Douluo's Overlord System

Chapter 30 The change of the little witch.

Chapter 30 The change of the little witch.

There are no Jiazi in the mountains, time flies, when Tang Si opened his eyes again, the sun was already shining.

Tang Si glanced at the weather, and didn't intend to eat, so he hurried to the meeting place in the morning.

When Tang Si arrived, except Fatty and Zhu Zhuqing, everyone else was already there, including Ning Rongrong and Oscar.

"Where did you go? You didn't come this morning:" Before Tang Si could speak, Ning Rongrong ran over and said.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, it was just a morning, but in Tang Si's spiritual sea, it felt like ten thousand years.

Tang Si shook his head and responded with a smile, "What's wrong?"

Ning Rongrong opened her small mouth, and just about to say something, she took it back and said in a low voice. "It's nothing. Tang San and the others said you didn't eat, so I'll bring you something to eat." Ning Rongrong took out a dairy product and a bottle of milk from the bag behind her, and handed it to Tang Si.

"What's the matter? Why is it so good today." "Would you like to eat or not." Tang Si hurriedly finished the bag of food, he was really a little hungry.

Tang Si didn't give way to everyone, he picked it up and started eating, asking questions while eating. "Are you lazy this morning? Went to Soto City?"

Ning Rongrong's eyes widened, "How do you know?" Tang Si smiled, pointing to the exquisitely packaged dairy food.

Are you fucking stupid? This has the imprint of the shop in Suoto City on it. Of course, Tang Si will not say this, otherwise his waist will be cordially greeted.

"The dean has already told me, don't you want to teach me a lesson?" Ning Rongrong's beautiful eyes were full of tears.

"How is it possible, no, how could I be like this." Seeing that Ning Rongrong had tears in his eyes, Tang Si hurriedly explained.

"Rongrong, don't listen to his nonsense, he's very rambunctious. Didn't you already apologize and say you want to visit the fighting spirit with us? Walk around." Xiao Wu, who was eavesdropping, saw Tang Si This idiot is a piece of wood just like Tang San, he doesn't know how to coax a girl at all, so he quickly came up and pulled Ning Rongrong and said.

Xiao Wu: My heart is broken for this family.

"Yeah, yes, yes, how could I blame you, we can form a team when the time comes to fight the soul, so that I can protect you."

Tang Si hurriedly waved his hands to explain, but he really didn't expect Ning Rongrong to apologize so easily, he originally thought it would take some time.

In fact, what he didn't know was that Ning Rongrong's pride was all erased by himself. The 12-year-old 36-level soul master was still tough with the 76-level soul saint in the competition.

Ning Rongrong felt that compared to him, she was really not a genius. Tang Si's evil figure at that time is still engraved in Ning Rongrong's heart, and she can't get rid of it for a long time.

Flender appeared again, without too much nonsense, and said directly, "Mubai, Tang San, Tang Si, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong, Ma Hongjun, the seven of you are going to the Soul Arena in Soto City tonight , everyone participated in the soul fight at least once.

Ning Rongrong is not a combat type, so he doesn't need to participate in the soul fight. "


"Dean, I'll go too." Oscar saw that the situation was wrong, this was the rhythm of throwing himself down, so he raised his hand and said.

"Okay." Flender nodded, as long as it wasn't about cultivation, Flender would not easily obstruct students' decisions under normal circumstances.

Flender took the lead, as an agility attack system soul sage, his speed was far from being comparable to others, but Flender clearly controlled his own speed, allowing Oscar and Ning Rongrong to barely keep up.

Shrek Academy is not far from Soto City, and when it was completely dark, everyone also arrived at today's destination, the Great Soul Arena!
The majestic and magnificent construction of the Great Spirit Arena in Suotuo City, with its noble style and gorgeous decorations, demonstrates the strength and wealth of the forces behind the Great Spirit Arena.

Inside the fighting spirit arena Tang San had never seen a magnificence, while Tang Si showed a calm expression, joking that Tang Si was the heir of a big family in his previous life, and this kind of small scene could be done well.

The crystal chandelier in the fighting spirit field, the carpet woven with the fur of soul beasts, and the decorations made of various precious woods that have been around for thousands of years... completely kill the most noble place in the world, okay...

The waiter at the front desk of the fighting spirit field was meticulously dressed, and the woman's clothes were not as revealing as imagined for the occasion.

"Okay, you register for the fighting spirit badge yourself, Mubai, you teach them. Go back to the academy on your own after the end." After Flender led the people to the place, he was completely like herding sheep, letting them move freely, the only requirement It is to complete the task and return to the academy.

"Uh, he's leaving right now?" Tang Si's face was full of confusion, this is...what's the use of him?lead the way?Do you still need him to lead the way?No, oh, I remembered, in the original book he was here to make money.

"Ahem, let me briefly introduce the rules of fighting spirits.

To put it simply, the levels of fighting spirits are divided into iron, copper, silver, gold, purple gold, sapphire, ruby, and diamond!

And the only condition for advancement is points!In the individual competition, one point will be awarded for each game won, and one point will be deducted for each game lost!After winning five games in a row, you will get ten points for each game you win!After ten consecutive victories, one hundred points will be added for each game in a row.

I am currently a Bronze Fighting Soul, with 27 wins and 25 losses, with two points!And it takes [-] points for a Bronze Fighting Soul to advance to a Silver Fighting Soul!
Our graduation goal is to at least become a silver fighting spirit!

I will accompany you to sign up first. "Dai Mubai brought a few Xiaobai to the front of the fighting spirit stage.

The waiters in front of the counter smiled and did not look down on them because they were young. Similarly, their efficiency in cooking for you was amazing, enough to show their formality.

But after a while, Tang Si and the others got their fighting spirit badges ready, but the points on them were zero.

By the way, everyone signed up for a single match, of course, Ning Rongrong and Oscar were not included.

After registering for the individual competition, Xiao Wu suggested that Tang San team up with him and register for another two-person competition. This point reminded Dai Mubai, but when he saw Zhu Zhuqing's cold and icy expression, he gasped. In the same way, he is the third ring and Zhu Zhuqing is the second ring, so they cannot compete in the same group.

"Rongrong, let's apply for a combination competition." Tang Si naturally embraced Ning Rongrong's shoulders, ignoring her murderous eyes and said.

Ning Rongrong dodged for a while, seeing Tang Silan's strength, he stopped struggling, and said, "I'm in the auxiliary department, and the two of them will suffer a lot in the battle."

"Mu's relationship, you have your man to protect you, just two people? No problem! You can just add to me, our young couple will definitely beat all opponents in the doubles match." Tang Si was talking nonsense, and moved his hands down unconsciously Moved, but was mercilessly knocked down by Ning Rongrong.

"Are you sure?" Ning Rongrong asked, ignoring the flirtatious words in Tang Si's mouth selectively.

Without saying a word, Tang Si dragged her to the front desk and reported a duo.

"Please give your group a name." The waiter said with a smile.

"Glass sword combination!" Ning Rongrong took the first step and reported it directly.

"Okay, your combination has a glazed sword combination that has been established, do you need to arrange a battle?"

"Arrangement!" Tang Si said boldly, paid the money and left.

The two of them walked to the stands, Xiao Wu's battle was over, and Tang San's battle had also begun.

As expected, Tang San's opponent was still Zhu Zhuqing. The result was obvious. When the spirit power was suppressed, the agility attack system was basically restrained against the control system. Zhu Zhuqing might be able to fight Tang San on complex terrain. Fighting for a few rounds, but in a face-to-face duel, the Sensitive Attack Department lost all its advantages and was definitely at a disadvantage.

And Tang San's Blue Silver Grass Wuhun unsurprisingly became the focus of discussion on the field, even people came to ask during the cutscene, Dai Mubai prevaricated by using the Wuhun mutation as an excuse.

"Tang Si, the next game will be you. Xiao San and the others are two against two, you can solve it as soon as possible, and you can still catch up."

Dai Mubai reminded Tang Si.

"En." Tang Si nodded, then remembered something, glanced at Tang San and Xiao Wu, but didn't speak.

According to the plot, next Tang San will meet two twin brothers who forged hammers into martial spirits, and will be injured because of this.

It's just that Tang Si hesitated for a while and still didn't say a word to remind him. After all, the injury was not serious, and his excessive intervention would not do any good.

(End of this chapter)

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