Chapter 447

"I said that I am you and you are me, so I will not hurt your friends, let alone the vampires you care about, but I can protect them!"

An Xixuan on the bed woke up suddenly, all the wounds on her body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, the necklace on her chest was shining bright red light, Ji Ye frowned and looked at it suspiciously.

The clothes on her body changed into a fiery red long dress, but fortunately her hair color and skin color did not change, otherwise Ji Ye would really suspect that she had mutated or was upgrading! !
Ji Ye stopped the blood, the cut healed quickly, and the air became quiet.

After a while, An Xixuan suddenly opened her eyes. When she saw her bright red pupils, Jiye's face was filled with indescribable surprise, and the necklace on her chest completely turned into a red.

Before he could react, An Xixuan's figure was already standing by the window, "Xiaoxuan, are you alright?"

Hearing this, An Xixuan turned around and looked back at him, shaking her head slightly, "Ji Ye, thank you, I'm fine, and I'm sorry!"

After finishing speaking, she immediately disappeared in front of Ji Ye. Ji Ye sensed that her skill level was actually the same as his, and then he couldn't help but think of something and his face changed drastically.

He also quickly disappeared into the room, he thought it should be the necklace problem, otherwise he really couldn't think of anything that could make a third-level vampire soar to the same level as him.

An Xixuan's figure quickly came to the Skills Academy. When she saw the chaos, she couldn't help but want to laugh. There will be more exciting things to come!
Luo Xiao and the others were surrounded in the middle, Dean Jin had a smug face, and those teachers had serious faces.

"Luo Xiao, today I will teach you a lesson for those dead vampire students. You are the only one who has made mistakes and has not repented. No wonder you can get together with such a low-level vampire as An Xixiang!"

Situ Mo smiled, and was about to say something, but was preempted by a voice.

"Dean Jin, if I'm low-level, wouldn't you be even lower-level? Is your bald-headed jealousy more interesting than the hairy one?"

An Xixiang laughed, and all the vampire students turned around to look at the source of the sound. To be honest, they were really surprised when they saw An Xixiang, and her red pupils were really beautiful!
It's just that now is not the time to praise.

Dean Jin's heart skipped a beat when he saw An Xixuan, how long did it take to transform!
When Luo Xiao saw An Xixiang, he finally showed a knowing smile. It's good that his wife is fine...

Facing Luo Xiao's gaze, An Xi's nose turned sore, she had never seen Luo Xiao have such a relieved smile, and the tears stopped in her eyes.

"You bully the few with more, then now I will let you know what it means to bully the weak!"

Hearing An Xixuan's words, Dean Jin became more and more contemptuous. An Xixuan's skill level is not as high as Luo Xiao's. I really don't know where her courage comes from.

A red light flashed in his hand, and he directly attacked those students, but after a while, those students didn't have any problems.

Luo Xiao's expression turned embarrassing, my wife, you're acting a bit big, Situ Mo and the others are all confused, what the hell are you doing?play? !

Dean Jin was about to open his mouth to taunt, only to see the heads of those students who were fine at first fell to the ground one by one, and then their bodies also fell down.

(End of this chapter)

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