Chapter 437

It's a pity that Kongtong's crazy love for Kongyu can't be realized, she can't imagine how much Kongtong loves Kongyu, and she is willing to call his surname after her own name.

No matter how powerful the opponent's enemy is, he will fight desperately, even disobeying Ji Ye's words.It takes a lot of courage, but if you think about it, you can understand how much courage he has because he loves Kong Yu.

The emotion behind him is really touching, but it is her who hurts herself. If Kong Tong hadn't been so stubborn, she wouldn't have suffered such a punishment. Remember that she, An Xixiong, is not a good person, let alone a good ghost!
"Kong Tong, you really love Kong Yu, but he will never be able to feel it. Besides, I really don't understand how you can fall in love with a vampire as jealous as Kong Yu?"

Luo Xiao laughed softly, he knew his current situation, and he also knew the situation of his wife, but today he must kill Kongtong!
His eyes swept over Situ Mo, Xuanyuan Yu, and Yu Wenfeng. The three of them immediately understood and quickly moved to their side.Luo Xiao handed over the weak An Xixuan to them.

"Help me take care of Xiaopang first!"

"En!" Situ Mo nodded, and seeing the wound on her chest, guilt appeared in his eyes. After all, the main reason for this incident was Situ Linger.

If Situ Ling'er hadn't asked Gao Haoran to kill her, Xiao Pang wouldn't have run away for no reason, and if there hadn't been a runaway, the following things wouldn't have happened.

"Luo Xiao, that's enough, the matter can end here!"

Ji Ye said, his voice was slightly cold, he could tell that Luo Xiao wanted to make a move, but he could only stop him.

"Hehe!" Luo Xiao sneered and paused, "For you, it is indeed the end, but for me it is just the beginning. If the girl tied to the execution platform is your wife, do you think you can still do this?" Do you say these things calmly?"

"So, Luo Xiao, are you planning to let me go?" Kong Tong took his words, and his figure came to a place five meters away from Luo Xiao in an instant.

If Luo Xiao wants to fight alone, why not, yes, he admits that his skills are not better than Luo Xiao's, and there is no benefit in fighting.But he can persevere, because Luo Xiao was injured!
"I never intended to let you go from the very beginning!"

All the vampire students took a step back, ah hey, that advanced class vampire drinking blood drink is too much, the atmosphere is so serious and you actually treat it as a show?

Since they wanted to fight Ji Ye did not stop them, the light in their hands shone, covering them, forming a circle around the field, Luo Xiao and Kong Tong stood inside the circle.

This circle is a shield to prevent the two of them from destroying the surrounding trees and environment.If it is destroyed, it still needs money to repair it, but where does the money for the Skills Academy come from?
Of course it was taken from his pocket!

"Locus, Dean Jin!"

Hearing Ji Ye calling his name, Lockes and Dean Jin immediately went over and looked at Ji Ye suspiciously, what are they calling at this time?
"You stay here and stare at them. If they go too far, I will beat them up. Beat them up hard. I still have something to do before I leave."



The two of them responded in unison, Ji Ye's figure had disappeared, and An Xixuan, who was in Situ Mo's arms, also disappeared.

 Thank you for the little cuties who voted for the recommended votes, Huahua is here to ask for rewards and monthly tickets~ All kinds of requests~
(End of this chapter)

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