My elf is so cute

Chapter 208 The Great Strength of the Sealed Messenger

Chapter 208 The Great Strength of the Sealed Messenger
Previously, all viewers who paid close attention to these two schools, the High School Affiliated to the Demon University and the High School Affiliated to the Beijing University, knew that Li Xuan, the captain of the High School Affiliated to the Beijing University, never commanded his elves to play from the very beginning of the match.

Originally, they all thought that Li Xuan would hide his strength at the end and play in the match against the Demon University High School.

Unexpectedly, even now, in the first match against Huacheng No. [-] Middle School, he will play.

"What does he want to see?" The leading teacher of Huacheng No. [-] Middle School turned green when he saw this scene.

In the first round of the individual competition, Li Xuan played, and he knew what it meant.

This means that their Huacheng No. [-] Middle School will get a zero seal from the High School Affiliated to Beijing University in this quarter-finals under the circumstances of national attention!

In the previous matches in Dou Ling Plaza, although there were occasional matches with zero opponents, there were many channels and many matches at that time, and many viewers did not pay much attention to it.

But now it is different, there are not so many channels, and almost all the audience watching the live broadcast across the country are watching this game.

If this is really zero seal, even if the strength gap between the two sides is too great, they will lose face in Huacheng No. [-] Middle School!
On the ring, Li Xuan still had a smile on his face. After standing firmly on the ring, he released his spirit.

This is a blue elf, about 1.5 meters tall, with long dark blue hair on its head, gleaming metallic gloves on its hands, and a compelling aura in its red pupils .

Seal the messenger!
Seeing the sealed envoy released by Li Xuan, Jiang Xiaobei's eyes immediately lit up, staring at him firmly.

The seal messenger, the previous stage of the ancient war dragon.

【Elf Name】Sealed Messenger

[Elf level] 39 (advanced elf)
[Elf Talent] Cyan

[Spirit Attribute] Dragon
[Height] 1.5m [Weight] 124.9kg [Gender] Male
[Evolution Form] Ancient Battle Dragon (level 50 evolution)
[Spirit Skills] Dragon Dance, Dragon Minions, Mech Penetration, Legendary Power, Sandstorm, Jumping Shot

【Spirit Secret Technique】Dragon Dance Seven Punches

[Elf Props] Dragon Scale Pendant

【Elf Profile】Stick to your heart and train hard all the time.

Level 39, one level higher than the level of the Holy Griffin!
Moreover, he also mastered the skill of legendary power, which is considered a unique skill for every elf.

It can be said that this seal guard is invincible below the elite elves.

Jiang Xiaobei suddenly became worried about the high school attached to the Demon University. Judging from the elf information of the captains of both sides, it was obvious that Li Xuan's sealed envoy was better.

In comparison, the holy griffin is probably no match for the seal envoy.

The No.1 contestant from Huacheng No. [-] Middle School looked at the seal envoy standing opposite him, and released his elves helplessly in his heart.

A level 28 little Huazuolong.

As soon as Xiaohuazuilong appeared on the ring, he felt the strong power of the dragon coming from the front, as well as the sense of oppression coming from the blood, and subconsciously took a few steps back.

Then he raised his head, looked at the blue figure in front of him, with a pair of big eyes full of fear, and hid behind his trainer on the spot.

Seeing the unbearable performance of his little Huazuilong, the contestant of Huacheng No. [-] Middle School suddenly felt dull, and said to his little Huazuilong in a fierce tone: "Don't be ashamed, come here."

As he said, he pointed to the position in front, and Xiao Huazuilong walked forward reluctantly, but his eyes were still dodging, not daring to look at the seal envoy opposite.

At this time, the chief referee at the side saw that the two sides were basically ready, and directly asked the trainer to walk to the edge of the ring, and then announced the start of the game.

At the beginning of the match, the seal envoy didn't launch an attack immediately, but stood on the ring, with dragon energy permeating his whole body, accompanied by bursts of dragon chant, his whole body's aura increased greatly.

He used the skill, Dragon Dance.

Dragon Dance, after use, can greatly increase the attack power and speed of dragon spirits.

And when the seal envoy uses Dragon Dance, the trainer of the opposite Xiaohuazui dragon asks the Xiaohuazui dragon to release the skill to interrupt it, but when the dragon dance is released, the seal envoy's dragon power increases greatly, and the little Huazui dragon scares He had to lie on the ground directly, not daring to move.

In the surrounding auditorium, many spectators burst into laughter when they saw this situation.

Hearing the laughter around him, the trainer of the little flower-billed dragon was almost pissed off.

Before, he knew that his little flower-billed gentian was very small, and he usually had some resistance to the battle, but he didn't behave as badly as he did now!

At this time, the seal envoy who had released Dragon Dance glanced at Xiaohuazuilong lying on the ground, raised his right fist, and a huge light blue fist shadow appeared in front of him.

Then the seal envoy threw out a fist, and with a roaring air explosion, the shadow of the fist drove a strong air current and shot at the little flower-mouthed dragon lying on the ground.

When it was about to attack Xiao Huazuilong, a light curtain suddenly appeared in front of Xiaohuazuilong, completely blocking the attack.

Then, another flash of light flashed, and before the audience could react to what happened, the little flower-billed dragon appeared directly on the lawn under the ring.

"Little Huazuilong was eliminated. In the first round of the individual competition, the High School Affiliated to Beijing University won. Please send the next player from Huacheng No. [-] Middle School."

Soon, several other contestants from Huacheng No. [-] Middle School played one by one, but their elves were no match for the seal envoy at all.

Except for the elf who was the leader of Huacheng No. [-] Squadron, other elves, even high-level elves, basically couldn't resist the move of the seal envoy who had been strengthened by Dragon Dance.

The captain's elf of Huacheng No. 35 Middle School is a level [-] demon wolf.

A demon-type and cute-type elf, wearing a pair of sunglasses, looks handsome, and his strength is also very good.

Although it was a bit difficult to resist the attack of the sealing messenger, he still blocked the two rounds of attacks of the sealing messenger.

It is also because of this that the seal envoy used the skill, the legendary power.

Accompanied by his dragon roar, a powerful energy filled the body of the seal envoy, and finally gathered on his right fist, which almost swelled a lot.

Afterwards, the seal envoy quickly rushed towards the demon wolf, swung his right fist violently, and with the sound of a sonic boom, it directly triggered the magic defense of the ring to resist his attack.

It was also at this point that the seal envoy succeeded in one-on-five, and zero seals in Huacheng No. [-] Middle School.

After the match, Li Xuan stood on the ring, looked towards the direction of the waiting area of ​​the Demon University High School, looked at Zhao Yuan who was sitting in the front, slowly stretched out his right hand, gave a thumbs up, and turned around, Flicked downwards.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yuan turned his head and glanced at a certain girl in the team. When he saw that she didn't respond at all, he turned his head again, looked at Li Xuan on the ring, who looked like a second-year student, and shook his head with a smile. Shake your head:

"This second-hand product."

 Thanks to the old city of the winter, Si Xingle, who has cultivated for thousands of years is a reborn, repent, sin Junshang and other big bosses for their monthly support

(End of this chapter)

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