Chapter 470

Ya was speechless by Luo's mother's words, and in the end she didn't ask any more questions, but just left.


In the southernmost direction of the polar night world, a large number of mutated vampires gathered here at the moment, probably tens of thousands of them.

An Xixuan stood in front of this black hole passage. She was no stranger to this black hole passage, because she also experienced such a place when she came to the polar night world.

It's just that this black hole passage is not like the passage leading to the human world. There are dense lightning flashes in this passage. If you are not careful, you will be shocked by electricity.

However, this is exactly where An Xixuan was puzzled. Since there were so many thunder and lightning, she really wanted to know how these mutant vampires passed?
Standing quietly beside her, "Little baby, don't forget that they are mutated vampires, their healing ability is calculated in seconds, and when an attack touches their wounds, they will heal immediately.

So it is not surprising that they can pass through the black hole channel. "

An Xixuan turned her head to look at her, feeling a little surprised again, "How do you know what I'm thinking?"

An enchanting smile, with his hand on An Xixuan's chin, "Because you are a little baby, so of course I need to know what you are thinking, otherwise how can I answer your questions, right?"

The distance between the two is very close, and they can feel each other's breath, but seeing An Xixuan's dark red lips, he dare not kiss, he is afraid that he will be chopped off.

"What are you doing? Oh, you old cow still wants to eat tender grass, can you show some face?"

Xie Ming walked over with a cold face, the coldness in his eyes became more and more serious, made, this guy is simply impatient, dare to touch his precious daughter!

The sadness in the dark heart is also flowing against the current, big brother, you don’t need to say that I don’t dare, look at what your daughter is holding in her hand, if I dare to move my heart, I will leave my devil-like figure body.

An Xixuan held an exquisite ice blade in her hand. The ice blade was only about [-] centimeters long, but it was very delicate. There were also beautiful patterns on the handle. This ice blade looked very extraordinary.

Xie Ming frowned, and the coldness in his eyes quickly receded, his baby looked so handsome!
An Xixuan's red lips curled into a smile, and she took a step back. At the same time, the ice blade was put away and disappeared into the palm of her hand.

"Little baby, you are really cruel, are you really willing to take my life?"

"If you dare to get closer, you can see if I'm not willing?"


Women are cruel-hearted, and they don't show mercy at all.

"You give me less nonsense now, let these vampires go back to which world, otherwise I will kill them all and let them nourish the land of this polar night world!"

Hearing this, An Yi felt embarrassed for a moment. His boss asked him to bring these mutated species to invade the polar night world. If he brought them back, he would have to peel off a layer of skin.

But if they don't take back the aunt in front of them, they will let them divide the body, and die again!
Alas, being a vampire is so difficult, it's better to be a human being, and be more at ease.

"Bang bang bang" suddenly came an attack from a distance, several vampire heads fell to the ground, Luo Xiao kicked their heads far away, but because he couldn't find his own head, the vampire's body kept spinning in place .

The picture is bloody but also very funny.

(End of this chapter)

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