and phoenix among men, but compared to me, he is really ugly." He began to be narcissistic again.

Dai Mubai walked to the counter, looked at the waiter, and said: "You are new here, don't you know there is always a room reserved for me? Ask your manager to come out."

"Hey hey, obviously we came first." Xiao Wu looked dissatisfied. "So what?" "It's not good! I just want you to go away." At Notting College, Xiao Wu believed in being able to use her hands and try not to make noise. As the eldest sister of Notting College, she has never been treated like this Bully, with a dodge, stood with Tang San.

"Hey, Xiaosi, you are still not one of your own, come quickly." Xiao Wu said dissatisfied. "It's not good to bully people as soon as you come here!" Tang Si looked at Xiao Wu, although the strongest said so, he still stood with them.Dai Mubai stared at the three of them with icy eyes.

"Very good. It's been a long time since no one dared to talk to me like that. Come on together. If you win, I'll leave right away. If I win, I'll ask you to show how to roll down."

After hearing Dai Mubai's words, the two twins next to him walked aside, not worried about Dai Mubai at all. "If you have something to say, if you have something to say, don't do it."

(Haha, it's finally on the right track. By the way, let me reveal that the heroine is Ning Rongrong.)
(End of this chapter)

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