My elf is so cute

Chapter 203 The Power of Seeing Flowers in the Fog

Chapter 203 The Power of Seeing Flowers in the Fog

Lin Chuxia rolled her eyes, ignored him, raised her hand and took out the purr ball, releasing the luxurious swan.

Making fun of the long-haired young man, he smiled awkwardly and released his spirit.

A firework that reaches level 27.

In terms of attributes, it is restrained by the luxurious swan, and its level is also lower than that of the luxurious swan. In addition, during Jiang Xiaobei's investigation, the opponent's fireworks did not master any special skills and secret skills.

Therefore, if there is no accident, the opponent will lose.

After the referee saw that the two had released the elves, they began to let them choose the venue.

Lin Chuxia picked out the ice field, and the long-haired youth picked out the water field.

The young man with long hair was sent out first, and his role was to find the way and choose the venue, so he had no hope of winning.

Now find out that the No.1 player in Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School is not Jiang Xiaobei, and then choose a suitable venue for the competition, and his task will be considered complete.

In the match against Lin Chuxia, it would be best to win, and it would be a pity not to win.

On the ring, while the roulette pointer on the big screen was spinning, it slowly stopped on the rocky field.

After the venue was changed, the result of the first match really did not meet Jiang Xiaobei's expectations.

The fireworks were quickly defeated by the luxurious swan.

Fireworks, a fire elf whose entire body is composed of fire elements, although it is closer to the fire element itself, and the power of fire skills is higher than that of ordinary fire elves, but the degree of restraint by water elves is also higher out a lot.

In addition, Huagui Swan's strength is indeed very good, so at the beginning of the game, Fireworks failed to hold on for long before being defeated.

Then, several more matches continued. After Lin Chuxia lost, Huang Xin took over and successfully forced the opponent's captain to play, and was finally defeated by Fighting Xiaowu.

Seeing the captain of Jinling Longteng Middle School enter the stage, after Huang Xin lost, Jiang Xiaobei stood up and walked towards the ring.

However, this time, instead of wearing a hood and a small pocket, he chose to send a bronze unicorn to fight Xiao Wuyi.

Because, he was going to test the secret skill of the bronze unicorn, the power of seeing flowers through the fog.

That's right, yesterday, after a long period of training, the Bronze Unicorn successfully created the trick of seeing flowers in the fog.

Yesterday, after training as usual, the bronze unicorn seemed to be enlightened. The use of some details was greatly improved, and the fusion of the dance of petals and the phantom of the white mist was much more rounded.

The overall power has been greatly improved, and it is much stronger than the ice whirlwind of the same level.

The most important thing is that yesterday, the system also reminded him that the Bronze Unicorn successfully created a new secret technique.

Jiang Xiaobei is going to make good use of today's game, to hone the bronze unicorn's actual use of this secret skill.

The captain of Jinling Longteng Middle School is a tall, strong, and well-built boy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and looks very energetic.

Xie Xu also looked like this after he came back from the Martial Arts Gym.

This made Jiang Xiaobei have to wonder whether boys with martial spirits would all become muscular men in the future.

After all, training with your elf every day requires a lot of exercise.

After sizing up the captain on the opposite side, Jiang Xiaobei turned his attention to the pink-skinned Fighting Little Five at the side.

【Elf Name】Fighting Little Five

[Elf level] 31 (advanced elf)
【Elf Talent】Green

【Spirit Attribute】Martial Arts

[Height] 1.6m [Weight] 80.5kg [Gender] Male

[Evolution Form] Fighting Little Six (level 40 evolution)
[Spirit Skills] Deterrence, Defensive Power, Violent Impact, Roundabout Kick, Accumulation, Chain Kick
[Spirit Secret Technique] None
[Elf Props] Fighting Ring

[Elf Profile] Likes to bathe in the sun and the natural air, and practice footwork.

Fighting Little Five, an elf like Fighting Little Five, before it evolved into Fighting Little Six, its body shape is especially suitable for legwork, and its legs have very strong attack power.

But after evolving into a fighting primary six, the shape of the body is more well-proportioned, which is very suitable for kicking and punching.

However, after he finally evolved into Fighting Xiaoqi, his body shape was no longer suitable for legwork, but especially suitable for boxing, with a pair of very thick fists.

It can be called simply: a fist as big as a sandbag.

Therefore, in the game for a while, what the Bronze Unicorn needs to focus on is the opponent's leg attack.

The captain of the Jinling Longteng Middle School team is called Zhang Shuo. Seeing his opponent Jiang Xiaobei step onto the ring and unleash the bronze unicorn, he was instantly relieved.

Although it is said that the martial arts can restrain the ice, but it also depends on what kind of strength gap it is under.

The strength of Jiang Xiaobei's hooded doll, in the perception of other school teams, is already comparable to the elf strength of the No. [-] main players of the two teams attached to Beijing University High School and Magic University High School.

Facing the abnormally powerful hooded doll, his fighting boy had no hope of winning at all.

Now that the opponent is not the hooded doll, but a bronze unicorn that is not very strong, I feel a lot more relaxed in an instant.

"The match begins!" As soon as the referee's voice fell, Fighting Xiao Wu quickly ran towards the bronze unicorn.

Facing the attack, the bronze unicorn flew into the air directly, soaring to the top of the ring, looking down at Xiao Wu who was fighting below, and then, amidst the surge of energy, a white mist slowly condensed in the ring, gradually engulfing the entire The scenes in the arena are all covered.

Faced with this situation, Fighting Xiao Wu did not rush forward, but stayed in place, always vigilant of the surrounding situation.

Suddenly, he saw in the white mist in front of him, a blade that seemed to be composed of white mist was slashing towards him.

Fighting Xiaowu was not careless, he jumped up directly, his body spun around in mid-air, and kicked the white mist blade with a roundabout kick.

However, the imaginary feeling of the blow did not appear, it seemed to be kicked in the air, and nothing else was kicked.

Puzzled, Fighting Xiao Wu suddenly saw many white scenes of different shapes appearing around him.

There was a horse running towards him, a huge beautiful flower in bloom, yiyi and sharp arrows shot at fast, and many other scenes formed by white mist came towards her.

At the beginning, Fighting Xiaowu didn't dare to be careless, and dodged one by one, breaking up those who couldn't dodge.

It turns out that these seem to be illusions, and there is nothing inside!

Is the other party trying to consume his energy?
While Fighting Xiao Wu was thinking, he suddenly saw a huge white flower flying towards him again in front of him, spinning slowly.

This time, Fighting Xiaowu didn't dodge any more, and let the flowers float towards him.


The audience was bored looking at the white mist on the ring, and suddenly heard a somewhat shrill scream from Fighting Xiaowu.

Afterwards, the white mist dissipated, and they saw the bronze unicorn standing unscathed on the ring, and not far away, Fighter Five was lying on the ground with many scars.

 Thank you for the reward of 200 coins from Shui, and thank you to Mi Huashang for the reward of 100 coins

  Thank you Bingxiao Xingchen, Mengyingchenyan, book friend 150802175447922, your love under the sun, Wuxin mage position, Lengyue fghygg, under the nail palace, you only hate the boss’s monthly ticket support
  Alas, I was planning to do the third shift today, but unfortunately I wanted to beat the king and relax before coding.

  but!Kneeling five ranks in a row, woo woo~, that's why it's so late, sorry, there is one more change left, let's make it up tomorrow.

  King this thing, uninstalled! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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