Douluo's Overlord System

Chapter 35 Old Turtle

Chapter 35 Old Turtle

The male student who fell on the ground suddenly became angry. "Go together!"

He turned his head and greeted the fellow male students, and the male students who failed to touch porcelain immediately rushed towards Tang Si and the others.

Seeing so many hot chickens running out from the opposite side, Tang Sidong didn't move, and the spirit ring on his body lighted up quietly. He didn't want to be watched because of his spirit ring configuration, at least not now.

Xuanyuan Sword flew out in an instant, Tang Si's fingers were pointed on the table like a sword, and kept sliding, Xuanyuan Sword was driven by Tang Si's arm.

Tang Si directly used the Xuanyuan Sword as a stick, and swung it with all his strength. The golden sword surface made a loud bang in the air, and the burst of soul power instantly sent several male students who rushed over violently flying out.

As if under control, the table where the food had just been served was instantly thrown into a mess by a male student who flew over and sat on his buttocks, and the leader of the Canghui Academy who was about to move his chopsticks was splashed all over his face by the splash of vegetable juice.

The face of the team leader of Canghui Academy immediately turned livid at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the diners around saw this and immediately dodged to the side, for fear of being hurt by Chiyu.

But even though they hid to the side, none of them left. Instead, they all hid in a place they thought was safe and excitedly watched the upcoming drama, the duel between soul masters. Only in the field can you see it!

"Hmph!" The leader of Canghui Academy let out a cold snort, and suddenly slapped the table, a blue turtle-like martial spirit suddenly emerged from his body, and a large amount of icy cold air instantly diffused towards the surroundings.

"Hmph, what, do you think you are very powerful?" On the side, Flender and Zhao Wuji, who hadn't planned to intervene, stood up one after another when they saw that the team leader of the other party was also planning to intervene. The terrifying four-eyed owl and The Vigorous King Kong Bear suddenly emerged from the bodies of the two of them.

Seeing the seven soul rings around Flender and Zhao Wuji, the leader of Canghui Academy's face suddenly turned from livid to pitch black, and finally turned to flattering red, which was embarrassing.

"No, no, I just want to stand up and wipe off the vegetable juice on my face. Look, it's wiped clean now!" Seeing that the other party had two soul saints, the leader of Canghui Academy was shocked immediately, and quickly used a gorgeous Wiping the vegetable juice splashed on his face with his sleeve, he smiled apologetically.

"You coward, aren't you just two soul sages! Come and fuck him." Tang Si pretended to be addicted to it again, and started pointing at the old turtle, cursing.

You are so fucking awesome, does your family know?What he said is so reasonable, I can't fucking resist.The old tortoise really lowered its head, and the black lines on its face increased one by one like magic.

Hearing this, Flender couldn't bear it anymore, and went straight up to give Tang Si a heavy punch on the head.

"You kid, can you die if you don't pretend to be cool? Get the fuck off and go to sleep." Seeing that the leader of Canghui Academy had confessed, Zao Wou-ki and Flender didn't pursue the matter any further. After dinner, everyone went back to their respective rooms. room to rest.

The next day, early morning.Before dawn, Zhao Wuji called everyone up, because there was only less than a hundred kilometers left to the Star Dou Forest.

So Flender intends to arrive as soon as possible before noon today, and then enter the forest to find the spirit ring that Oscar needs in an afternoon.

If they can find the best ones before dark, then everyone only needs to rest in the Star Dou Forest for one night.

You can go back the next day, but if you don't find it before dark, you can only rest for one night and wait for tomorrow to continue searching.

The reason why it is repaired at night is because the Star Forest is more dangerous than the Hunting Forest. At night, powerful soul beasts go out to hunt, so it is best not to run around.

Leaving the small town, because they had to arrive at the Star Dou Forest as soon as possible before noon, everyone went at full speed all the way. Ning Rongrong's Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda gave everyone a speed increase, and then Oscar made sausages to replenish their soul power consumption.

Finally, before noon, everyone arrived at the Star Dou Forest.Seeing the vast and boundless and lush forest in front of them, like a green ocean, everyone was shocked.

This is the Star Dou Great Forest, and one of the settlements of the three major wild soul beasts in the Douluo Continent. Countless soul beasts inhabit here. The rare thousand-year soul beasts in the hunting soul forest are just idle here, while the ten-thousand-year soul beasts If you go deep, you can see it. As for the legendary 10-year-old soul beast, it is said that it also appeared in the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest.

As everyone approached the Star Dou Great Forest, there were more and more towering trees covering the sky and the sun, and the various vegetation and shrubs in front of them became more and more lush. Gradually, there were no roads.

"I'm about to enter the Star Dou Forest, you must be careful, the spirit beasts here are not like the spirit beasts in the Hunting Soul Forest, they won't attack you unless you attack them.

The spirit beasts here will basically attack people if they see them.And in the Star Dou Great Forest, the hundred-year-old soul beasts are not even farts, the thousand-year-old soul beasts can be seen everywhere, and the ten-thousand-year soul beasts may be encountered if you are unlucky. Be careful.

I have a special soul skill that can observe my surroundings from the sky and avoid dangerous soul beasts, so you must follow me closely after entering the forest later.

But because it is difficult for me to be distracted and take care of you in this state, you should keep a distance of 20 meters from Mr. Zao Wou-Ki, not too far away from him.

Especially Ning Rongrong and Oscar, both of you are auxiliary soul masters with fragile bodies, and you have to follow him closely, and without my order, no one is allowed to attack soul beasts lightly, understand? "

Before formally entering the Star Dou Great Forest, Flender solemnly exhorted. "Understood." "Okay, Oscar, prepare some sausages, let everyone adjust their state first, and then store some for emergencies, and then everyone will officially enter the Star Dou Forest." Flender turned his gaze to Oscar, road.

"Okay." Oscar nodded. "I have a big sausage!" "I have a small sausage!"


Oscar kept chanting the incantation in a low voice, and summoned one sausage after another in his hands.

After making a small pile of sausages, Oscar handed out a large recovery sausage to everyone, and put the remaining large sausages and small sausages into the storage soul guide for storage.

Everyone took the big sausage and ate it quickly. Under the boost of the big sausage, everyone's soul power began to recover quickly, and everyone recovered.

Flender quickly got everyone to stand in formation, and he led the way. After Zhao Wuji stopped, the others stood in the middle. In this way, everyone cautiously entered the Star Dou Forest.

(End of this chapter)

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