My elf is so cute

Chapter 209 Battle against the Demon City Elf Middle School

Chapter 209 Battle against Magic City Elf Middle School ([-] in [-])

After the first match between the High School Affiliated to Beijing University and Huacheng No. [-] Middle School, there was not much time left before Jiang Xiaobei's second match.

Half an hour later, the match officially started. After the chief referee announced, Li Jinbo stood up and walked towards the ring.

In the waiting area of ​​Modu Elf Middle School, a boy of medium height also got up and walked towards the ring.

Seeing this boy, Li Jinbo's mind immediately recalled the opponent information Jiang Xiaobei had given them to them from Mordu Elf Middle School.

The boy's name is Song Ling, one of the four senior trainers of the Magic City Elf Middle School, the elf Blazing Ape.

After Song Ling stepped onto the ring, he also directly released his fiery ape.

Blazing Ape is the evolved form of a cute ape. It is a pure fire elf with a small vent on its head, like a volcano that is about to erupt. Its pair of fists covered with white fluff are huge, and it looks full of power.

Jiang Xiaobei, who was sitting in the waiting area, immediately began to search for information about this fiery ape.

【Elf Name】Blazing Ape
[Elf level] 31 (advanced elf)
【Elf Talent】Green

[Spirit Attribute] Fire Department

[Height] 1.6m [Weight] 210.2kg [Gender] Male

[Evolution Form] Flame Ape (level 40 evolution)
[Elf skills] violent impact, critical strike gun, flame shock, angry thrashing, flame jet, smoky, flame vortex
[Spirit Secret Technique] None
【Elf Props】Fire Cloud Orb
[Introduction to elves] They get angry easily, and every time they get angry, there will be billowing heat on their heads. Generally, this characteristic of them will be used for cooking.

The Thunderbolt Dragon is only level 25, so it is no match for the Blazing Ape. Before such a huge gap in strength, all tactics are useless.

But it was obviously impossible for Li Jinbo to give up this match, Jiang Xiaobei could only silently pray for Thunderbolt Dragon in his heart.

Moreover, since the high-level elf was the first one sent by the opponent, the arrangement for a while needs to be changed. In the next game, Huang Xin doesn't need to play anymore, and let the bronze unicorn play directly.

After all, there is a huge gap in strength between mid-level elves and high-level elves, and the little drill mouse doesn't have much effect.

As soon as the match started, as Jiang Xiaobei expected, Thunderbolt Dragon was crushed and beaten by Blazing Ape, unable to fight back. Within 5 minutes, he was teleported off the ring by ring magic.

Jiang Xiaobei stood up, patted the shoulder of Li Jinbo who was walking down the ring, and then took out a Gulu ball with a bronze unicorn on it, and walked up the steps to the ring.

After he stepped onto the ring and stood firm, he released the bronze unicorn.

"Herod~" The bronze unicorn raised its hooves, neighed, and began to look around.

When he saw a blazing ape standing opposite him, he understood his mission, felt the aura of his opponent a little bit, turned his head to look at Jiang Xiaobei, and shouted:


Hearing the cry of the bronze unicorn, Jiang Xiaobei's face was covered with black lines.

Now that he is mentally strong, he naturally understands the meaning of the bronze unicorn. What he means is: this opponent is a bit strong. As a price, I also want a mobile phone!
Yesterday afternoon, he followed Xiaodou, watched movies with Xiaodou on her new mobile phone, and then played games while watching Xiaodou.

He looked hungry!
So, taking this opportunity, I specifically asked Jiang Xiaobei for a mobile phone.

But Jiang Xiaobei was thinking, you are a horse-shaped elf, what kind of mobile phone do you want, do you have it?

However, Jiang Xiaobei did not lack the money for this mobile phone, so he nodded and agreed to the bronze unicorn's request, but he added a prerequisite, that is, he won the game.

Hearing Jiang Xiaobei's affirmative answer, the bronze unicorn's eyes lit up, it swept away its previous loose attitude, and glared aggressively at the fiery ape.

Seeing the big cyan man in front of him staring at him provocatively, Blazing Ape couldn't help but get angry, the vent on the top of his head was steaming, and he shouted:
"Wow~ (What are you looking at?)"

Hearing this, the bronze unicorn became upset, snorted, looked at the blazing ape with disdain on the horse's face, and shouted: "Herod~ (look at you)"

At this time, the referee announced the start of the game in due course.

The two elves started to work on the spot, and the fiery ape rushed towards the bronze unicorn, with flames flashing on both fists, and it was about to hit the bronze unicorn's face.

The bronze unicorn was also unwilling to dodge, and also lowered its head. The unicorn faced the blazing ape, and the cyan wind energy on its body surged, and the whole body rushed towards the blazing ape in an instant.

Soon, the fist wrapped in fiery red flame light collided with the unicorn wrapped in light blue wind energy, causing a strong energy fluctuation.


After the impact of the previous energy, the unicorn's unicorn pierced the right fist of the blazing ape, piercing into his flesh and blood on the spot, and the blazing ape screamed in pain.

The right fist was retracted, and the left hand was stretched out, grabbing the horn directly, pressing it down suddenly, and pulling it back.

Under its enormous strength, the body of the bronze unicorn couldn't help being dragged forward a few steps, its head was lowered down, exposing its entire back.

The blazing ape immediately seized the opportunity, jumped onto the back of the bronze unicorn, roared, and used the skill - Anger Beat, his fists turned into countless fist shadows, and beat on the back of the bronze exclusive beast.

The bronze unicorn screamed in pain, and a strong wind energy burst out from its body, forming a series of wind blades, shooting towards the hot apes on its back.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Blazing Ape hurriedly hammered it twice, and then jumped down, dodging the attack of the wind blade.

The bronze unicorn felt the sharp pain from its back, and stared at the fiery ape through gritted teeth.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobei's voice rang in his ears: "Is it a disadvantage? You were so careless just now, now just use the fog to see flowers!"

The bronze unicorn nodded, mobilized its energy, and released the white mist skill.

Looking at the scene gradually filling the field, Song Ling instantly thought of the match he had watched between the Bronze Unicorn and Fighting Xiao Wu.

Afterwards, Fighting Xiaowu's trainer Zhang Shuo also announced the situation. Therefore, Song Ling had some guesses about the move of the bronze unicorn.

It should be a secret technique to hide attacks in illusions, and he also has a certain solution to this.

"Blazing Ape, filled with smoke."

Hearing this, Blazing Ape immediately followed suit, and from the small nozzle on the top of the head, thick black smoke immediately and quickly sprayed out, spreading towards the surroundings.

Immediately, the originally white mist was instantly dyed black, and the surrounding area became gray.

Seeing this situation, the bronze unicorn was a little dumbfounded.

The secret skill of looking at flowers in the fog is to affect the opponent's feeling, so that when he relaxes his vigilance, he will receive a fatal blow.

But now, the previous white mist has turned into a gray mist. Not to mention that it is not easy to control various illusions, let alone the skill of Dance of Petals, it is not easy to hide in it.

This secret skill was directly abolished!
Seeing this scene, Jiang Xiaobei also frowned.

I never thought about the current situation before. I thought it was a good secret technique, but it was only cracked by a simple trick of smog.

How to do this?

Jiang Xiaobei thought for a while, but still couldn't think of a way. At this time, the Blazing Ape also started to attack, without thinking too much, he commanded the bronze unicorn to fight against the opponent in the gray mist.

Having said that, with the help of Jiang Xiaobei's mental power detection, he commanded the bronze unicorn, and in this gray mist, he still had a lot of advantages in the battle with the blazing ape.

However, even though it was covered by gray fog, Jiang Xiaobei still did not use magic to assist the bronze unicorn, because he remembered that when the chief referee announced the rules of the game, he said that the surrounding audience could clearly see what happened in the arena .

The two elves fought for a long time, and finally the bronze unicorn, under Jiang Xiaobei's command, successfully consumed all the energy in the Blazing Ape's body, and finally eliminated it.

However, the Bronze Unicorn basically ran out of energy and could not proceed to the next round.

However, Jiang Xiaobei and the others didn't plan to have the next round of the competition, because they were going to go directly to the team competition. At this moment, Jiang Xiaobei suddenly thought that the style of play just now seemed quite reasonable.

Let the bronze unicorn consume all the energy of the blazing ape. In this way, even if the blazing ape still plays for a while, the display of strength will be greatly affected.

And Jiang Xiaobei has two elves at the same time, and the team competition can let Hood Xiaodou participate in the competition.

Thinking about it this way, it's really good!

"Well, it's not that I can't think of a solution, but that the tactics are like this. I am indeed a genius."

Jiang Xiaobei hypnotized himself, but at the end of the day, he still wrote down what happened in the game just now. After today's game, he must think about the solution, otherwise the limitations of the secret skill of looking at flowers in the fog will be too great up.

"We'll give up the subsequent individual competition and apply to directly enter the team competition." Putting the bronze unicorn away, Jiang Xiaobei said to the chief referee at the side.

"Are you sure?" Hearing what Jiang Xiaobei said, the chief referee frowned and asked.

Jiang Xiaobei nodded and said: "Our team has discussed before, and we are going to give up the individual competition."

The chief referee nodded, and then announced loudly in his thick voice: "Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School gave up the individual competition and is going to directly enter the team competition. Please command the players and elves to get ready."

A student of Magic City Elf Middle School who was preparing to play was stunned for a moment when he heard the announcement, then turned around silently, and returned to the waiting area of ​​his school.

And their captain stood up, took all the grunt balls, and walked onto the ring.

Here, several people from Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School also came up and released their elves, and Jiang Xiaobei also released the cap and pocket.

The game was about to start in a while, and he was worried that Hood's addiction to playing on his mobile phone before the game would be bad for the game, so he let her stay in the Grunt Ball and let her out when she was on the field.

On the arena, ten elves stood on two sides, facing each other, and Jiang Xiaobei also cast his gaze on a crane opposite.

【Spirit Name】A Little Red
[Elf level] 36 (advanced elf)
【Elf Talent】Green

[Spirit Attribute] Wing

【Height】1.7m 【Weight】60.5kg 【Gender】Female

[Evolution Form] Rosary Crane (level 42 evolution)
[Spirit Skills] Pecking, Wind Power, Vacuum Slash, Petal Dance, Wing Combo, Air Cut, Wind Protection
[Spirit Secret Technique] None
[Spirit Items] Light Feather

[Spirit Profile] I am often fascinated by my own reflection in the water, and gradually fall in love with myself.

Jiang Xiaobei is not very unfamiliar with the top-level winged elves, and Mr. Lan Zelan also owns a rosary crane, which is the evolutionary form of this little red.

At the beginning, he also sat on the back of the rosary crane many times, and he had a good understanding of this kind of elf.

On both sides of Little Red, there are two elves standing on each side. The Blazing Ape from before is among them. Obviously, even though he has consumed a lot, he is still allowed to play.

Secondly, there is a 32-level snail shell, a 31-level grid monster, and a 28-level tentacled grass dragon.

After looking at the situation, Jiang Xiaobei decided on the game arrangement for a while.

Later, let Hooded Hood hold the opponent's ace a little red, and add a snail shell, with Hooded Hood's strength, this kind of thing is not very difficult.

Then, it is necessary to work hard on the little fire monkey, meow and the luxurious swan, and restrain the grid monster and the tentacle grass dragon, so that Ghost Wu can eliminate the burning ape that consumes a lot of energy first.

After communicating, Jiang Xiaobei immediately used his mental power to tell these elves about the arrangements for the meeting.

"This Jiang Xiaobei is a superpower." The girl Zhao Yuan had seen before suddenly said in the waiting area of ​​the Demon University High School, which attracted the attention of others.

"Oh?" Zhao Yuan was a little surprised when he heard the words. He glanced at the girl behind him and asked, "Have you felt his spiritual power? Xiao Yuwen."

"No." Xiao Yuwen shook her head and continued: "But judging from the reaction of the elf next to him, it is not difficult to judge that the other party is using spiritual power to communicate with them."

Zhao Yuan looked at it, and it seemed to be true, and said with a smile: "This Jiang Xiaobei is very good. He led Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School to achieve the current results. Today's competition may be won, but it's a pity that they have to meet Beijing University first. Attached middle school, we can't meet us."

Xiao Yuwen nodded, caressing the Gulu ball in her hands with both hands, a flash of lightning flashed in her eyes.

After both sides are ready, the referee announces the start of the game.

The five elves in Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School instantly mobilized, and according to Jiang Xiaobei's previous arrangement, they each rushed towards their goals.

The ice and snow between the hands of the hood and the small pocket are shining, and the two aurora rays are shooting towards the little red and the snail shell respectively.

With a wave of its wings, Little Red flew up into the sky, avoiding the shooting of the aurora light, but the snail shell was hard to dodge. Dou's attack was resisted.

On the side, Ghost Mist didn't care about anything, and flew directly towards Blazing Ape.

The little fire monkey circulated the qi in his body, exerted his Bajiquan with all his strength, and blasted towards the power grid monster that was about to block the ghost fog's way. The luxurious swan released the high-pressure jet skill, and directly sprayed out a powerful water column; Meow also released the sun's flames with all its strength Skill.

All three attacks were aimed at the grid monster. Faced with such a situation, the grid monster didn't dare to be careless, and quickly turned around to resist.

 Sorry for the late update.

  The school grade point results came out today, I failed the subject, and my mentality is a bit broken, so the update is late, don't blame it.

(End of this chapter)

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