Douluo's Overlord System

Chapter 34 Star Dou Great Forest.

Chapter 34 Star Dou Great Forest.

The next morning.Everyone gathered in the square, waiting for departure.After a while, Zhao Wuji also arrived.

He looked a bit miserable, with two big dark circles under his eyes, a bruised nose and a swollen face, and a crooked mouth.

Tang Si was very puzzled: Dad's attack was quite dark, and he hasn't healed for so long, it seems that it has been two or three days.

Seeing Zhao Wuji's tragic state, everyone couldn't help laughing. "Why are you laughing, you bastards." Zhao Wou-ki stared.Xiao Wu was not happy about this, and muttered: "Why don't you say that Xiaoxiong is blind."

Tang Si burst out laughing out loud.Zhao Wou-ki originally wanted to curse, but he looked at Tang Si with a strange look in his eyes, so he didn't continue to say anything.

"Get ready, let's go!" Zhao Wuji said.Everyone followed Zhao Wuji to the Star Forest.

Everyone maintained their formation, Dai Mubai stood directly in front of the team, next to Xiao Wu and Tang San, Ma Hongjun and Zhu Zhuqing were on the left and right sides, Oscar and Ning Rongrong were in the middle of the team, Tang Si was at the end of the team square.

This arrangement makes sense, the second most powerful Dai Mubai is responsible for opening the way, Tang San and Xiao Wu are responsible for assisting him, Ma Hongjun and Zhu Zhuqing are responsible for paying attention to the situation on both sides, and the weaker auxiliary soul masters Oscar and Ning Rongrong are responsible for assisting him. In the middle of the team, protected by everyone.

Tang Si, who is the most powerful, is responsible for guarding the rear, grasping the situation of the entire team, and at the same time controlling the entire team. The task is the most important.

Shrek Academy is nearly [-] kilometers away from the Star Dou Great Forest. Even if everyone is a soul master, it is not an easy task to get there within a day.

Soon everyone started running. For Tang Si, it was not very difficult to run hundreds of kilometers in one go, but for others, it was very difficult. Fortunately, there were Oscar and Ning Rong along the way. Rong's supply, although everyone is a little tired, they can still support it.

Oscar's sausage is very useful, it restores soul power quickly, and it doesn't cost much soul power to make.

Oscar consumed a lot of soul power because of making sausages, Dai Mubai and Tang San took turns supporting his shoulders to move forward.And Ning Rongrong was thrown onto the Xuanyuan Sword by Tang Si, and Xuanyuan Sword carried Ning Rongrong to fly.

Looking at others is not envious.

The people ran all the way, and they covered a lot of distance in just one day. When the sun went down, they came to a small town, which was almost [-] kilometers away from Shrek.

Everyone was a little tired, even Tang Si couldn't bear it.And Ning Rongrong didn't run a few steps because he sat on Tang Si's Xuanyuan Sword all the way.

Zhao Wuji led the crowd to find a hotel, ordered Dai Mubai to arrange the room, and then left, eight students sat together.

Dai Mubai sat in the first place, the others sat casually, Xiao Wu sat beside Tang San, and Ning Rongrong sat beside Tang Si.Tang Si looked at everyone with a smile.Ma Hongjun was always the most excited about eating.

As soon as he sat down, Ma Hongjun hurriedly asked the waiter to take the menu.After a while, the waiter handed Dai Mubai the menu.

Casually throwing the menu to Ma Hongjun, Dai Mubai said: "Fatty, you are the one who knows how to eat the most here, you can order." Ma Hongjun took the menu and said: "Then Boss Dai, is this your treat?"

Dai Mubai said: "This is the first time for all of us to come out, I treat guests as I treat them, it's just to welcome the new students."

Ma Hongjun hastily opened the menu, ordered while saying: "Don't worry, I won't save you money."

In a short while, Ma Hongjun ordered more than a dozen dishes, some of which Tang Si had never seen before. Ma Hongjun fully demonstrated to everyone what it means to be able to eat.The dishes were served very quickly, and it took only ten minutes in total, and more than half of the dishes were served.

Dai Mubai raised his wine glass, said: "It's fate that everyone can gather together, we will study and live together in the future, let us all have a toast together."

Everyone toasted together, even Zhu Zhuqing who had been indifferent and Ning Rongrong beside Tang Si drank a few sips.After putting down their wine glasses, everyone began to chat while eating, and the atmosphere suddenly rose.

Just then, a group of people came in at the door.The fat man kept staring at the female student among the group of people, his small eyes fixed on him.

Turning his head, Ma Hongjun asked: "Boss Dai, that chick is not bad, they are from Canghui College, right?" Dai Mubai said disdainfully: "Canghui College, isn't that a garbage college?"

Dai Mubai didn't deliberately restrain his voice, the people from Canghui Academy heard it clearly.The students of Canghui Academy became angry all of a sudden.

I saw their five students walking towards Dai Mubai's direction.Just at this time, the waiter came to serve the food.

A student from Canghui Academy tripped the waiter with his foot, the waiter fell forward, and the food in his hand fell on Dai Mubai's head.

With a flash in Tang Si's eyes, he moved his right hand to the bottom of the plate, and with a light shake of his arm, the plate landed firmly on his hand without even a drop of soup showing.

Gently placing the dishes on the table, Tang Si stared at the five of them.The people of Canghui Academy didn't give up just like that, a male student walked up to Dai Mubai's side, kicked Dai Mubai's chair leg, but unexpectedly kicked Dai Mubai's foot , the student only felt pain in his toes, as if he had kicked an iron plate.

Dai Mubai never had a good temper, the tiger claws slapped the student's chest, the student instantly spat out blood, was sent flying, and knocked down the desks and chairs all over the floor.

The faces of the remaining four students burst into anger, angrily rushing towards Dai Mubai and Tang Si.As soon as Tang Si moved his footsteps, he was in front of the four of them in an instant.

The right foot kicked out four times in an instant, and before the four students of Canghui Academy could react, they vomited blood and flew away backwards.For Tang Si, cleaning up such small miscellaneous fish was effortless.

Ma Hongjun applauded persistently, Dai Mubai also extended a thumbs up to Tang Si.Tang Si smiled slightly, indicating that this was nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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