My elf is so cute

Chapter 202 Battle against Jinling Longteng Middle School

Chapter 202 Battle against Jinling Longteng Middle School
In the future, you must find a good excuse, such as contacting some trainers with croaks, or going to the mysterious place of Xuanyu Island for a walk.

See if you can find places where quacks can evolve.

The three evolutionary forms of croaks are Shaolin croaks, Xiaoyao croaks and rich croaks.

In addition to special venues, these three evolutionary forms definitely need some special props. It is impossible to evolve them just by waiting for a period of time like in the game.

Taking the evolution of Shaolin Guagua as an example, in addition to finding a meditation platform in the waterfall of Yunhai Ancient Road, the second thing that is needed is a well-made carved wooden stick to insert on the meditation platform.

Guagua needs to sit still and hone the will under the impact of the waterfall. After the will reaches a certain level, it can pull out the wooden stick and realize evolution.

From here, Jiang Xiaobei can see:
If there is no glyph stick, even if the croaking falls under the impact of the waterfall for 1 years, it will not be able to complete the evolution.

Therefore, the props for Guagua to evolve into Shaolin Guagua should be glyph sticks.

From the same point of view, the evolution props of Xiaoyao Guagua should be a special gourd vine, and the evolution props of Fugui Guagua should be related to the God of Wealth hat.

Jiang Xiaobei doesn't know about these props, so if he wants to know, he must go to Xuanyu Island in the future.


Suddenly, Jiang Xiaobei heard Mao Xiaodou's voice calling him. He turned his head and saw the new mobile phone in Mao Xiaodou's hand, displaying the King of Glory authentication interface.

Jiang Xiaobei:? ? ?

How long has it been since you downloaded the game?

Moreover, he remembered that Hood didn't seem to play this game before, right?Why did you suddenly start playing this game now?
As if seeing Jiang Xiaobei's doubts, Mao Xiaodou explained the reason, which made Jiang Xiaobei's expression very strange after hearing this.

Dare to love, is this still your fault?

The mobile phone used by Hood in the past was his old mobile phone. The performance is not very good, and it cannot carry some large-scale games.

And sometimes when Jiang Xiaobei was bored, he would turn on his mobile phone and play some king games, all of which were noticed by Hoodou, seeing the interesting look, Moodou felt itchy.

After secretly downloading it by myself, it turned out that the quality of the phone was so poor that I couldn't carry it with me.

The heating of the mobile phone is not a problem for her. She can cool down the mobile phone while playing, but the memory is too large, which causes the operation of the whole mobile phone to have problems, which is beyond her ability to solve.

Now, with a new mobile phone, Hoo Xiaodou naturally wants to try it out.

After downloading, when I wanted to log in, I found out that real name verification was required!
And the most important thing is that the verification information must be a human's ID number. Without the elf's information verification channel, the hood will feel a little uncomfortable in an instant.

The air is shaking and cold, whether this world can be better, it is full of oppression for our elves.

Even playing a game, there is no real-name verification channel specially set up for elves!

In desperation, Jiang Xiaobei could only help him log in.

Jiang Xiaobei smiled, helped Mao Xiaodou to verify, and then played with her for a while.

The next morning, the top [-] of the National High School Elf Cup entered the quarterfinals, officially starting.

At this moment, there were only sixteen teams left, and only eight matches needed to be played, and the Dou Ling Plaza had a total of sixteen floors, so it was obviously impossible to compete on each floor.

However, every floor of Dou Ling Plaza is full of spectators, if a match is held on eight floors at will, the audience on other floors will naturally not agree.

I spent a lot of money, but now there is a game that I can't let myself watch, anyone will be upset about this.

Even if there is a live broadcast on a big screen, it won’t work. In this case, it’s better to watch the game directly on the mobile phone. Why do you have to spend money to watch the game here?

Jiang Xiaobei was also a little confused, wondering how the Magic University, as the organizer, should solve this problem.

It's impossible to change the venue, right?

It might as well start directly from today's game and go directly to the Green Field Arena to compete.

While Jiang Xiaobei was wondering, the changes in Douling Plaza gave him the answer.

At [-] o'clock in the morning, half an hour before the start of the game, Jiang Xiaobei who was standing inside Dou Ling Plaza suddenly felt a shaking under his feet, and then, the scene inside the entire Dou Ling Plaza changed.

The circular auditorium was divided into eight areas and expanded, and then the ceiling above suddenly shrank in all directions, revealing the scene of the upper floor.

After that, the arena on their level slowly rose.

After the changes just now, the audience on the entire two floors can now watch the scene in the central ring.

"Bull!" Xu Leilei on the side couldn't help exclaiming.

These arenas and floors are as assembled as before, but now they can be directly assembled freely. Such a large tonnage can be changed so easily.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being a devil!
After Jiang Xiaobei and the others changed in Douling Plaza, they took the elevator to the former fifth-floor plaza, now the third-floor plaza.

When they reached the waiting area, they found that the team members from Jinling Longteng Middle School had arrived here before them and were sitting opposite them.

On the ring, a stern-looking young referee stood among them, and beside him lay a handsome Sonic dog, with big eyes half-closed, exuding a strong aura from top to bottom.

Jiang Xiaobei checked the past and found that it was a professional-grade Sonic dog with a level of 52.

In other words, this stern young man is now a professional trainer. He became a professional trainer during college. Even in the magic university, he is also the top group of students.

After a while, the referee on the stage glanced at his watch, felt that the time was almost up, and announced that the starters from Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School and Jinling Longteng Middle School would be on the field.

On the side of Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School, Lin Chuxia got up and walked towards the ring.

This is her first time, the first to play in the individual competition in the finals.

On the opposite side of Jinling Longteng Middle School, seeing that Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School took the lead instead of Jiang Xiaobei, but a girl from the team, all the team members couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although even if they had a team competition, their chances of winning were very slim, but it was better than nothing!

Moreover, they never expected their school to enter the quarterfinals.

Now, playing against Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School, unlike the Yunda Affiliated Middle School where they got zero seals yesterday, is already very satisfying.

With such a Buddhist mentality, Jinling Longteng Middle School's fighting spirit for today's competition is not very high.

After Lin Chuxia stepped onto the ring, the No.1 player on the opposite side also stepped onto the ring.

This boy has very flirtatious long hair. After walking to the ring, he specially brushed his hair up, pretending that he thought he was handsome, and smiled at Lin Chuxia in a frivolous tone: "Beauty , please be merciful later!"

(End of this chapter)

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