Chapter 440

Rocks shook his head helplessly, that look of helplessness seemed real.

"Hey, the child has grown up and has his own ideas. How can I stop this old bone!"

"Dean Jin, why don't you go?"

Hearing that the corners of Dean Jin's mouth twitched a few times, his own son didn't care why he should take care of him, if Luo Xiao's anger hadn't subsided after a while and came to fight with him, it wouldn't be fun.

The moment Luo Xiao walked out of the circle, Kong Tong's body was burning with blue flames, and then quickly turned into ashes and floated into the air and disappeared.

Luo's mother walked over, looking at him with her eyes, Luo's mother could see that he must be suffering now, "Luo Xiao, this is enough, let's go home, shall we?"

He knew that Xiao Pang had already been taken away by Ji Ye, so there was nothing to worry about now.

"Mom, let's not go back in a hurry, the game is not really over yet. Today I will let them see how easy our Luo family is to bully? Is my Luo Xiao's daughter-in-law so easy to bully!?"

Hearing what he said, Dean Jin suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart. Naturally, Luo Xiao's anger would not end just because of an empty boy, so his next target would be—those vampire students who supported the punishment of An Xixuan !

Situ Mo walked over, still smiling, but only a few of them knew that Situ Mo's smile meant that he was really angry.

"Luo Xiao, you must add me to this game, or we won't be brothers!"

After all, Xiao Xuan was brought back to the Polar Night World by them. Although she is not a daughter-in-law or something, she is still a friend. If something like this happened, she would really feel sorry for her if she didn't do something for him.

"I want to join too, let's play the game together, never absent!"

Xuanyuan Yu also stood up, with a gentle smile still on his face, but his eyes were covered with frost.He once said that he would be her knight all her life, so no matter what her status is now, he will continue to protect her and guard her.

The three looked at Yu Wenfeng who was about to speak at the same time, Luo Xiao smiled and said: "Xiao Feng, you can just stand aside and watch the brothers perform, and you don't need to do other things!"

The three of them who are bloody and violent are fine. As for Xiaofeng, he just needs to watch.

They treated him like a younger brother!
Dean Jin came over with a sullen expression, "Luo Xiao, you three are going to rebel, and you can stop after revenge. These vampire students are not wrong."

Hearing what Dean Jin said, the vampires who supported the punishment of An Xixuan just now began to feel instinctive fear in their hearts. If they could barely deal with Luo Xiao, now they added two vampires who were almost as powerful as him.

No matter how many of them there are, they are no match for them, not to mention Lockes has no plans to stop them!
"Dean Jin, they are not wrong, so is my wife wrong? My wife didn't touch them, but they want my wife to die. Isn't that wrong?

The parents of the students who died in the game didn't say anything, and what did they come out to participate in?Ah, what do you think they are blindly participating in?What's wrong with my wife? "

Luo Xiao roared loudly, that angry look made Dean Jin even take a few steps back.

"Your wife killed the student, just hoping to give her a warning and punishment..."

Luo Xiao couldn't help laughing out loud at his words. In his opinion, Dean Jin's last sentence was so superfluous and nonsense!

(End of this chapter)

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