Chapter 416

It is because of this position that Situ's family has such a middle position.

Mind belongs to the more cunning type, no different from Situ Ling'er, otherwise these two wouldn't be uncles and nephews.

He has always known Situ Linger's thoughts, and he also understands her little thoughts very well. He once thought that if Situ Linger could marry Luo Xiao, then his status in the Situ family would suddenly increase, but he did not expect that Suddenly came such an out.

I thought that Luo Xiao's icy appearance would definitely not please girls, and it must be Situ Mo who could return home with a beauty in his arms. Alas, it's a pity that everything is variable!
He was also there on the day when the heads of the four major families were announced. The silver ring represented the lord himself. Take care like this.

So An Xixuan might not be able to move.

Situ Yi left Dean Jin's office directly, leaving those teachers or other directors who were looking at each other in blank dismay. The only way they could think of was to hand over An Xixiang, otherwise there was really no other way.

Situ Ling'er stood in the woods of the college, waiting for Situ Yi's arrival. She really wanted to know what Dean Jin wanted to execute and explain to those students.

"Ling'er, I'm afraid your expectations will come to nothing!"

Hearing Situ Yi's voice, Situ Ling'er turned around and called out respectfully, "Uncle!"

He paused, "Uncle, what do you mean by what you just said? Could it be that Dean Jin disagrees with handing over An Xixuan for her to be punished? You must know that she killed more than 100 vampire students in the competition. Could it be that this Are the numbers not enough?"

Seeing her excited and angry expression, Situ Yi was also very helpless. Dean Jin didn't want him to do anything, he was just a director.

"Okay, aren't you doing well? What are you so excited about? Even if An Xixuan is punished, Luo Xiao won't like you, even if An Xixuan dies..."

"That's enough, stop talking, uncle, I naturally have my plan!"

Seeing her leaving back, Situ Yi frowned and didn't pay much attention to it. He didn't know when he could change his temper. He was sure that Luo Xiao would not like that Anxi even if he died. she.

An Xixuan's eyes have returned to their original appearance, one blue and one red two-color pupils, staring at the necklace in her hand in a daze, she knows that she has caused a lot of trouble this time, and she doesn't know the specific reason!
Luo Xiao walked into the room, sat behind her and hugged her, with a low voice: "Xiao Xuan, think about it carefully, why did this happen?"

An Xixuan shook her head, put the necklace on her neck, turned around and hugged him, and buried her head in his chest.

"I don't know, I really don't know, I have no memory of this incident at all. I just remember very clearly that my whole body was in pain before my consciousness disappeared, and I really can't remember what happened after that! "

Rubbing her hair, Luo Xiao helplessly asked no more questions, what could make her lose control and still have no memory at all?What is it?
From the corner of her eye, she saw the necklace on her chest, there was nothing unusual about it, it was still the same as the previous one

.He believed that this necklace would not hurt her, and he remembered that Xie Ming said that this necklace belonged to the Lord that night!

 Thank you for the cute monthly pass. Because it starts with a number, Huahua didn't type it out. Anyway, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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