My elf is so cute

Chapter 207 Opening of the Quarterfinals

Chapter 207 Opening of the Quarterfinals

It is impossible for a titled trainer to be unknown. Who is he?

Jiang Xiaobei vaguely remembered that he had seen the other party's information on the Internet before, but at that time he just glanced at it and didn't remember it.

At this time, the white-haired old man said again: "Hello everyone, I am Chi Yongduan, the dean of the Magic College of Magic City University."

Hearing the old man's self-introduction, Jiang Xiaobei remembered who he was.

Chi Yongrui, the honorary dean of the Spirit Academy of Shanghai University.

As a trainer, he specializes in water. 20 years ago, the main elf, Capricornus, successfully broke through to become a royal elf, and Chi Yongrui has since become a title-level trainer.

Self-proclaimed: Bihai.

Because of the particularity of the evil spirit Capricornus as a constellation elf, its explosive strength is very strong. Just after breaking through, it defeated a long-famous title trainer in the United States, causing a sensation.

However, since that first battle, this man has seldom made a move, and has been staying in the devil.

At the same time, he is also the only titled trainer in Moda.

Many students who specialize in water elves hope to be admitted to the magic university and get the teaching of Chi Lao.

Today is the opening of the quarter-finals, and it is also the first day of competition in the secret realm of the green field arena.

Chi Yongrui appeared here, firstly, to give a speech for the opening of the quarterfinals, and secondly, to show the strength of the Devil University and attract more outstanding students to apply for the Devil University.

The title of titled trainer is more useful than anything else for these students who have just entered the field of trainers for less than a year.

Therefore, when the leading teacher of the High School Affiliated to Beijing University saw this situation, his expression changed instantly. If the electronic equipment could not be used in the secret realm, he would have called the relevant person in charge of Beijing University directly. .

Even the title trainers were dispatched, Mo Da, you don't talk about martial arts!
After Chi Yongrui expressed his thoughts before the start of the match, he left the ring with the evil spirit Capricorn, and then the chief referee from the previous match in Dou Ling Square stepped onto the ring and talked about some precautions during the quarter-finals.

"There is a special magic in the green arena, which can automatically protect the life of the elves, so the elves can let go during the game and do whatever they want without worrying about hurting their opponents."

"When the arena detects that the elf will suffer unbearable damage, it will help it resist the damage, and automatically determine that the elf will be eliminated and will be transferred to the audience. It is absolutely fair. If the elf is transferred to the arena, it will be It is elimination, no further incidents, and offenders will be disqualified from the competition."

"After the competition starts, there will be a strong concentration of elements from various departments in the arena, so there is no need to worry about various problems caused by venue problems."

"During the match, if some elves use skills such as smoke to cover their sight, the arena will automatically adjust, and the spectators outside the arena can clearly see the internal situation, while the elves inside will not be affected,"

The chief referee talked about more than a dozen rules and information in a row, and Jiang Xiaobei was deeply moved when he heard it.

He really didn't know that this green arena had so many functions, and the rules Bing Xinyue told her before were just the tip of the iceberg.

After talking about some rules of the competition, the next step is to draw lots.

The leading teacher of each team will come forward to draw lots, draw the team number, and then decide the opponent for the next match.

Wang Yun immediately stepped forward with some excitement. In previous years, he could only see the leading teachers of other teams stepping up to draw lots, but he didn't expect that he would have a chance this year.

This made him feel that his trip was worth it.

In front of the arena, there was a mahogany box with a small hole in it. Wang Yun and other eight leading teachers, under the command of the staff of the Magic University, stretched their hands into it one by one and took out a rubber ball.

The number 3 was printed on the rubber ball that Wang Yun took out.

After Wang Yun looked at it, the staff next to it took it back, and recorded the information of Xiangcheng No. 3 Middle School, [-] in the form beside it.

The rules of the game are teams No. 1 and No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4, and so on.

At the same time, the advanced teams from No. 1 and No. 2 teams will compete with the advanced teams from No. 3 and No. 4 teams, and finally, the final champion will be determined.

After everyone drew lots, Wang Yun finally saw clearly the numbers of each team in the form.

The No. 4 team was drawn to the Magic City Elf Middle School, that is to say, in today's quarter-final match, Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School will face the school team of the Magic City Elf Middle School.

It wasn't the best result, not being able to draw an opponent like Pengcheng No. [-] Middle School, but it wasn't the worst result either, because there was no first match against the Demon University High School or the Beijing University High School.

Then, he looked at the numbers of other teams.

I saw: No. 1 High School Attached to Beijing University, No. 2 Huacheng No. 3 Middle School, No. 4 Xiangcheng No. 5 Middle School, No. 6 Magic City Elf Middle School, No. 7 Ling University High School No. 8, No. [-] Jinling No. [-] Middle School, and No. [-] Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School. No. [-] for Pengcheng No. [-] Middle School and No. [-] for Pengcheng No. [-] Middle School.

Seeing this result, Wang Yun shook his head. The High School Affiliated to the Magic University and the High School Affiliated to Beijing University still failed to match, and it is estimated that the winner will be determined in the final.

After reading the results, he walked back to the waiting area of ​​Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School.

Looking at the eyes of everyone looking over, he didn't have any ink marks, and said directly: "Our opponent today is Magic City Elf High School, in the second round, so we still have some time, let's discuss the game arrangement for a while."

Hearing that it was the Magic City Elf Middle School, Jiang Xiaobei breathed a sigh of relief, and then thought about the information of the opposing team.

According to previous investigations, there are a total of 4 senior trainers in the school team of Magic City Elf Middle School, which is quite a lot, but not too many.

In Modu, many families with conditions send their children to the High School of the High School, so although the Middle School of the Magic City is the second-ranked middle school for elves in the High School, the quality of students is far from comparable to that of the High School of the High School. .

This has also led to a large gap in the strength of its school teams.

Among the four senior trainers of the Magic City Elf Middle School team, only their captain needs attention. The elf is a 36-level little red elf who evolved into a top-level winged elf like the rosary crane.

The elves of the other three advanced trainers are all below level 33, so they are not very threatening.

However, in a competition venue like the green field arena, it is basically impossible to injure the opponent's elves in the individual competition, preventing them from entering the team competition.

Therefore, after Jiang Xiaobei prepared for a while to win an opponent in the individual competition, he chose to directly enter the team competition, so that it would be less difficult to win the competition.

Immediately, he told the others about his thoughts, and everyone basically agreed with them. At the same time, they discussed for a while, and decided on the first player in the individual competition.

Huang Xin and Li Jinbo.

Li Jinbo's Thunderbolt Dragon is the weakest and has the least effect in the team competition, so he played in the individual competition; and Huang Xin, because of the situation in this arena, even if it is rich in energy elements as the chief referee said before, it cannot make the little drill mouse Drill the ground!
Unable to drill the ground, the role that the little drill mouse can play will be much smaller, so it will be played in the individual competition.

While everyone was discussing, the first game, the match between the High School Affiliated to Beijing University and Huacheng No. [-] Middle School was about to begin, and the starting players from both sides stepped onto the ring.

What caught the audience's attention was that Li Xuan, the captain of the High School Affiliated to Beijing University, who had never been in the match before, was actually the first to step onto the ring in this individual match.

What does he want to do?
(End of this chapter)

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