My elf is so cute

Chapter 210 Victory!Advance to the top 4

Chapter 210 Victory!Advance to the semi-finals (two in one)

Seeing Ghost Mist flying towards him aggressively, while the other elves were restrained, Blazing Ape had no choice but to mobilize the little energy left in his body, filled his body with fiery flames, and moved towards Ghost Mist rush away.

Ghost Mist quickly shifted its position in the air, then circled behind Blazing Ape, instantly condensed a shadow ball, and shot towards Blazing Ape.


After a loud noise, the Blazing Ape was not injured.

Just when the shadow ball was about to hit Blazing Ape, a little red distraction not far away released a wind blade, helping Blazing Ape resist the shadow ball's attack.

"Mao Xiaodou, attack with all your strength, be sure to hold back a little red and snail shell." Seeing this situation, Jiang Xiaobei immediately sent a voice transmission to Mao Xiaodou.

It's easy to hold back the snail shell, but it's not easy to hold back the top wing elf.

A little red not only flies very fast, but also has extremely high flexibility in mid-air. Even if Hood uses some ranged attacks, it is difficult to attack him before he dodges.

Jiang Xiaobei frowned, looked at the little red in the distant sky who went to harass the ghost mist from time to time, and thought about how to restrain him.

Now that the Blazing Ape has merged with the Grid Monster and Tentacle Grass Dragon, it is undoubtedly much more difficult to eliminate them than before.

At this moment, seeing the little red still flying in the air, Jiang Xiaobei's heart was hardened, and he ordered on the spot via voice transmission:
"Mao Xiaodou, don't worry about the snail shell anymore, use the ice whirlwind to restrain this little red moment, ghost mist, and lock him with the soul link!"

Originally, Jiang Xiaobei was planning to fight steadily and nibble away at the opponent bit by bit, but now it seems that continuing to procrastinate is not very good for them, so he is ready to deal ruthlessly.

Mao Xiaodou and Gui Wu immediately understood Jiang Xiaobei's meaning, Gui Wu's body trembled, and finally nodded.

Jiang Xiaobei didn't want Ghost Wu to use such a skill. After all, it's not his own elf, so it's not very good to do it by himself, but now there is no other way but to do it this way.

Then, under Jiang Xiaobei's command, the three elves, Meow, Little Fire Monkey, and Huagui Swan launched a round of skill attacks on the grid monster again. The blue-purple current in front of the grid monster flowed wildly, forming a The blue-purple lightning ball faced the three attacks coming towards him.

Immediately behind, Ghost Mist, pretending to attack the Blazing Ape, flew in the direction of the Blazing Ape.

Seeing this, a little red immediately did the same thing as before. While waving its wings, it instantly threw two light blue wind blades at Ghost Mist, one left and one right pinching at Ghost Mist.

However, this time, the hood has been staring at him. At the moment of the pause in his attack, the hood immediately mobilized all the energy in the body regardless of the energy consumption on the body, releasing the most powerful ice whirlwind .

The air around Dianhong quickly revolved around him, and a large amount of ice energy gathered towards the center. In just a moment, a white whirlwind with lighter color appeared around Dianhong.

Seeing this situation, Dianhong immediately flapped his wings violently, condensing a large amount of cyan wind energy around his body, and then spun around him, heading towards a place where the wind energy in Dianhong's induction was relatively weak rush away.


There was a violent sound of wind, and it didn't take long for a little red to rush out from the icy whirlwind.


Dianhong just let out a cry of excitement, and suddenly heard a sound of breaking through the air, and saw a faint blue chain shooting from below, and before he had time to react, it was entangled one of his legs.

After the faint blue chain wrapped around him, it instantly merged into his body, and no matter how he shook it, it couldn't fall off.

And he also summoned the wind blade and slashed towards the chain, but it seemed that the chain was just an illusion, and he couldn't attack it at all.

"Oops!" The captain of Modu Elf Middle School became anxious when he saw this scene.

A little red being hit by the soul link skill is almost equivalent to being eliminated!

He was anxious, but for a while, he couldn't think of any solution, so he could only be anxious.

A little red followed the chain and saw the elf entangled at the other end, which was the other party's Ghost Mist.

When he looked towards Gui Wu, Gui Wu also faced him, with a smile that made a little red flustered.

Afterwards, he was a little surprised to see that the elves around Guiwu released powerful skills, and the target was Guiwu.

what are they doingInfighting?
A little red has never encountered the soul link skill before, so he doesn't know the effect of this skill, so he is happy to hear what is happening on the field at this time.

Flying aside, watching the show quietly.

I saw that the attacks of Cap Xiaodou and the other three elves landed on Gui Wu's body almost at the same time, and when a little red was watching this scene with a smile, suddenly, a colorful light lit up around his body , enclosing his entire body in it, making him completely unable to see the surrounding situation clearly.

When the colorful light around Yidianhong disappeared, he was a little surprised to find that he had landed on the lawn outside the ring, and not far away, the ghost mist was also on the lawn.

What happened?
Dianhong was a little dazed, and after regaining his senses, he quickly flew towards the ring, but when he was about to fly into the sky above the ring, he was blocked by an invisible shield and couldn't fly in at all.

"Zhi! Zhe~" Yidianhong yelled anxiously, trying to fly into the ring, but couldn't.

Seeing this situation, the chief referee standing on the lawn at the side stretched out his right hand, held it against a little red, restrained him directly with mental power, dragged him to his side, and shouted: "Don't try, you have been eliminated!"

Didianhong struggled for a while before slowly accepting the fact that he was eliminated, but no matter what he thought, he couldn't figure out why he was eliminated.

The ghost fog next to him was in a happy mood at this time.

When he was about to use the soul link before, he was already prepared to be violently attacked, and he was also mentally prepared to be seriously injured.

Who knows, because of the mechanism of the arena, the previous attack on him may have exceeded the tolerance of both himself and Dianhong at the same time. Immediately, the arena directly sent the two elves off the arena.

This painless feeling of being able to eliminate opponents made him very happy!

"Crazy cool~ cool cool cool."

On the ring stage, the captain of Magic City Elf Middle School was stunned to see his little red being eliminated, and then looked at the remaining four elves on his side, with cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

As the captain, he is naturally very clear about the strength of the elves on his side.

Except for a little red, the strength of the other three high-level elves can only be regarded as the lowest batch of high-level elves, and they are completely inferior to the hooded doll on the opposite side.

Moreover, Blazing Ape has consumed too much energy in his body due to the previous individual competition, and his combat ability has been greatly reduced.

Feeling that the situation is very bad, the captain of the Magic City Elf Middle School immediately ordered: "Snail Stone, gather with the power grid monsters."

The four elves gathered together, which made it easier to deal with them.

Naturally, the hood and small pocket would not just watch the opponents meet, and immediately split their minds, releasing two ice whirlwinds that rotated in different directions at the same time, trapping the snail shell and the grid monster respectively.

Because the two whirlwinds rotate in opposite directions, they will not interfere with each other, but complement each other, making the two whirlwinds spin faster and more powerful.

This method of using Ice Whirlwind was inspired by Hood Xiaodou when he was training Ice and Fire Spin before. As the saying goes, after training in this area, Hoo Xiaodou's ability to divide his mind into two tasks is much stronger.

Simultaneously controlling two kinds of ice whirlwinds that rotate in opposite directions is not a problem at all.

Elves like snail shells have strong body defense capabilities, but their movement speed is very slow. Trapped in the ice whirlwind, they can only passively retract into the snail shell, unable to do anything.

As for the power grid monster, Blazing Ape, and Tentacle Grass Dragon, they don't have any wing-type skills, they don't have much control over wind-type energy, and their own strength is not very strong, so they can't break out of the ice whirlwind. Trapped in it, guarding against other attacks from the opponent.

Hoo Xiaodou saw that all the opponents had been restrained at this time, the next thing to do was to eliminate the opponents one by one.

While controlling the icy whirlwind around the grid monster to restrain them, she used the boulders in the icy whirlwind around the snail shell to gradually cover it.

Feeling more and more ice around, the snail shell gradually sensed something bad, and immediately released two defensive skills, steel shell and shield technique, to increase its defensive ability.

After the two defensive skills were released, Woshibei breathed a sigh of relief.

But feeling the snow and ice that was still accumulating around him, he was flustered and had an ominous premonition.

As time went by, soon, the snail shell was buried by a huge ice pile, and it was difficult to see the snail shell from the outside.

"Boom!" With a loud roar, a powerful airflow centered on the ice pile that buried the snail shell, and spread towards the surroundings. Even the two previous ice whirlwinds were blown on the spot. scattered.

Before the white mist from the explosion disappeared, the audience saw that a beam of colored light passed the snail shell down the ring.

This means that the snail shell couldn't resist the previous explosion and was teleported out on the spot.

Hood took a few breaths, felt the remaining [-]% of the energy in his body, looked at the three elves in front of him, and felt a little relieved.

Now, there should be no more surprises!

On the opposite side, the captain of the Magic City Elf Middle School frowned, never expecting such a situation to happen.

Previously, in his prediction, let Yidianhong rely on her own speed and flexibility, combined with the powerful defensive ability of the snail shell, to contain the two high-level elves on the opposite side.

The grid monster eliminated the three mid-level elves that were in the way as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, before the match started for a while, a little red was replaced by the ghost fog on the opposite side.

Except for a little red, the remaining elves on my side are the opponents of that super powerful hooded doll!

With the current situation, Blazing Ape didn't care about anything anymore. He mobilized his whole body's energy, even consuming every trace of energy in his body like potential. A raging fire spewed out from the nozzle on the top of his head towards the cap. Xiaodou rushed away.

Skill Flame Jet!
Feeling the thick fire energy in the flame spray, the hood was a little surprised. He didn't expect this fiery ape to be able to release such a powerful skill.

Because the area covered by the flame spray gradually increased when it was fired, the hood didn't even think about getting out of the way, and directly released the ice crystal barrier, resisting the attack of the flame spray.

The power grid monster took this opportunity, and the positive and negative poles of the three body parts all shone with light, gathered together, and released a strong blue-purple current, shooting at the little fire monkey, meowing at them.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Xiaobei quickly made a command, and said to Meow and the others: "Meow, you stand in the front, put your feet and two tails on the ground, resist this attack, little fire monkey , Luxurious swan, don’t touch meow.”


Meow was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, she didn't quite understand what Jiang Xiaobei meant.

But the little fire monkey and the luxurious swan understood, and immediately hid behind Meow, and kept a distance from Meow.

The blue-purple electric attack came quickly, directly attacking Meowu's body.


The green hair all over Meow's body stood on end, and his whole body seemed to have gained weight several times in an instant, and blue-purple currents flowed everywhere on his body.

Soon, the current flowing on his body flowed into the ground along his feet and the tails of the two blades of grass that were later inserted into the ground, and could no longer cause him any harm.

Moreover, apart from feeling the pain at the first moment, Meow didn't feel any pain after that, because his whole body was anesthetized by electricity.

During this process, the arena did not send Meow down the ring, which meant that the attack was still within Meow's range.

The grass-type elf itself has a strong resistance to electric-type skills, and in addition to channeling a part of the current into the ground, Meow did not suffer any serious injuries.

"Puff~" He spit out a puff of black smoke from his mouth, and Meow lay on the ground straight.

As Meow lay down, the flame jet intensity of Blazing Ape gradually decreased.

The flame sprayed on the ice crystal barrier, gradually melting the ice layer outside, but the energy of the hood continuously supported the regeneration of the ice surface, so the attack of the blazing ape did not fall on the hood.

"Huh, huh." Blazing Ape stopped spraying flames from the nozzle above his head, he took a few breaths exhaustedly, then couldn't hold on any longer, and lay down on the ground.

Hood removed the ice surface, released an attack casually, and eliminated Blazing Ape from the field. Immediately afterwards, he turned his attention to the only two remaining elves on the opposite side of the field, the grid monster and the tentacle grass dragon.

The captain of Modu Elf Middle School closed his eyes in pain at this moment. He knew that the result of this game had come out!
"In this game, Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School won and advanced to the semi-finals."

As the power grid monster was the last to be sent off the ring, only the elves from Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School were left on the field, and the chief referee began to announce the result of the match.

The dark horse of Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School, another dark horse, successfully advanced to the top four in the country!

 Thank you for the reward of 1000 coins from Dinggongxia, thank you to Qinghua Floating Dream_Greedy for your reward of 300 coins, thank you book friend 20200722153819207 for your reward of 100 coins, and thank you to Yuluo Changan for your reward of 24 coins reward

  Thanks to Leo Muzi, Noamnesty, Li Tengfei, Master Wuxin, Old City of Winter, etc. for their monthly support

  This is to make up for the two chapters of yesterday. I will continue to code today, and I will write two more chapters for the bottom line. I will finally be able to see the status of a few chapters.
(End of this chapter)

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