Chapter 442

After thinking for a while, Lockes walked forward, "Just now, I agree with An Xixuan to accept the punishment and take the initiative to take a step forward. As for the others, all return to the classroom and are not allowed to come out!"

There is nothing he can do about it, and it is difficult for him to choose in the face of such a thing. He can only do his best to protect those students who did not participate.

Dean Jin didn't expect Lockes to say this, did he agree to kill so many vampire students?Thousands of vampire students...

"Master Luo, how can a vampire like you deserve to be the head of the Luo family? How can the Luo family deserve to be the head of the four major families!"

One of the vampires in the intermediate class couldn't help shouting loudly, and he was also one of the thousands who supported the punishment of An Xi.

And Lockes doesn't care what he said, since things have already started, they can't let them say the end, and he won't be the vampire who said the end.

Luo Xiao walked up to Lockes, "Dad, you and Mom should go back first, we can settle the matter here, and I will do my best to bear whatever happens in the future, which has nothing to do with Rocks."

Hearing this, Lockes knocked him on the head, "I don't like to hear you say such a thing, Dad, what do you mean you have to bear it all by yourself? What do you mean you have nothing to do with Rock's business? Is Xiao Pian my daughter-in-law? , are you my son..."

"Dad, I understand what you said, but if today's incident involves the Luo family, it will be difficult for the Luo family to survive in the blood clan in the future, so for the sake of the family, you have to give up some things, for example, me!"

"Besides, the elders will also get rid of this matter. If you and Mom get involved, it will hurt you at that time."

It's okay for him to have an accident, but his parents must not have an accident, and neither can Rockwell.

Luo's mother couldn't help but her eyes turned red when she heard that, and she walked over to hold back her choked voice, "My son is right, there will be no problems with the Luo family, and we have to believe that our son and our daughter-in-law will be fine!"

After a while, Lockes finally nodded and agreed after considering this. This is his son, how could he be willing to let him bear all this?But on the other side is the entire Luo family, whichever is more important to him...

Luo Ma and Lockes left quickly. Dean Jin wanted to call them back but it was too late. Their figures had disappeared from the sight of all the vampires.

Luo Xiao swallowed, and was about to say something to Situ Mo and the others, but Tang Yunting suddenly said: "Luo Xiao, can you say goodbye to your mother-in-law? Are you still a man? Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

Luo Xiao glanced over, Tang Yunting's mouth twitched and shut up immediately.

After all, Luo Xiao's look was too terrifying. Although he was quite courageous, facing such a look... Damn, I can't make it up anymore!

Well, he admitted that he was afraid of Luo Xiao, not only because of the problem with Luo Xiao's eyes, but also because of his identity, the leader's son-in-law!

Looking at Situ Mo and the others, he smiled, they really grew up together, and he was very touched that they could still stand by his side in such a critical moment.

But for the sake of them and the family behind them, he can't implicate them!
"Mo, Yu, Xiaofeng, you can leave the scene when the matter reaches this point, and I will solve the rest by myself!"

(End of this chapter)

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