My elf is so cute

Chapter 205 The Admissions Office of the Magic University

Chapter 205 The Admissions Office of the Magic University

This year's National High School Student Elf Cup, the top eight teams have changed a little compared to previous years.

That is, Jiangcheng No. [-] Middle School became Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School.

The rest of the teams have not changed much, they are still the same as in previous years.

Don't look at Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School defeated Pengcheng No. [-] Middle School in the preliminary round, but this does not mean that Pengcheng No. [-] Middle School is weak.

You know, in the entire finals, apart from the top eight teams in previous years, no other team had three or more advanced trainers.

Therefore, it was no surprise that Pengcheng No. [-] Middle School advanced to the quarterfinals.

At the same time, through the previous group matches and other competitions, the strength of most of the teams has basically been exposed, and Jiang Xiaobei and the others have also recorded them in detail, which is convenient for reasonable analysis on the field.

It is a pity that so far, in the school teams of the two schools, the High School Affiliated to the Magic University and the High School Affiliated to the Beijing University, only four players have played, and the remaining three players have never played, so the information records are incomplete.

However, Jiang Xiaobei and the others felt tremendous pressure just from the four players who played.

Take the High School High School attached to the Demon University as an example, the four contestants on stage are their captain, Zhao Yuan, and the elves are holy griffins, not only powerful in race, but also up to level 38;
Team member Huang Yunfei, an elf-powered ape, is level 35, only one level away from being able to evolve into the sleepy king, and the race potential is huge!
Team member Bai Yuexuan, the elf is Conch Girl, the evolution form of Otada, level 34;
The team member Chen Ying is an elf blasthorn, level 32.

Among these four contestants, if they don't switch forms in the cap and pocket, if they use the secret skill Ice and Fire Spin, just a holy griffin can make Jiang Xiaobei and the others drink a pot.

Moreover, even if the hood uses Ice and Fire Spin, the opponent can't stand still and let you fight. Without restricting the movement of the opponent's elves, it is estimated that you can't win if you use it.

In addition, in Jiang Xiaobei's view, the opponents who haven't played yet must be killers, and their strength must be very strong.

Without knowing their full strength, Jiang Xiaobei couldn't think of any way to make his team win the opponent.

The same is true for the High School Affiliated to Beijing University.

After the top 16 to the top 8 match, the Magic University did not announce the game schedule for the next day, and planned to wait until the next day when everyone went to the Green Field Arena to make arrangements.

Moreover, when the audience at the scene left, their tickets were also exchanged for a pass card that recorded their personal information. At that time, they could only be allowed to come to watch the game with this card. Enter the secret realm of the green field arena.

Not available for rent.

Because after all, the competition is held in a secret realm, the security protection measures must not be as complete as the outside world. For everyone's safety, it is natural to pay attention to it.

And when Jiang Xiaobei and the others defeated Jinling Longteng Middle School and actually advanced to the quarterfinals, the principal of Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School couldn't hold back anymore.

Dang even called the team leader Wang Yun, praised Jiang Xiaobei and the others, and at the same time said that if there is anything needed, feel free to ask the school.

After hanging up the phone, the principal of Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School felt a little emotional.

This year's school team has achieved such a good result in the National High School Student Fairy Cup, which undoubtedly added a high degree of popularity to their school and was of great help to the school's enrollment work.

Moreover, as the school where the top eight teams of the National High School Student Fairy Cup are located, the educational resources allocated to them by the Ministry of Education in the coming year will also increase a lot, which will also have a lot of benefits for the development of the school.

Moreover, the seven members of this year's school team don't need to take the college entrance examination, and they will be rushed to be admitted by many well-known universities. If they perform well, like Jiang Xiaobei and Hou Ziming, they can even be rushed by the top universities, such as Magic University or Beijing University. admitted.

After all, no school can have too many top students.

It is estimated that the principal of Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School would never have imagined that people from the Magic University or Beijing University would rush to admit Jiang Xiaobei and Hou Ziming, so the school of the Magic University sent people here.

This afternoon, Jiang Xiaobei was sitting in the dormitory, engaged in a 1v1 solo battle with Mao Xiaodou.

Mao Xiaodou especially likes to use the hero Wang Zhaojun. After more than a dozen hands-on training, Jiang Xiaobei thinks that the current operation is already very good.

Already had his three successes!

And Jiang Xiaobei's hero is Zhao Yun, who goes in and out of the dragon with a spear.

"Thunderbolt, eh!"

"You have been slain!"

Looking at the darkened screen and the 0-4-0 record, Jiang Xiaobei was expressionless.

Suddenly, at this time, there was a rhythmic knock on the door, and Jiang Xiaobei immediately stood up, put away the mobile phone in the hood, coughed, and said, "Let's come here today. I'll let you."

After speaking, before Hood could speak, he turned and walked towards the door of the dormitory.

The mobile phone was taken away, and the hat Xiaodou looked at Jiang Xiaobei's back, and immediately wrinkled his cute little nose, feeling that Jiang Xiaobei was playing tricks.

Obviously he was going to lose!
Jiang Xiaobei opened the door, and saw a smiling middle-aged man in casual clothes standing at the door, followed by a well-mannered young man wearing glasses.

"Excuse me, who are you?" Jiang Xiaobei asked with some doubts.

The middle-aged man smiled and said to Jiang Xiaobei: "Hi, classmate Jiang Xiaobei, I am Zhang Yongliang, a teacher from the Admissions Office of the Magic University, and this is my assistant, Chen Wen."

The teacher of the Admissions Office of the Magic University?

Jiang Xiaobei somewhat understands what the other party is going to do, but he doesn't understand one thing, that is, after joining the Fengxue Gym, he will definitely enter the Demon University in the future, and Teacher Bing Xinyue is also a teacher of the Demon University. Could it be that she Didn't you tell the school?

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Chen, please come in."

Although he hadn't figured it out for a while, Jiang Xiaobei still let the two of them walk into the living room of the dormitory, so he couldn't block them out.

Zhang Yongliang walked into the living room, took a look at the hood sitting on the sofa, and then sat on another sofa. Jiang Xiaobei also sat next to the hood, put his hands together, and looked To Zhang Yongliang.

Zhang Yongliang looked at Jiang Xiaobei, and said with a smile: "Student Jiang Xiaobei also understands the purpose of my coming today, so I won't go around in circles, just say it directly."

"Come to think of it, you have a certain understanding of our magic university. Our school is not only the top university in China, but also the world's top university. The teaching resources are very rich. Do you have any thoughts on entering the magic university?"

At this time, Chen Wen, the assistant next to him, took out a stack of documents from his handbag and handed them to Zhang Yongliang.

Holding this document, Zhang Yongliang continued, "This is an agreement to send us to the Devil's University. As long as you sign it, you don't need to take the college entrance examination, and you can directly send us to the Devil's University."

As he spoke, he put the document on the table and pushed it in front of Jiang Xiaobei. Looking at Jiang Xiaobei's appearance, he wished he could sign it for him.

Before coming, he had investigated Jiang Xiaobei's detailed information.

It was discovered that this Jiang Xiaobei not only had an amazing talent in training, but also was able to train his elves to the current level of strength without any background in his family;

Moreover, the other party turned out to be a junior elf cultivator.

Don't underestimate junior elf cultivators. You must know that in the elf cultivator major of the Magic University, there are not a few junior elf cultivators among the students admitted every year. An elf cultivator, became a junior elf cultivator before the college entrance examination, this is the ranks of geniuses.

Moreover, he also found out that Jiang Xiaobei was the one who published the paper on the evolution method of little unicorns that caused a sensation all over the country. With such a talent, it is safe to become an intermediate elf cultivator before graduating from university!
With the super talents of both trainer and elf cultivator, if such a student is snatched away by Beijing University, Zhang Yongliang feels that the leaders of the school can swallow him alive!
Looking at the contract in front of him, Jiang Xiaobei didn't know whether he should sign it or not.

Because I was afraid that there would be some problems in this contract, and with my own grades, it would not be a problem to be admitted to the Magic University, so why bother to sign this contract?
 This is a make up for what I said yesterday.

  Alas, I finally understand. I’m just a lazy guy. Once I say there’s another update after 11:30 p.m.
  There is a class today, and it has been delayed until now to update.

  I'm trying to post the two chapters today after the update is complete, otherwise, I guess one more update will have to be delayed.

(End of this chapter)

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