My elf is so cute

Chapter 204 Advance to Top 8

Chapter 204 Advancing to the Quarterfinals (Two in One)

what happened?
Almost all the audience are full of question marks.

Well, why didn't it take long for the white mist to rise, and this fighting boy fell on the ring?We haven't heard any big movements coming out of it, have we?
Not only the audience was puzzled, Zhang Shuo on the opposite side also couldn't believe such a result would happen.

As soon as the white mist rose, Fighting Xiaowu kept calling out to signal himself that he was fine, why did it suddenly become like this?

A person in medical uniform stepped onto the ring at this moment, and after checking the physical condition of Fighting Xiaowu, his expression suddenly became serious.

Although this fighting Xiao Wu only suffered some skin trauma, but there are too many skin traumas to hold back!

There were wounds all over his body, densely packed, as if he had been mutilated.

After thinking about it, he took out a bottle of middle-level elf healing potion from the medicine box, opened it, and let Fighting Xiaowu take it.

The middle-level elf healing potion was very effective. After Fighting Xiaowu took it, the wounds on his body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After only a few minutes, Fighting Xiao Wu was able to stand up.

However, it is estimated that he will not be able to play in the team competition for a while.

At this time, Zhang Shuo also ran over from the command point, and came to Fighting Xiaowu and the medical staff.

The medical staff explained to Zhang Shuo the situation of Fighting Xiaowu, and then walked off the ring with the medicine box.

Zhang Shuo frowned when he heard that Fighting Junior Five could not continue to play in the team competition for a while, but he didn't feel too uncomfortable. He has already seen it, and if he loses, he will lose. It is already very good to get the current result , nothing sad.

Then, unable to hold back the doubts in his heart, he hurriedly asked Fighting Xiao Wu what happened just now.

Hearing this question, Fighting Xiao Wu immediately expressed a look of resignation, and spoke out in grief and indignation about what happened to him just now.

It turned out that after several times of probing before, he had already determined that those strange-shaped white mist were used by the other party to deceive him about his skills.

Therefore, when he saw the flower of white mist, Fighting Xiao Wu was full of disdain, no longer guarded, and no longer dodged, letting the flower of white mist float towards him.

However, when the flowers of the white mist completely enveloped it, the result was completely different from the previous few times.

The flower spun violently, and the illusory thing that was supposed to be composed of white mist had a slight edge. When the twirling petals floated towards his body, all the hairs on his body stood on end.

A strong warning came from the body!

When he found that something was wrong, he immediately prepared to defend, but it was too late.

The dance of petals released by the bronze unicorn hidden in the flowers of the white mist unreservedly fell on Fighting Xiao Wu who did not take any defensive measures.

Immediately, Fighting Xiaowu suffered a pain like Ling Chi, and in an instant, countless wounds appeared all over his body.

Hearing Wu Dou Wu's answer, Zhang Shuo fell silent for a while, and stared at Wu Dou Wu with a bit of hatred.

"That is to say, you were careless and didn't flash?"

Fighting Xiao Wu put his hands together, lowered his head, and put his six fingers together, obviously feeling a little ashamed.

Zhang Shuo sighed when he saw Fighting Xiao Wu like this, took out the grunt ball to put him away, and walked back to the ring.

Zhang Shuo was the fourth contestant from Jinling Longteng Middle School. After Zhang Shuo stepped down, the No.5 contestant soon entered the ring.

To Jiang Xiaobei's surprise, this player was not another senior trainer from the opponent's team.

Are you going to play again in the team competition?
The new player's elf strength can only be regarded as average in this arena. He naturally has no chance of winning against the Bronze Unicorn and will be eliminated soon.

The game officially entered the team stage.

Four of the other members of Jiangcheng No. [-] Middle School stepped onto the ring, namely Li Jinbo, Xu Leilei, Xie Xu and Hou Ziming. After releasing their elves, they walked off the ring, leaving the four elves behind in Jiang Xiaobei. next to.

And in this group battle, after learning that Fighting Xiaowu could no longer fight, Jiang Xiaobei didn't plan to let Hood Xiaodou play again.

Putting the bronze unicorn on the field and adding the ghost fog is enough to deal with it.

Speaking of which, the area of ​​the command point is not very large, even if the ghost mist floats in the air, the other three elves, the bronze unicorn and Jiang Xiaobei will be here together, it will look very crowded.

So, Jiang Xiaobei jumped on the back of the bronze unicorn, and rode it while waiting for the field to change.

At this time, Tao Hui at the bottom of the ring saw this scene, and his eyes lit up immediately, because Jiang Xiaobei was wearing white clothes at this time, with a faint smile on his handsome face, riding on the tall and handsome On the bronze unicorn, it is indescribably handsome.

Surrounded by other four elves, it has a slightly magical color.

Seeing how handsome her son looked, Tao Hui quickly said to Xiaodou, who was playing with her mobile phone in her arms, "Xiaodou, hurry up, take a picture."

Hood Xiaodou was playing a game on his mobile phone at this time, and was manipulating Wang Zhaojun to match up with Angela on the opposite side. Naturally, he didn't want to quit. After thinking about it, he jumped out of Tao Hui's arms, and took out Jiang Xiaobei's schoolbag beside him. After taking out the camera that Jiang Xiaobei had brought before, he handed it to Tao Hui.

"The equipment is quite complete." Tao Hui muttered, then picked up the camera, and snapped several pictures of Jiang Xiaobei on the ring.

Xu Leilei noticed the situation here, walked over quickly, saw the very good photo taken by Tao Hui's camera, his eyes lit up immediately, and said to Tao Hui: "Aunt Tao, can you send me a copy of this picture?" ?”

"Okay." Tao Hui agreed wholeheartedly.

Afterwards, she copied the photo, transferred it to her mobile phone, and also sent a copy to Xu Leilei.

Xu Leilei found the most handsome picture among them, and resent it to their school team group and class group.

Several other people in the school team were watching at the scene. When they saw the picture posted by Xu Leilei, they all smiled and didn't pay too much attention.

Lin Chuxia, on the other hand, clicked on the picture and glanced at it, then turned around and looked around, and when she found that no one was paying attention to her, she secretly saved the picture.

In the class group, many students were chatting and discussing today's game.

Because today is the weekend, there will no longer be the incident of being caught playing with mobile phones in class by the head teacher as before, and the students naturally chatted very relaxedly.

As soon as this picture of Xu Leilei was posted, the group fell silent for a moment.

A lot of girls in class one of the elves, looking at this handsome picture of Jiang Xiaobei riding a bronze unicorn, became a little nympho, and immediately saved the picture.

The two class goddesses, Su Shiyun and Yan Muqing, also saw this picture.

The difference is that Su Shiyun's focus is on the five elves next to Jiang Xiaobei, with a lot of thoughts in his heart, thinking that it would be great if he could go to the scene to compete.

But Yan Muqing's focus was on Jiang Xiaobei, his eyes were shining brightly.

At this time, many students were watching the live broadcast. When they saw this picture, which was obviously taken on the spot, they immediately became envious.

"Wow, I really want to go to the scene to watch the game!"

"+1, I heard that tomorrow we will enter the secret realm of the green arena for the competition, so I really want to enter this legendary secret realm to watch the competition!"

"The squad leader is so handsome!"

"But that's it (lemon)!"

"But that's it (lemon)!" (+1)

The elves on Jiang Xiaobei's side had already entered the field, and the opposing team's commanding players came onto the field.

It was a girl with very fair skin, but it showed a sickly whiteness, she was also very thin, and she didn't look very healthy.

Jiang Xiaobei didn't know her, her name was Jiang Xinyue, she had the same surname as him, she was another senior trainer from Jinling Longteng Middle School, Elf Snowtop Bruce, the conductor of Jinling Longteng Middle School.

After Jiang Xinyue stepped onto the ring, she released a few elves.

They are Snowtop Blues, Fireworks, Tentacle Dragon, Power Ape and Unicorn.

Looking at the octopus-shaped Bruce Snow, Jiang Xiaobei immediately searched for the other party's information.

[Elf Name] Snowtop Bruce
[Elf level] 31 (advanced elf)
【Elf Talent】Green

[Spirit Attribute] Ice

【Height】1.0m 【Weight】27.5kg 【Gender】Female

[Evolution Form] Ice Diamond Bruce (level 48 evolution)
[Spirit Skills] Freezing, Head Burst, Bite, Water Ripple, Frozen Wind, Aurora Light, Ice Crystal Barrier.

[Spirit Secret Technique] None
【Elf Props】Ice Orb
[Elf Profile] The long tentacles make it easy to catch opponents, and the snowflakes on its head are also a good camouflage.

Seeing that the elves on both sides were released, the cold referee immediately began to change the field.

The roulette above the ring slowly rotated and stopped on the side that symbolized the ice field.

The team competition venue, the ice venue!

Seeing this result, Jiang Xiaobei frowned, a little curious.

This was the first time their Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School had entered the finals, and it was the first time they played on the ice field. Naturally, it gave Jiang Xiaobei a different feeling.

Although I also saw the scene of the ice field when watching other teams' games, but after all, I didn't direct the elves to compete on it, so I naturally felt different.

Watching the concrete floor on the arena sink slowly, then a white mist mixed with cold air drifted from below, covering the entire arena.

Jiang Xiaobei has an ice badge, even the severe cold in Snowman Valley will not make him feel uncomfortable, but when he looked towards the opposite side, he was a little surprised.

Jiang Xinyue on the opposite side didn't wear very thick clothes, but she didn't seem to feel the cold either.

At this time, the field constructed entirely of ice slowly rose up, gradually fitting together with the command point, and the preparation of the ice field was completed.

The elves who had been surrounded by Jiang Xiaobei immediately stepped into the ring, and Jiang Xiaobei also jumped off the back of the bronze unicorn, allowing the bronze unicorn to enter the arena.

Feeling the slightly slippery ground, the bronze unicorn transformed into wings of energy directly behind it, and slowly flew at a height of more than one meter above the ice.

The little fire monkey felt the pressure point under his feet, and frowned.

The ground is so slippery, which has a great impact on his ability to play for a while.

The ghost fog had no effect. Both Meow and Thunderbolt knew that they were soy saucers, and they leaned together, and didn't care about the ground.

After giving both elves nearly 3 minutes of preparation time, the referee announced the start of the match.

Jiang Xiaobei took advantage of these 3 minutes to explain the battle arrangements for each elf.

The opponent has only one Snowtop Bruce who is a high-level elf, and the other elves are not to be feared.

Therefore, what Jiang Xiaobei thought was, as in the previous game, first let the ghost mist restrain Bruce Snowtop, get rid of the other elves that were in the way, and then focus on eliminating Bruce Snowtop.

After making the command, the moment the referee announced the start of the game, the five elves in Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School immediately took action. Ghost Mist and Bronze Unicorn flew towards each other first, little fire monkey, meow, The Thunderbolt Dragon and other elves followed behind.

The five elves from Jinling Longteng Middle School also gathered together immediately after the referee announced the start of the game, concentrated their firepower, and launched an attack on the two high-level elves that flew in first.

Seeing the energies of various departments converging and shooting towards them, Ghost Mist instantly launched a large shadow ball, flying towards the opponent's attack.

And the bronze unicorn also released the dance of petals, but it did follow behind the shadow ball to block the energy explosion and fluctuation between skill collisions later.

In this way, they can rush towards each other with unabated momentum.


There was only a loud bang, and the energies of various colors mixed together and exploded, producing huge energy fluctuations.

However, a flower petal composed of many wind blades rotated rapidly, rolling up a strong gust of wind, which completely blocked the energy fluctuations coming out in the direction of the bronze unicorn and ghost fog.

Soon, the two elves rushed to the other five elves.

The energy wings behind the bronze unicorn waved violently, and two cyan crescent-shaped light waves shot at the four middle-level elves behind Snowtop Bruce.

Snowtop Bruce was about to block the bronze unicorn's attack, but the ghost fog directly stopped her and launched a fierce attack towards her.

In desperation, Snowtop Bruce could only choose to protect himself first, and ignore the other four elves.

The four mid-level elves released their strongest defensive skills one after another to block the attack of the bronze unicorn. At this time, the other three elves from Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School also approached here.

Little Fire Monkey immediately stepped on the ground with his right foot, and swung out his right fist, Bajiquan!

Meow leaned forward, the energy in his mouth gathered, and a blaze of sunlight shot towards the other four elves.

The Thunderbolt Dragon picked up his Thunderbolt Golden Dart, and was about to throw it, when he saw the four elves in front of him had been knocked off the ring by his teammates' attacks.

At this time, his golden dart hadn't been thrown yet!

Most afraid, the air is suddenly quiet!

A strong sense of embarrassment rose in Thunderbolt Dragon's heart. He looked around, and suddenly put the golden dart back on his body, and put on a roaring state of attacking with all his strength.

He launched an attack on his opponent in momentum!
Well, I also made a small contribution.

A snowtop Bruce with only level 31 was naturally no match for the other elves. Soon, he was eliminated by Ghost Mist and Bronze Unicorn.

So far, Jiangcheng No. [-] Middle School has successfully entered the quarterfinals!
Tomorrow, we will enter the green arena to compete!
 Thanks to SharpEdges for the reward of 1000 coins, and thanks to the temperamental gangster for the reward of 200 coins

  Thanks to the small imperial envoy, winnie, Kongming, Xue, Repentance, Beihui, Gufengshui, Fenghuaxueyue|Holy Spirit and other big names for their monthly ticket support
  . . . zzz
(End of this chapter)

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