Chapter 469 (Ask for a monthly pass~)
Things are not that simple after all. Some vampires resent the hunters very much, so no matter what they say, they can't change their resentment towards An Xixuan.

Besides, no matter how you excuse An Xixuan, it won't change the fact that she killed many vampire students.

"My lord, it's not an option to go on like this. I always feel that these mutant vampires keep coming."

Yes, even though they killed so many, there is still a large group of them rushing towards them!
Ji Ye frowned, and he also knew that going on like this was really not an option, "You mobilize all the dark teams, I'm going to check the entrance of that world, I suspect that some vampires opened that entrance and let these vampires keep pouring in Our polar night world."

Ever since the mutant vampires appeared last time, he knew that this matter was not that simple, but he didn't expect it to be so serious. This time, the invasion of mutant vampires would cause such great loss and damage to the polar night world.

Ji Ye quickly left Night City, he didn't need to worry too much with the dark team around him!

In Wanwu City, the elders of the Luo family are not vegetarians, and they immediately wiped out a large area as soon as they made a move. Ya looked at Luo Xiao beside her, and finally understood that it was not unreasonable for the Luo family to prosper to this day.

It is indeed one of the four major families in the polar night world!

"Luo Xiao, why don't you see An Xixuan come out to help at this time? She is so powerful that it must be easy to solve this matter."

Ya couldn't tell whether it was admiration or sarcasm in Ya's tone, and of course Luo Xiao would not think that she could praise his wife's ability.

"She has already left our blood clan. If she is here, she will naturally not let it go!"

Hearing this, surprise flashed in Ya's eyes, did she leave the blood clan?

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and there seemed to be some connection between them, "Tsk tsk, Luo Xiao, I wonder if she did this mutant vampire thing, and she didn't see so many mutant vampire attacks when she was here." .

As soon as she left, our blood race suffered such a catastrophe. Speaking of which, all of this should not be too coincidental! "

"Don't play too much of yourself, otherwise it will easily turn into jealousy!"

Hmph, there is no way to slander his wife.He was very clear about the matter of mutant vampires. It was beyond his wife's control at all, and had nothing to do with his wife at all.

Luo Xiao left, Ya looked at his back and clenched his hands into fists, why did you keep defending her and even love her when the whole world resisted her?
Did you know that she is now the enemy of all our blood vampires! ?
Luo Xiao left Wanwu City and went in one direction. Lockes and Luo Ma knew where that direction was, but they didn't stop him.Going that direction with their son's IQ must have found something.

After Ya killed a large number of mutant vampires, she walked in the direction of Lockes and the others.

"Patriarch Luo, I want to ask when did An Xixuan leave?"

Rocks and Luo's mother looked at each other, not understanding why she suddenly asked this question, could there be some problem?

"Ya, when she left her has nothing to do with this matter, and this is not something you should care about. The Lord King didn't say anything, so you don't need to pay attention to the matter about Xiao Pian!"

Luo's mother understood her thoughts when she finished speaking. Women understand women after all.

 Little cuties, please ask for a monthly ticket~Please leave a message, it’s almost the new year, and you are still as quiet as a chicken to express your sadness, tears run T﹏T
(End of this chapter)

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