Chapter 436

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's all my fault, it's all my fault!" Two lines shed tears, Mosang wouldn't have died if it wasn't for her, why did every one of her friends leave her?

There has never been a day when she came to this world peacefully. All the students are targeting her. What did she do wrong?

Luo Xiao knelt down and hugged her tightly in his arms, flames appeared in his hands, burning Mosang's body.

In the midst of the flames, heavy snow was still falling, An Xizhen suddenly calmed down, raised her eyes to look at Luo Xiao, and asked, "Luo Xiao, if I become a real hunter vampire, you will still love me ?"

"I will become whatever you become. If you become a Buddha, I am willing to escape into Buddhism with you. If you become a demon and want to kill the world, I will become a demon and kill the world with you!"

Hearing the conversation between them, Ji Ye couldn't help frowning, but he didn't seem to let go. What do these two words mean?
"An Xixuan's punishment is over, Kong Tong, this is the result you want, if there is another time..."

Before Ji Ye could finish speaking, Kongtong flew out of the whole body. Looking back, all the vampires saw Luo Xiao supporting An Xixuan and launching a skill attack on Kongyu with the other hand.

Lux hurried over, "Luo Xiao, stop, do you still have any rules?"

Lockes was just putting on airs, it was impossible to really reprimand Luo Xiao, but Luo Xiao became more and more annoyed when he heard the word "rules".

"Rules? Dad, do you think the word "rules" is still suitable? If there are rules, how can these vampires dare to disobey the Lord and disobey the Lord's wishes?
If there were rules, my wife wouldn't suffer like this, so don't mention the word rules to me in the future! "

Luo Xiao yelled coldly, if there were rules, why did they dare to threaten and object when Ji Ye said that he would not punish An Xixuan? How could there be rules?

Lockes did not refute Luo Xiao's words. After all, what his son said was right. If there were rules, those vampires would not resist the decision made by the lord.

Turning around and looking at Kong Yu who stood up, "Hehe, if my guess is correct, you should like Kong Yu, but your last name is not Kong Yu!"

As soon as Luo Xiao's words came out, the audience in front of him was in an uproar, and all eyes looked at Kongtong in disbelief.

Kong Tong scanned the faces of these vampires one by one. What he feared most was seeing these strange eyes. He obviously did nothing wrong, and there seemed to be nothing wrong with loving someone.

However, he was afraid of such gazes!

An Xixuan also looked at him, she guessed right and they are really friends, tsk tsk, it's surprising.

"Luo, Luo Xiao, what nonsense are you talking about, Kong Yu is my brother, how could I..."

Kong Tong paused and asked him to say that he didn't love Kong Yu, but he really couldn't say it.

"What? I'm speechless, and I'm going against your conscience to say that you don't love Kong Yu!
Kong Tong, your original name should be Shan Tong, but you changed your surname to avenge Kong Yu, do your dead parents know about you? "

"Luo Xiao, shut up!"

Kongtong's body was trembling, but everything Luo Xiao said was the truth, he lowered his eyes and dared not look at those vampire students, he was afraid of seeing that kind of stare.

(End of this chapter)

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