My elf is so cute

Chapter 211 Fighting Cat

Chapter 211 Fighting Cat

When Jiang Xiaobei led the five elves back to Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School War Zone, Wang Yun's excitement had not yet calmed down.

Final Four!This is the top four in the country!
I took my students to participate in the National High School Student Fairy Cup and achieved good results in the top four in the country. This is worth bragging about for a lifetime.

In the future, when I teach students by myself, if I meet some students who are more conceited, I can brag and say:

Take a look at your current grades. They are completely inferior to the previous ones I led. In the past two years, the students I brought out with my hands won the fourth place in the National High School Student Fairy Cup. Are you okay?

One by one, they are still here and feel how amazing they are.

Sigh~, you are simply the worst class of students I have ever supervised!
Thinking about this picture, it's very cool.The corner of Wang Yun's mouth opened, and he almost couldn't help laughing out loud.

Meow whimpered and ran to Xu Leilei, his body a little blackened, and complained to Xu Leilei about Jiang Xiaobei's previous behavior of selling him out.

Until now, his body is still a little numb, and he can't exert himself.

Seeing Miaowu's fluffy hair, Xu Leilei almost couldn't help laughing.

However, in order to take care of Meow's mood, he held back his smile, and simply comforted him, then put him into the Gulu ball.

After the match between Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School and Modu Elf Middle School, the next match that needs to be played is the match between Lingda No. [-] Middle School and Jinling No. [-] Middle School.

However, the third and fourth games were held in the afternoon, so after the match in Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School, the surrounding audience left the secret realm of the green field ring through the passage one after another, and went out for lunch.

The afternoon game starts at two o'clock, so there is plenty of time.

Jiang Xiaobei and the others also went out to have a good lunch and celebrate.

As soon as they walked out of the secret realm, a group of people discovered that their mobile phones were almost full of information.

Jiang Xiaobei opened the major communication software, which basically contained messages of congratulations. Jiang Xiaobei smiled, and then opened the video software in the phone to search for the live broadcast of the National High School Elf Cup Quarterfinals.

After searching and entering the live broadcast room, I closed the barrage that was almost full of the screen, and only then did I see the scene in the green field ring that was being filmed in the live broadcast.

There is no competition at the moment, and after filming, the empty arena and the surrounding area are still somewhat lively auditoriums.

The resolution of the live broadcast is up to Blu-ray 1080P, which allows the audience to clearly see the competition on the ring.

Thinking of how he was commanding the elves to fight in front of millions, even tens of millions of people, Jiang Xiaobei felt a sense of indescribable excitement for a moment.

After a group of people celebrated, they returned to the secret realm of the green field ring at 01:30 in the afternoon.

When the game officially started at two o'clock, the first game in the afternoon was the school team match between Jinling No. [-] Middle School and the High School Attached to Lingda University.

The High School Affiliated to Lingda University is a high school attached to Huaguo Elf University, and although Jinling No. [-] Middle School is not a high school affiliated to a certain university, it has always been supported by Jinling University.

Huaguo Elf University and Jinling University are universities in China, second only to the above two universities, so with the support of these two schools, the strength of these two high schools is very good.

If it is really a comparison, the overall strength of this school in Jinling No. [-] Middle School is actually stronger, stronger than the other two schools in the same batch.

Because Huaguo Elf University is located in Kyoto, and Magic City Elf Middle School is located in Magic City, the top students in these two cities are attracted to the High School Attached to Beijing University and the High School Attached to Lingda University, and the quality of students is not very good.

Jinling No. [-] Middle School is the best high school in Jinling City. Generally, top students from Jinling City or several surrounding cities will choose to study in Jinling No. [-] Middle School, so the quality of students is much better.

Moreover, judging from Jiang Xiaobei's investigation of the elf information, the strength of the Jinling No. [-] Middle School team is much stronger than that of the High School Attached to Lingda University. At least [-]% of the winning rate.

Time passed quickly, half an hour passed in a flash, and the third round of the quarterfinals started.

In the individual competition, the strength and cool skills displayed by the elves of the two players feasted the eyes of the audience in the surrounding auditorium.

But Jiang Xiaobei could tell that neither side paid much attention to the individual competition.

The core members of the team basically didn't play, and some substitutes and non-core main players were played. After seven or eight games, they entered the team competition.

Seeing the captains of both sides leading the elves into the ring, Jiang Xiaobei immediately looked at the main elf in their team.

In the team of the High School Attached to Lingda University, the elf with the highest level was actually a seal envoy, with a level as high as 36.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobei suddenly thought that the captain of the High School Affiliated to Lingda University was the same as Li Xuan, the captain of the High School Affiliated to Beijing University, and his surname was Li, and his name was Li Qing.

The elves of the two are both seal messengers, and they are both in the capital, so is there any relationship?

However, when he saw an elf in the elf team of Jinling No. [-] Middle School, he put all the gossip information behind him and fixed his eyes on that elf.

It was a cat-shaped elf standing upright, its whole body was white and orange, with three fat, fluffy tails behind it, a huge golden bell tied to its chest, and a delicate golden bell in its hand Small fan.

"Martial cat!?"

The rarity of elves like fighting cats is similar to elves like Mantis Baby and Night Drake, and it is one of the top martial elves.

And this kind of elf can often comprehend the legendary power of skills at a very low level!
Nowadays, the old owner of the martial arts gymnasium is a martial arts trainer with the title of martial arts, and his trump card elf is a royal-level devil-tailed war cat, the evolution of the martial cat.

I have never seen the captain of Jinling No. [-] Middle School make a move before, and I have never known what the opponent's elf is. I didn't expect to see it today, and it turned out to be a fighting cat.

It's really deep enough!

Jiang Xiaobei immediately searched for information about this fighting cat.

[Spirit Name] Fighting Cat
[Elf level] 38 (advanced elf)
[Elf Talent] Cyan

【Spirit Attribute】Martial Arts

【Height】1.4m 【Weight】40.3kg 【Gender】Female

[Evolution Form] Demon Tail Battle Cat (Level 40 Evolution)
[Spirit Skills] Rock Breaking, Slashing with Unarmed Hands, Chain Kicks, Strength, Legendary Power, Strong Body, Shield

[Spirit Secret Technique] Bajiquan
[Spirit props] fighting fan
[Elf Profile] A martial elf with excellent talent, but a bit lazy in character, insisting on doing push-ups every day, push-ups tonight, and push-ups tomorrow morning!

Up to level 38, mastered the legendary power of skills, and also learned the Bajiquan of the martial arts gym.

Suddenly, Jiang Xiaobei became a little worried about tomorrow's Demon University High School. If they were really just as they appeared on the surface, and the strongest elf was Zhao Yuan's sacred griffin, then the Demon University High School might not be able to win against Jinling. One.

As for today's match, Jiang Xiaobei dared to say that Jinling No. [-] Middle School won for sure.

(End of this chapter)

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