Douluo's Overlord System

Chapter 29 Xuanyuan Sword changes.

Chapter 29 Xuanyuan Sword changes.

In the early morning of the second day, when the sun rose in the east, I saw the original white sun, and a trace of purple appeared in a trance, but it was so small that it was almost invisible.

After Tang San and Tang Si practiced Ziji Demon Eye, Tang San went to the cafeteria to eat, but Tang Si asked Oscar to wake up.

Tang Si felt an imperceptible power of the soul, "Well... what's the matter?" Tang Si just became suspicious, the next moment Tang Si's chest flashed with golden light, Xuanyuan Sword flew out from Tang Si's chest.

"This is, I didn't summon the Martial Soul? Tang Si looked suspiciously at the Xuanyuan Sword, which was still shining with golden light.

"Wait, this..." Tang Si had just sensed where the power of the soul was, when suddenly his eyes darkened and he passed out.

When Tang Si woke up again, he was no longer in the dormitory.

Looking at the surrounding environment, the whole body is pitch black, without any excess, the whole environment looks so simple, Tang Si opened his eyes and said, "Is this my spiritual sea?"

"Hehe, you are very smart, little guy."

A thick middle-aged voice came from not far away.

Not far away, a ray of golden light emerged, gradually forming a human shape, and gradually solidified. This is a blond man, dressed in white. Although it is illusory, sharp will emerges in his eyes, and he can't move.

"You are?" Tang Si looked at the man in front of him, and secretly exclaimed that he might not even have a Titled Douluo, so powerful.

"Me? Hehe, I am Xuanyuanjian." Xuanyuanjian just looked at Tang Si with a smile.

"Then why did you come to see me?" Tang Si wasn't too surprised, maybe he had already guessed it, he just asked lightly.

"Hehe, little guy, I appreciate you more and more. As for the purpose of calling you here, then you accept my inheritance." Xuanyuanjian looked at Tang Si who was within the range of vigilance every step he took at this time.

Inheritance?A power like this does not hesitate to deceive, as long as it does not take away.Tang Si breathed out and said, "Inheritance? What's good for me?"

"Very good, you are not moved by the benefits, you are already my successor." Xuanyuanjian looked at Tang Si with a gratified look and explained slowly, "There are many people who have used me since ancient times, including emperors and beggars. .

But they only used me and never got my approval. If there is one, it is probably the Yellow Emperor, but his ideas are too radical, leading to the demise of the dynasty. I am just a virtual image in front of you. I let you accept my inheritance, but inheritance is not any practice, but my memory, the memory from ancient times to the present, the memory of thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, have you figured it out? "

At the end of Xuanyuanjian's speech, his emotions became more and more agitated, as if he was about to build a supreme foundation in the next moment.

Tang Si thought about it carefully, and pondered after a while, "Hehe, this should be a test. If you survive, I will get your memory. If you can't survive, your soul should disappear in the void."

Xuanyuanjian's smile became even more open, looking at Tang Si in front of him and saying, "Yes, so it's your decision." "Of course I will agree, how can I not do such an exciting thing." Tang Si smiled and looked at Xuanyuanjian , but the smile is chilling.

"Very interesting little guy, come and feel the ancient call." Xuanyuanjian made a prayer appearance, and at this time his mental state also changed greatly.

The originally pitch-black sea of ​​spirits was slowly infected into gold by the golden light emitted by Xuanyuan Sword, and when the golden color was perfectly finalized, Xuanyuan Sword also turned into dust and drifted away with the wind.

Tang Si and the others seemed to have a lot of things in their minds, but it was not like the usual pleasure of acquiring new exercises in the system.

On the contrary, it felt as if his head was about to be torn apart, "Ahhh!" Tang Si squatted on the ground holding his head in pain and said angrily.

The golden sea of ​​spirits is also slowly dyed red, and finally green, the color changes from blue to yellow.

The sea of ​​spirits at this time may be truly fused with Tang Si due to this intense pain, and the color is all determined by Tang Si's heart.

After a while, Tang Si slowly opened his eyes. What kind of eyes are these? The blue pupils are round, and the pupils are in the shape of a star.

It seems to have gone through the world and read all the vicissitudes.

It seems that the moment under the rough water is like a mirror again.

But no one knows what is hidden under the mirror.

It makes people look at it, as if they are about to suck it in.The memory of tens of thousands of years made Tang Si feel the various states of the world, the warmth and coldness of human relationships.

"Haha, I saw a beggar praying humblely for his livelihood, and I saw a mother humbly for her son.

I also saw the Yellow Emperor, from a mediocre person to a lord of a dynasty, I experienced the blood when he killed the enemy, but I also felt the fear when he killed the first time, hehe, this is human It's warm and cold. "

And at this moment, the golden sea of ​​spirit was suddenly covered by purple and red, and a pair of pupils were still unfolding in his sea of ​​spirit.

Tang Si took a closer look, isn't this his Samsara Eye and Kaleidoscope Sharingan?

"Use your soul power to protect the source!" Ling'er's anxious voice came to Tang Si's mind.

Tang Si completely trusted Ling'er without even thinking about it, and the golden soul power gradually rose, enveloping the sea of ​​spirits, and the sword with the most brilliant golden light was Xuanyuan Sword.

At this time, in a certain depth of Tang Si's sea of ​​souls, the golden man frowned slightly, "I miscalculated, I didn't expect such a thing to be hidden in his body, but it shouldn't cause too much influence."

"Ling'er, what's the situation?" Tang Si asked suspiciously, "Actually, this is the will of Samsarayan and Kaleidoscope Sharingan." Linger pretended to be knowledgeable.

"The system will not create a pair of reincarnation eyes and kaleidoscope sharing eyes for you for no reason, these are nourished from another plane with those real reincarnation eyes and kaleidoscope sharing eyes.

From another point of view, this pair of eyes is stronger than the real reincarnation eye kaleidoscope writing sharing eye, but this strength also has side effects. "

"Side effects?" "That's right, it's this will, maybe this will is a good thing, your eyes are just for your use, not yours, only if you really integrate this will, it's yours, and if you fuse This will and personality might change drastically.”

"Then what are you waiting for, then I will integrate quickly." Tang Si said indifferently.

"What do you know? This will is not the memory you just merged, and after a big change in personality, you may become a villain or a good person. This is unpredictable. Besides, with your current If you are lucky, you will become a fool, but if you are unlucky, your soul will be wiped out." Ling'er looked at him with the eyes of a fool.


(End of this chapter)

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