Chapter 471

Seeing Luo Xiao, An Xixuan was a little surprised why he came here, but after thinking about it, he realized that Luo Xiao's IQ is not low, and the reason for this continuous flow must be to find the root cause.

Luo Xiao didn't pay attention to the tens of thousands of mutated vampires behind him, and he didn't dare to attack without ordering them.

He knew that flirtatious male vampire was the same vampire in the forest that day, and he must have brought these mutated vampires here too.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that his wife was here, but she was with this guy, and Xie Ming was also there, so...

"Xiao Xuan, why are you with him? Did he bring these mutated vampires here!"

Luo Xiao frowned.

An Xixuan was about to explain, but suddenly her body shook slightly, her red eyes flashed, and then the corners of her lips gradually curled into a smile.

"Is it strange that I am with him? Luo Xiao, haven't you heard that an enemy's enemy is a friend?"

As soon as An Xixuan's words came out, even Xie Ming looked at her with weird eyes. He saw how much his precious daughter loved Luo Xiao. Why did she change her tune today? No, it was more like It's like a different person.

"Also, the blood race probably hates me now, so there seems to be nothing wrong with me cooperating with the dark. Since they want me to die, then I will turn their living place into a horrible purgatory !

Also, do you think that I can easily forget about the whipping punishment?That's impossible, I, An Xixuan, am a vampire who must take revenge, just like now. "

Looking at the smile on her face and the eyes that are no longer clear, replaced by a deep vortex that he can't see through.

——No matter what I decide to do, you must believe that the person I love is you from the beginning to the end——Luo Xiao!
The words she said before she left suddenly echoed in her ears, and a slight sense of shock began to appear on her face. What happened to his wife?
Ji Ye's figure landed next to Luo Xiao, not understanding why Luo Xiao's face suddenly became so solemn, and looked at the three opposite.

"Ji Ye, I didn't expect you to come here so soon. We chatted for a while just now, but the content of our chat seemed very unpleasant!"

Smiling, he looked at An beside him, and when he saw her smile, An inexplicably took a step back subconsciously. It would definitely not be a good thing for an ordinary woman to show such a smile.

"Dark, what are you doing here with such mutated species, waiting for the money to be paid, don't hurry up and let them act, to be honest, I really want to see the life in the polar night world.

That scene must have looked very funny and poignant, hahahahaha! "

The laughter that should have been melodious now sounds so piercing.

Ji Ye also realized that something was wrong, he began to wonder if the girl in front of him was really An Xixiang?Her aura seemed to be stronger, and her skill level was completely invisible.

"Xiao Xuan, but I will still be in this world. Our parents, Situ Mo, Xuanyuan Yu, Xiao Feng, Ji Ye... so many friends and family members, are you willing to hurt them?"

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet, and An Xixiang's smile gradually cooled down.

"Luo Xiao, have you misunderstood? I never said I would hurt them. I just wanted to hurt those vampires who hurt me. How could I be willing to hurt you, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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