My elf is so cute

Chapter 206 Green Field Arena, Royal Elf!

Chapter 206 Green Field Arena, Royal Elf!
Jiang Xiaobei thought for a while, and was about to refuse. At this time, Zhang Yongliang seemed to see his thoughts, and said before Jiang Xiaobei opened his mouth: "Student Jiang Xiaobei, don't rush to make a decision, I still have something to say .”

"If you sign this contract, you will get a lot of benefits from the school."

"First of all, the first point is to waive the tuition fee. The annual tuition fee of the Spirit Division is not very cheap. After signing this contract, this large amount of money will be directly waived."

"Secondly, the school will arrange teachers to help you obtain an elf. They can even take you to the secret realm of Time and Space to capture a little griffin."

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobei's eyes lit up suddenly, and he asked quickly, "What about the seal guards?"

The seal guard is the initial stage of the ancient war dragon. It is as precious as the little griffin, but the location of the space-time illusion is in the magic capital, while the dragon vein flame secret realm where the seal guard is located is in Kyoto.

Therefore, the difficulty of obtaining the seal guard is much more difficult than that of the little griffin.

However, after hearing Jiang Xiaobei's question, Zhang Yongliang was not dissatisfied. Instead, his eyes lit up and he nodded in confirmation.

In his view, he is not afraid of your request, but afraid of you not making it.

Moreover, it is not very difficult to obtain an elf, even an elf like a seal guard, with their magic channel.

After getting an accurate reply, Jiang Xiaobei's heart was moved.

He can obtain the seal guard without spending [-] points, which is very attractive to him.

So, he continued to ask: "Then, if I sign this contract, is there anything I need to do?"

Zhang Yongliang shook his head with a smile, and said: "There are no special requirements. All you need to do is to apply for the entrance examination of the Magic University, and you cannot enter other universities."

After finishing speaking, he saw Jiang Xiaobei still thinking about it, and immediately stood up.

"You don't have to rush to sign the contract. You can think about it, or discuss it with your parents. I'll put the contract here first. If you sign it, you can hand it over to me tomorrow."

Zhang Yongliang wasn't in a hurry either. The only one who could compete with the Magic University was the Beijing University, and now it was on the campus of the Magic University. People from the Beijing University would naturally know in advance when they came.

Under their home court, there are ways to keep people from Beijing University from getting in touch with Jiang Xiaobei.

After speaking, he left the address of their admissions office, and he and his assistant left.

Jiang Xiaobei thought for a while, picked up his phone and called Bing Xinyue, thinking of asking if there was anything in it that needed attention.

"Hey, what can I do for you?" Bing Xinyue's voice came from the phone.

Jiang Xiaobei immediately narrated the previous incident to Bing Xinyue.

"This matter, you can sign it. Zhang Yongliang is right. After signing this contract, you can only apply for the entrance examination of the Magic University, and you cannot apply for other universities. There are no restrictions on the rest."

Jiang Xiaobei nodded, and after he understood, he didn't care about anything, and signed his name on the contract directly, and then, while there was still time, he went directly to the address of the Admissions Office of the Magic University that Zhang Yongliang mentioned just now.

After dinner, when Jiang Xiaobei returned to his dormitory, Hou Ziming came to his dormitory.

"Monkey? What's the matter? Come in and tell."

After pulling Hou Ziming into the dormitory, Jiang Xiaobei became curious.

"Squad leader, is there any teacher from the Magic University looking for you today?"

"Are you talking about escorting? Yes, they have also looked for you?"

Hou Ziming nodded, and then asked, "The squad leader, what do you think?"

"I signed it."

"Then I'll sign it too."

"That's fine, when the time comes, we'll still be classmates when we go to college." Jiang Xiaobei patted Hou Ziming's shoulder and said with a smile.


Early the next morning, after breakfast, Jiang Xiaobei and the others quickly followed the signposts to the entrance to the secret realm of the Green Field Arena.

The space entrance of the green arena secret realm is attached to the wall of a high-rise building. Through the constantly vibrating space ripples, it can be seen that the entrance area is very large, with a width of more than ten meters, allowing dozens of people to enter at the same time.

At this time, in front of the entrance of the space, many spectators lined up in a long line, completely enclosing the entire entrance.

Fortunately, just like in Dou Ling Square before, there is also a player passage here, otherwise it is estimated that it will take more than half an hour to enter the secret realm.

Coming to the entrance of the secret realm of the green field ring through the player passage, Jiang Xiaobei and the others walked directly into it without any hesitation.

As soon as Jiang Xiaobei entered the secret realm of the green field ring, he opened his eyes wide and looked around.

They were standing on a piece of lawn now, and there was a huge circular arena not far in front of them. It seemed to be one meter high and 300 meters in diameter.

On the edge of the arena, every few meters there is a guardrail exuding faint fluorescence, surrounding the entire arena, and on one side of the arena, there is a wall erected, in the middle is like a blackboard, black, but inside nothing.

Around the arena, there are four thick stone pillars with exquisite patterns carved on them. Under the sunlight above, the patterns on the entire stone pillars shine brightly.

Around the lawn, there is a complete circle of stands with many floors, and most of the seats are already filled with people.

Previously, tens of thousands of spectators on the [-]th floor of Dou Ling Plaza had to watch the game here, and one could get an idea of ​​how big this stand was after thinking about it.

Jiang Xiaobei and his group walked up to the stands, and now they looked towards the arena, and saw a huge R engraved in the center of the arena.

This R is the symbol of Locke Kingdom!
Thinking about it, Jiang Xiaobei followed Wang Yun to one of the waiting seats arranged by Mo Da for them.

This position is very close to the ring in the middle, so you can get up and walk to the ring at any time without delaying too long.

After Jiang Xiaobei finished, he looked around, and after looking for a long time, he saw a few things like cameras on the four giant stone pillars.

This should be a video recording tool that can contact the outside world, right?

It's a pity that the mobile phone can't be used now, otherwise we have to take a good look at what is going on, and whether the scene transmitted to the outside world is clear or not.

Just as he was looking at the surrounding scene, he suddenly saw a light blue light and shadow spreading from above the arena, spreading to the entire green field arena.

Being brushed by the blue light and shadow, Jiang Xiaobei instantly felt his body become very refreshed, and his whole body became much more energetic.

Turning his head to look at the others, he found that they also had surprised expressions.

At this time, suddenly a slightly old but full of spirit sounded, the sound was not loud, but it appeared in everyone's ears.


Immediately afterwards, a huge elf suddenly appeared on the ring, and on top of it stood a white-haired old man.

The elf's head was like a sheep, its body was like a fish, and it was nearly five meters long. With its lower body bent, it scanned the surroundings with its amber eyes. The originally noisy surroundings suddenly became quiet, and everyone subconsciously He held his breath, not daring to say a word.

Jiang Xiaobei felt a little excited when he saw this elf, and roared in his heart: Evil spirit Capricorn!
The evil spirit Capricorn, a kind of elf that symbolizes Capricornus of the twelve constellations!
Immediately, he used the system to detect the evil spirit Capricorn.

【Elf Name】Evil Spirit Capricornus

[Elf level] 93 (royal level elf)
[Elf Talent] Lavender
[Spirit Attribute] Water System

[Height] 5.3m [Weight] 456.5kg [Gender] Male

【Evolutionary Form】Unable to evolve

[Spirit Skills] Magic Snoring, Water Spear, Water Shot Cannon
[Spirit Secret Technique] Blue Falls to Yellow Springs, Boundless Seas, Water Mist Extinction
[Elf props] Ocean Heart

【Elf Introduction】It symbolizes Capricornus, one of the twelve constellations. It is a very kind elf and the only elf. When this elf exists in the world, there will be no other elf of the same kind in the world.

Royal Elf!

It turned out to be a royal elf!
In other words, the white-haired old man next to him is a titled trainer!

 Thanks to Jushui Nanqiao for the reward of 200 coins, and thanks to Yuluo Changan for the reward of 834 coins!
  Thank you for your monthly ticket support from only hating, single loser, unscrupulous dirty girl, Chen Jiansheng, Noamnesty, Ling Jiubai, little imperial envoy, Qianruoqingfeng, Yuluo Changan, Du Jinyu, etc.
  Ahem, I found out again and again that I can't write the next update.

  After writing two updates every day, my whole mental state has changed. I wrote slowly, and found that an hour has passed, and only a few hundred words, alas~
  I'm so sorry.

  But it will definitely be made up. If it doesn't work, I will make it up three times a day for two days on weekends.

(End of this chapter)

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