Chapter 441

warn?Is such a death-based warning necessary?

"Dean Jin, don't you know that no vampire has survived the first level punishment of whipping heart for such a long time? Is this still a so-called warning?"

Luo Xiao sneered, taking this kind of death penalty as a matter of course, why don't you go up and try it?

"Principal Jin, don't you like us? How can you fool us with words that even a three-year-old child doesn't believe? This is a warning, why don't you go up there and try? If you survive, I'll believe it's you Said warning!"

Situ Mo squinted and said with a smile, he knew that Luo Xiao would definitely not let off those vampires just now today, and the fate of angering Luo Xiao would not be much better.

Dean Jin couldn't refute their words. If he went up, he probably wouldn't be able to come down.

"But isn't An Xixuan still alive now? Luo Xiao, you are forcing me to be your enemy!"

Dean Jin scolded, with the tone of an elder, if he can't stop Luo Xiao today, then he doesn't have to stay in this position.

"Dean Jin, you are wrong to say that. I meant to kill them, but I didn't say I wanted to kill you. Oh... oh, Dean Jin is trying to protect them?"

As soon as the words fell, Dean Jin hadn't realized that one of the students over there had already fallen down, and his head rolled on the snow, with the expression on his face as before.

However, this was not done by Luo Xiao. Luo Xiao and the others also looked, and saw Tang Yunting standing not far away, with a ruffian look on his face.

What is he doing here at this time?Is Xie Ming also coming?If Xie Ming finds out what happened today, it will be over!

"Oh my god, isn't this Tang Yunting, the hunter vampire? How could he appear on our vampire's side? Can't the guards at the city gate detect it?" Some vampire students who were surprised said.

The vampires in the advanced class took a look at Tang Yunting and asked, "Tang Yunting, what are you doing in our academy? Are you not afraid that we will kill you?"

Tang Yunting suddenly raised the corners of his lips mysteriously, "Who is dead has not yet been determined, but I'm sure something is going to happen in your technical academy."

He paused, and his eyes fell on Luo Xiao, "Luo Xiao, you will deal with them or I will deal with them? No matter what, they won't survive today!"

Upon hearing his words, Luo Xiao and the others understood that Xie Ming had also come over and not only that, but also knew what happened today, but Luo Xiao didn't have the slightest sympathy for these vampires.

Dean Jin glanced at Luo Xiao suspiciously and looked at Tang Yunting. Could it be that Luo Xiao had some kind of collusion with the hunter vampires? Otherwise, how could Tang Yunting say these words? !

Lockes was extremely helpless. It seemed that these vampire students were going to be miserable. Unless Xiao Pian could wake up and talk to Xie Ming, everything would be out of the question.

He and Luo Ma looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

"Locus, as the head of the four major families, if you choose to stand on the sidelines, your guilt will not be less than that? Don't forget that these students are the hope and good seedlings of our blood clan, and you are also from the blood clan As a member, do you really have the heart to see these students killed?"

Dean Jin couldn't help but turned and said to Lockes.

Hearing this, Lockes frowned. As the head of the four major families, it is only natural for him to protect these students.

But on the other hand, if he protects these students, he will be against Xie Ming, that is, his in-laws, Emma, ​​what a headache!

(End of this chapter)

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