Chapter 415

"Do you think I will be afraid of such a threat? You are really a bunch of childish ghosts!"

A group of vampires: "..."

How old do you think you are, and you are not the same age, but haven't An Xixuan's pupils always been one blue and one red?Why did it turn into red pupils.

The diameter of the wind blade attacked them and began to explode. Just when they thought they were dead, a figure suddenly appeared in front of them.

When An Xixuan saw Luo Xiao, all attacks stopped instantly, her red pupils froze slightly, and finally fell directly to the ground.The necklace also changed back to red and blue.


When An Xixuan woke up, it was already three days later, and the Skills Academy hadn't been peaceful in these three days, and Mo Sang, the champion of the hunting game, successfully won.

After An Xixuan fainted that day, Luo Xiao took her home and left the forest. As for the champion, he didn't care, and handed all the blood bottles that fell on the ground to Mo Sang.

It was precisely because of Mo Sang's situation that these blood bottles were given to her, otherwise Luo Xiao would have directly destroyed these blood bottles!

On the last day of the competition, Mosang was the only one left. In order to prevent other vampires from coming to take revenge, she found a place to hide, and left the forest directly after the teacher gave the signal to end the competition.

After leaving the forest, those students directly reported An Xixiang to the teachers, including Situ Linger.

Many vampire students asked the school to punish An Xixuan and report the matter to the Lord Wang Jiye, asking the Lord Wang to give them a fair explanation.You must know that this incident had a great impact on them, many vampires died tragically under her hands.

The vampire students who haven't met An Xixiang don't know what's going on at all, they just know that this matter is aimed at An Xixiang, and of course some don't even know who An Xixiang is? !

This matter is getting bigger and bigger, and Situ Linger is the happiest when this matter has become like this. She wants to see how An Xixuan can stop this time this time.

Dean Jin of the Skills Academy also has a big head. On the one hand, An Xixiang was recommended by the Lord to enter the academy, and his identity is also extremely mysterious.Coupled with the silver ring given by the lord, he would not dare to touch this little aunt even if he was given a few more guts!
On the other side is the crusade by these students. If there is no explanation, they probably won't be able to calm down.

"Dean, you must explain this matter, otherwise the group of students will not be able to calm down. Besides, my niece Situ Linger was also one of the victims, and all her team members were killed by An Xixiang !

Although the death of our vampires is not a rare thing, no one can accept the death of so many students, let alone those students and their parents! "

Dean Jin frowned, "Situ Yi, what you said about this matter is very simple. What they want to explain is to see An Xixuan being punished by the academy with their own eyes, but is it us who can move An Xixuan? If you think If you have the ability, you can go, if you can solve this matter, I will give you this position!"

Dean Jin was so angry that his chest heaved up and down. Seeing An Xixuan was punished with his own eyes was the price they wanted, and the matter of giving them blood to calm down could not be calmed down.

Situ Yi's status in Situ's family can be considered middle-of-the-road. He is the director of the Skills Academy, so he can't say big or small.

(End of this chapter)

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