Chapter 417

When it is on, it means that An Xixiong has been recognized as the master, so it is impossible to hurt.

"Luo Xiao, that man said that day that he came to vent his anger on Situ Ling'er. He was level six but I was only level three. I couldn't beat him. As for why he killed me..."

"I know!" Luo Xiao interrupted her. He still knew a little about that man. He was famous as a playboy, Gao Haoran, even more famous than Situ Mo, a playboy.

The difference is that Situ Mo and Gao Haoran have different identities. Situ Mo's identities are obviously much nobler than him, so no matter what kind of flirting outside, they will not mess around, they can only flirt!

However, Gao Haoran can do everything, including going to bed with various female vampires. The day he saw his dead body, he was very worried about Xiaopang, afraid of what he would do to Xiaopiao.

Fortunately not, Gao Haoran's death and Mo Sang's reaction made him heave a sigh of relief, if something really happened to Xiao Pian, he would not let the Gao family let go, let alone Situ Ling'er.

Situ Ling'er doesn't plan to take care of it anymore, just leave it to Situ Mo to solve it!

"Gao Haoran is a well-known playboy, it doesn't matter if he dies, after all, his father has a lot of sons, so I don't mind losing him!"

These words made An Xixuan twitch the corners of her lips, and said with a smile, "It's really inhumane for you to say that, no matter how you say it, he's someone else's son!"

Hearing this, Luo Xiao hugged her tightly, hugging her tightly.

"We are not human in the first place, we are vampires. If we want to have humanity, it depends on how we treat it. But for Gao Haoran, we don't need humanity!"

"Yeah, you're handsome and everything you say makes sense!"


He pinched the tip of her nose lovingly.

The two fell on the bed together, cuddling each other, they depended on each other, no one could separate them, including anything!
"Then what do we want to do with this matter? The vampires at the Skills Academy have always wanted me to be punished, but I've stayed at home like a coward and dare not come out!"

Hearing her decadent tone, he kissed her fair forehead distressedly, and could only comfort her.

"Don't think so much, this matter will be resolved, you have to trust your parents, if you don't trust your parents, then you should trust Ji Ye?!"

Picking up the hand intertwined with her fingers, the silver ring on the middle finger shone with a piercing light, although it was fleeting.

"As long as you wear this silver ring for a day, it will prove that no vampire can harm you. This is the best security that Polar Night gives you. If there is a vampire who really wants to touch you, unless he is really impatient to live Already!"

If one day something really happened to Xiao Pian, he really couldn't imagine it, Xie Ming would be angry...

"You don't have to worry about this matter, the lord will solve it. As for Xiao Pian, she will not go to school for a few days, so stay at home and rest well!"

Luo's mother said helplessly, and when she heard Luo's mother speak, the two sat up quickly.

An Xixuan was a little embarrassed, she hadn't made such an intimate gesture with Luo Xiao in front of her elders.

Luo's mother smiled, "Are you surprised to see me? It is our greatest comfort that your relationship can remain like this!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Ma didn't bother them anymore, the children's happiness was their greatest comfort.

The two looked at each other and smiled.


Situ's house.

(End of this chapter)

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