My elf is so cute

Chapter 212 A Chance to Win the High School Attached to Beijing University

Chapter 212 Winning a Chance at the High School Affiliated to Beijing University

On and off the field, many people were surprised by the appearance of this fighting cat.

On the ring, Li Qing looked at Wu Dou Mao standing opposite him, and frowned slightly, but he wasn't too worried.

Because he can't see all kinds of information about Wudou Mao like Jiang Xiaobei, so he doesn't think too strongly about Wudoumao.

Although your fighting cat race is very powerful, I am not bad at sealing the messenger!
In the waiting area of ​​Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School, Jiang Xiaobei walked up to Xie Xu, patted him on the shoulder and asked, "Xie Xu, do you know this Wu Yun?"

Wu Yun is the name of the captain of Jinling No. [-] High School Team.

Xie Xu was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, and said, "I don't know you, monitor, why are you asking me this?"

"It's nothing, just thinking that his elf is a fighting cat, and whether it has something to do with the fighting gym."

"I only went to the Martial Arts Gym to train for more than ten days, so I don't know if it really has anything to do with it." Xie Xu laughed.

Jiang Xiaobei nodded, then continued to look at the ring in the center.

At this point, the field game has begun.

Wu Dou Mao showed his oppressive strength at the very beginning. Under the cover of the firepower of his teammates, the elves, he quickly and flexibly approached the enemy. With one move, he directly eliminated a level 31 opponent in the team of the High School Attached to Lingda University. Kaka sparrow.

The seal guard wanted to stop Wu Dou Mao, but the other four elves in Jinling No. [-] Middle School did nothing but kept throwing skills at him, which forced him to defend.

And Wu Dou Mao, relying on its agility and strong strength, dodged back and forth among the other elves in the team of the High School Attached to Lingda University, and eliminated them one by one.

Soon, with Li Qing's slightly panicked expression, only his sealed envoy was left on their side of the field.

After Wu Dou Mao dealt with the other elves, he finally set his sights on the seal envoy.

Gently flapping the small fan in his hand, Wu Dou Mao slowly walked towards the seal envoy.

The seal envoy looked at the Wudou cat slowly walking towards him, and gradually felt a heavy pressure in his heart, and this pressure became heavier and heavier as the Wudou cat approached.

Soon, the seal envoy couldn't bear the pressure anymore, and he burst into a rage. With a dragon's roar, his right fist instantly doubled in thickness, and the huge fist blasted towards Wu Dou Mao with a gust of punching wind.


The fan in Wu Dou Mao's hand snapped shut, and then he swung his right fist violently, colliding with the fist swung by the seal envoy.

Two fists, one big and one small, one thick and one thin, collided together.

Accompanied by a slightly dull collision sound, in the incredulous eyes of the audience, the seal envoy, an elf who is much bigger than the Wudou cat, backed away directly, while the Wudou cat seemed to be fine, Slowly lower your right fist.

The seal envoy retreated more than ten meters on the spot, and then stopped the body that was pushing back.

After stopping, he felt some sore fists, and then looked at Wu Dou Mao's normal appearance, the seal envoy immediately felt the gap in strength between himself and the opponent.

Afterwards, Wu Dou Mao rushed forward again, and eliminated the seal envoy in a series of bursts.

All five elves from the High School Attached to Lingda University were eliminated and lost the game.

Jinling No. [-] Middle School won the game and advanced to the semi-finals.

In the fourth match, the match between Pengcheng No. [-] Middle School and the High School attached to the Demon University, there was no suspense and nothing to watch.

As always, Zhao Yuan was the first to play in the individual competition, commanding his holy griffin to seal a clean sheet for Pengcheng No. [-] Middle School.

The Bronze Inquisitor is currently only level 35. If he upgrades to level 36, he will usher in his first evolution and become a Silver Inquisitor.

At that time, its strength will also increase a lot, and it will not appear particularly passive in the face of the attack of the holy griffin.

Unfortunately, the fact is that the Bronze Inquisitor did not reach level 36 and complete the evolution, so Pengcheng No. [-] Middle School lost miserably.

After losing the game, many members of Pengcheng No. [-] Middle School were very sad, but their teacher who led the team was not too sad. Instead, he was relieved.

Unlike Jiangcheng No. [-] Middle School, who were immediately pulled down from the altar.

In the future, if the luck is more bad, and the group is divided into a group with a strong team, it is estimated that there is still no hope of advancing to the quarterfinals.

After watching the match between Pengcheng No. [-] Middle School and the Affiliated High School of the Magic University, Jiang Xiaobei and the others left the green arena and returned to the campus of the Magic University.

Walking on the road, Jiang Xiaobei was thinking, does he have a chance to win tomorrow's match?
After thinking about it for a long time, he only thought of one possibility, that is, in the group battle, try to trap the five spirits of the Beijing University Affiliated High School team on the field, and then let the hat Xiaodou perform the ice and fire spin secret skill with all its strength in the ice and fire state, so that Might win the game.

But this kind of situation is not just talking about it. How easy is it to trap five powerful elves from the high school team attached to Peking University at the same time?

"Oh, it would be great if we could trap the opponent in an instant!" Jiang Xiaobei sighed.

He thought about all the skills that all the elves on his side had mastered, and there was no hope of restraining the opponent's five elves.

Among the seven elves, basically only Meow and Hood have mastered skills with similar functions. Meow's vine whip can entangle the opponent, while Hood's ice whirlwind can also trap the opponent.

But Meow's strength is too weak, and the vine whip that may be released may disappear after being pulled twice by the opponent. It is basically impossible for Hood to trap the seal messenger with a level as high as 39 on the opposite side.

And I have mastered some wood-type restraint magic, which can trap opponents, but with my current mental strength, who can I restrain?
My mental strength is still too low.

"Eh, that's not right." Jiang Xiaobei suddenly let out a light snort, as if he had thought of something.

When I recalled Professor Roland's notes in my mind two days ago, I seemed to see a magic similar to a secret technique.

After using it, you can increase your mental strength by five times within 10 minutes.

However, there are certain restrictions, that is, after using it, it will fall into a period of mental weakness for at least three days, and the strength of the mental power does not necessarily increase by five times. The stronger the mental power, the lower the increase.

Only when the mental power is at the elementary level can it have the effect of increasing by nearly five times.

Jiang Xiaobei's current mental power is at the peak of the elementary level, and he is still a little bit short of being able to improve to the intermediate level.

With this secret technique, the spiritual power has increased by five times, and it is not much worse than some senior intermediate superpowers. The magical power displayed can be equivalent to the skills released by high-level peak elves.

At that time, if you use your full strength, you will definitely be able to trap your opponent for a while!
Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobei's eyes became brighter and brighter, and finally he said directly to the other people beside him: "You guys go to eat first, I have something to do, let's go first."

After speaking, before anyone could reply, he put away his hood and ran towards the dormitory.

 Sorry, this is a chapter from last night.

  I wrote more than half of it last night, but in the end I couldn't bear it anymore, so I fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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