Chapter 422

"You give back my son, is there any justice! Do you think this matter is just compensation? We want to pay in blood!"

Dean Jin was also very helpless for a while, praying in his heart that Ji Ye would appear soon, he was almost unable to hold on anymore, these vampires were making trouble out of no reason, he really had no choice.

Repaying blood debts is easier said than done, but An Xixuan can't kill her!

The figures of Xuanyuan Yu and Yu Wenfeng quickly came to Dean Jin, and Dean Jin gave them a surprised look. What are they two doing here?
"Dean, stop trying to persuade these inhuman vampires. They have been bribed by someone, and they want to use this method to force sister Xiaopang to come out!"

Yu Wenfeng's voice fell, and the scene became quiet in an instant, most afraid of the sudden silence of the air.

Dean Jin looked at Xuanyuan Yu, wanting to know whether what Yu Wenfeng said was true.

Xuanyuan Yu nodded and said, "Principal, what Xiaofeng said is correct. These parents were indeed bribed, and they were appointed to make trouble here. I suspect that the vampire students in the basic class were also bribed."

"Xuanyuan Yu, you are talking nonsense. An Xizheng killed us, shouldn't she be punished as a vampire? Why is the culprit still enjoying himself? It's not fair!"

A vampire student stood up with a resentful expression on his face, as if he was about to kill someone, but he was facing Xuanyuan Yu.

Many vampire students also had the same expression on their faces, all very resentful and disgusting.What exactly did Xiaoxiu do to make them feel so sad? Is it just because of the death of those students?
"This classmate, I want to ask you, An Xixuan, who killed you and who can make you hate her so much!"

"She didn't kill anyone from me, I, I just..."

"Just what? Are you afraid that you will be the next one she kills? Why can't you tell me why, or do you feel sorry for these parents? It's really just eating carrots and worrying!"

Xuanyuan Yu said.

The student who yelled the loudest also said that he didn't receive benefits. It seems that he was the one who received the most, and he had to hesitate for a long time to give a reason.

Presumably he hadn't even seen Xiao Pian's shadow when he was in the forest!
Just about to say something, Ji Ye walked out slowly, and all the noisy voices fell silent the moment they saw Ji Ye. What they were facing at the moment was the male vampire at the top of Ji Ye's world!
Although the silver hair has been cut short, the hair emanating from his body still cannot be ignored, and even a sense of fear slowly emerges in his heart.

Dean Jin quickly stood aside, the boss was finally willing to play, listen to how quiet the world is at the moment, ah, so quiet!

Ji Ye was expressionless, and his purple eyes glanced at all the vampires, all of them quickly lowered their heads, not to mention those students, some of their legs were already shaking.

"I have a list in my hand, which clearly records the basic class students and junior class students who participated in the hunting game. I also have the list of dead students. A total of [-] students were killed.

However, you are the parents of these students. I would like to know if all the parents of death studies are here?If you can't answer, then I will start the roll call! "

Ji Ye's voice was positive and cold, he had to do it himself for such a small matter, oh, it's really troublesome!
(End of this chapter)

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