Chapter 446

This... isn't this herself?Why are there two hers in this black space?It's just that the other party's eyes are red, that kind of coquettish and bright red, those eyes will make people fall.

"Are you surprised to see me?" The female vampire smiled, her raised red lips were particularly alluring, and there was a strong aura in every gesture.

Being in the same space with her, An Xixuan only felt very surprised and uneasy, because she didn't know whether the other party was an enemy or a friend. If it was a friend, it was okay to say, but if it was an enemy, she had no power to fight back.

"who are you?"

I don't know why, when seeing her, An Xixuan always has a feeling in her heart, as if something is missing in her memory, what is missing?
"Who am I? Don't you really remember at all? In the forest, I helped you get rid of so many vampires who looked at you and wanted to deal with you, but now you forget me, you Little heartless!"

The woman smiled and walked towards An Xixiang, a red light flashed into An Xixiang's forehead.

An Xixuan's eyes froze for a moment, and then she gradually became shocked and unbelievable. What happened in the forest that day appeared in her mind, without missing a single bit.

It turns out that it happened like this, but even if she recalls what happened that day, she will not regret it, because those dead vampire students were all planned to deal with her in the forest together, but they didn't meet her was killed!
"But why should I take the blame for what you did?"

"Hahahaha, why? Because we are the same, I am you, and you are me!"

At some point, the woman appeared behind An Xixuan, her chin rested on her shoulder, and An Xixuan could feel the cold breath sprayed slightly when she spoke.

"In other words, the two of us are the same person, but I still don't understand, how can the same person have two souls? No, the important thing is that a vampire has a fart soul!"

An Xixuan couldn't help but swear, because the appearance of the woman made her inner fear a lot less.

For her sudden swearing, this made the woman stunned for a few seconds, as expected of Xie Ming's daughter, she really has a personality!

"You let me out, you set me free!"

The red figure remained behind An Xixuan, and he fixed his eyes and saw that she was already standing in front of him.

"An Xixiang, do you want my power? My power can allow you to destroy these vampires who hurt you, dislike you, and hate you, including the handsome little boyfriend who saved you!"

As soon as the woman's voice fell, a picture suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. It was Luo Xiao who was fighting with Dean Jin in the Skills Academy. Luo Xiao had injuries on his body, and now he was being completely abused by Dean Jin.

Even Situ Mo and the others were the same, they were so embarrassed that they lost their former image!

"An Xixiang, have you seen it? Now you should know how important power is. I will give you my power and let you kill these vampires who hurt your friends!"

An Xixuan looked worriedly at Luo Xiao, who was being beaten into the air, and then looked back at the woman, "You won't be so kind to help me, what conditions do you have?"

"Hehe!" With a clear laugh, "You are really smart. My only condition is that you give me the control of your body after you settle everything."

(End of this chapter)

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