Chapter 423

At this moment, the atmosphere was terribly quiet, Ji Ye glanced at the things written on the white paper, his face became more and more gloomy, these dead vampire students did quite a lot of "good things"!

I really don't understand what they learned in the technical academy, and how their parents educated them?

"Who are Lu Weijie's parents? Please come forward!" Ji Ye's voice was cold, coupled with his majesty and identity, this made those vampire parents dare not breathe a sigh of relief.

Let alone stand up, who knows what will happen in the next second, and they usually seldom manage and educate their children. If their children do something, they will suffer accordingly.

Ji Ye didn't force them to stand up, his main purpose was to calm these vampires, but when he saw the collected information, he was very disappointed in his heart, not only for these dead vampire students, but also for their parents.

"Lu Weijie, a student in the basic class with a first-level skill level, made some unforgivable mistakes because he liked a female classmate. Because the female classmate refused to be with him, he teamed up with a few vampires to rape the female classmate. Finally Kill directly.

Do you think that such a student deserves to die? It can be regarded as revenge for that female classmate! "

Ji Ye paused, and continued to read a few names, and the mistakes they made directly made their parents present pale, no, they were bloodless in the first place.

It just increased the fear in their hearts.

Xuanyuan Yu and Yu Wenfeng looked at each other, and couldn't help sighing in their hearts, they had only been away for a few months, what happened during this period is simply unbelievable!

Dean Jin also swallowed, such a thing happened, and he didn't know anything, it's over! !
"Do you still need me to tell all the mistakes these vampires have made?"

Ji Ye said, but none of the vampires dared to answer. The vampires who were still protesting over there were terrified and numb when they heard what Ji Ye said.

Those vampire students who died seemed to have made serious mistakes, but they just kept all the vampires from it.

"What? You didn't say a word? Didn't you all clamor to avenge your son before? Blood debt, come on, if the information in my hand is published, do you think you still have a quiet life?" ever?"

Ji Ye sneered, some things always require special means, otherwise people really think you are easy to bully.

Xuanyuan Yu couldn't help shaking her head helplessly, these vampires are really toasting and don't eat fine wine, this is the end, what else do you want if the lord threatens you.

Immediately, I felt that they could go to the sky for once. After all, people like the Lord King came out to threaten you, so they can't go to the sky?
All the parental vampires kept their heads down and didn't speak, and gradually began to regret this matter. If they had known this earlier, they shouldn't have betrayed their conscience for the immediate benefit.

But it's too late to regret now!

"My lord, we know we are wrong, we know we are wrong..." Such voices rang out in small fragments, and they all knelt down one after another.

An Xixuan walked over alone, and this was what he saw, with a haggard look on his small face.

(End of this chapter)

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