My elf is so cute

Chapter 214 Shocked the audience!

Chapter 214 Shocked the audience!

The next morning, when Jiang Xiaobei and the others arrived at the secret realm of the Green Field Arena, the auditorium was almost full.

At this time, the competition has reached the semi-finals. After the finals tomorrow, this year's National High School Elf Cup will end.

The game to be held in the morning is the match between Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School and the High School Affiliated to Beijing University.

In the eyes of the audience and the online audience across the country, this is a game without any suspense. Judging from the strength shown by the two teams in the previous game, Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School will undoubtedly lose.

The only thing that needs to be considered now is what the score of the two sides will be in the semi-final in the morning.

Now the bullet screens in the major live broadcast software are densely packed with the score results that the major netizens think.

"Do you still need to think about it? Xiangcheng No. 5 Middle School will definitely get zero seals in this game, and it will end 0-[-]."

"I feel the same. The captain of the High School Affiliated to Beijing University played directly in the last game. This match must be the same. The seal envoy is [-]v[-], and Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School is zero."

"It won't be a zero seal, right? Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School is not that weak."

"Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School is just lucky. It has never met a strong team to enter the semi-finals. Otherwise, how can they get their share?"

"Hehe, brainless spray!"

"Jiang Xiaobei is so handsome! Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School must win!"

"Hehe, if Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School wins, I'll live broadcast Chixiang!"

Many students in Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School were very upset when they saw the comments on the bullet screen that they believed that Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School must lose, but they also understood that if their school team wanted to win, it would have to be a miracle.

Just keep your heart out of sight, turn off the barrage, and watch the game well.

In the waiting area of ​​Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School, Jiang Xiaobei and the others were discussing the game for a while.

The other six team members, plus Wang Yun, formed a circle and looked at Jiang Xiaobei.

"Basically everyone thinks that we have no chance of winning today's game, even I thought so before." Jiang Xiaobei looked at the others and smiled.

When the others heard what Jiang Xiaobei said, they realized something and looked at Jiang Xiaobei in shock.

Don't you have a way to win?
Jiang Xiaobei continued: "Yesterday, I thought of a way to win."

"What method?" Several other people asked almost in unison.

Although they thought their team would lose before, they didn't feel very good. They wanted to win too!

"You will know the specific method in a while, but there is a premise, that is, we have to enter the team competition. If we fail to enter the team competition, everything will be useless." Jiang Xiaobei said in a deep voice.

If the High School Affiliated to Beijing University excluded their captain's elf-sealed envoy from the first round of the individual competition, then all Jiang Xiaobei's preparations yesterday would be meaningless.

Because there is no Jiang Xiaobei to trap the opponent's elf, it is very difficult for the ice and fire spinner of the cap to hit the seal envoy. If this is the case, it will be difficult to win the individual competition.

And if Jiang Xiaobei used the Xinghuo Liaoyuan secret technique to trap the envoy in the individual competition, then they would definitely lose in the team battle.

Moreover, even if he didn't use the Spiritual Mystery Technique, Hood at least had to switch his form to win the Seal Envoy. In this case, most of Hood's strength was exposed, and the opponent would definitely be on guard during group battles.

Therefore, what needs to be prayed now is that Li Xuan will not play in the first individual competition.

"After the team competition, I will play in the fifth game. It depends on the opponent to decide who to play. If Li Xuan is not the first to play, then we win the individual competition and go directly to the team competition." Jiang Xiaobei looked around at the others. The man finally fixed his eyes on Xie Xu, and said to him:

"Xie Xu, you will be the first to play in the individual competition later."

"Okay!" Xie Xu nodded solemnly and clenched his fists.

Later, I and the little fire monkey will fight!

Time passed slowly, and soon, it was time for the game to start.

When the chief referee announced the start of the match, Xie Xu stood up in response and strode towards the ring.

Jiang Xiaobei stared intently at the location of the waiting area of ​​the High School Affiliated to Beijing University, wanting to see who their No. 1 player is?

Under his gaze, Li Xuan was still sitting firmly on the seat, and beside him, the beautiful girl who was a snow elf stood up and walked towards the ring.


Jiang Xiaobei exhaled heavily, and instantly relaxed.

It's okay, it's okay!

Today's game, there is a chance!

Although this girl's snow elf is not weak, with a level as high as level 36, she still can't draw out all of their cards.

After the girl stepped into the arena, she released her snow elf and confronted Xie Xu's little fire monkey from a distance. When the chief referee announced the start of the match, she immediately acted.

Because of the huge disparity in strength, Little Fire Monkey was defeated by Snow Elf without holding on for too long.

However, the little fire monkey has performed very well, not only consuming a considerable part of the energy of the snow elf, but also blasted a Bajiquan on her in the end.

In the next two games, the little drill mouse and the luxurious swan played one after another. They didn't expect to win, but they also consumed part of the energy of the snow elves.

In the fourth game, Ghost Fog played.

At the beginning of the game, after Guiwu and the Snow Elf tentatively attacked each other for a few rounds, Guiwu found an opportunity to cast a soul link, and then used her strongest attack to attack herself.

It's a pity that because the snow elf's sub-attribute is the ghost element, it can resist a little damage from the soul chain and reduce its power a little, so it can't eliminate the snow elf.

However, this is also good news, because the snow elf was able to resist, so the magic of the ring did not help him resist the attack, so the snow elf suffered from this attack and was seriously injured. It is estimated that it will not be very good.

Ghost fog was not injured because it was blocked by the ring.

To be on the safe side, Jiang Xiaobei still sent Hood Xiaodou to play, and easily eliminated the seriously injured Snow Elf.

"Referee, I give up this individual competition and request to directly enter the team competition." After winning the game, Jiang Xiaobei said directly to the chief referee in the audience.

After hearing this, the chief referee didn't ask any further questions, and directly announced:

"Jiang Xiaobei, No. [-] middle school of Xiangcheng, gave up this individual competition and directly entered the team battle. Both sides are asked to command the players and elves to play."

At this time, Li Xuan, who had been sitting calmly in the waiting area of ​​the High School Affiliated to Beijing University, finally stood up, and led the other elves towards the ring with a smile on his face.

By the time he walked slowly onto the ring, the elf who needed to play in Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School was already standing next to Jiang Xiaobei.

Looking at the five elves beside Li Xuan, Jiang Xiaobei's pupils shrank involuntarily.

Level 39 Seal Messenger, Level 36 Qianli Chiyun, Level 34 Little Cerberus, Level 34 Conch Girl, Level 33 Grand Ball, five elves, each of which is very strong.

It is worthy of being the High School Affiliated to Peking University, one of the high schools with the richest resources in the country.

The snow elf probably didn't let her play because of her previous injury.

After Li Xuan stood firm on the stage, he looked at Jiang Xiaobei with a smile and said, "Jiang Xiaobei, you are indeed quite powerful. If you have more resources to cultivate elves, your hooded doll will probably be even stronger. .”

"Unfortunately, if there is no chance, your dark horse road will come to an end here."

"By the way, do you know why I didn't take the first place in the individual competition?"

"Because, I just want you to enter the finals, so that Zhao Yuan can take a look at the strength of our team. They are not our opponents this year."

Jiang Xiaobei listened to Li Xuan's words expressionlessly, and only after he finished speaking did he ask:
"Li Xuan, do you know what the villain died of?"

"What do you mean?" The TV entertainment culture in this world is different from the other world, so Li Xuan didn't know what Jiang Xiaobei was talking about.

"The villain died from talking too much!" Jiang Xiaobei said.

"You!" Li Xuan became angry after hearing this, and laughed angrily: "Hehe, only the weak can use their tongues."

Jiang Xiaobei ignored him, and Li Xuan ignored them. Jiang Xiaobei would make him pay for such an arrogant behavior.

He turned around and walked to the edge of the arena, while the other elves also stood up, waiting for the game for a while.

Li Xuan didn't say anything more, and also walked to the edge of the field, waiting for the referee to announce the start of the game.

"The match begins." As soon as the referee finished speaking, Jiang Xiaobei suddenly took a step forward.

"Now, I will let you understand the consequences of arrogance."

As soon as Jiang Xiaobei's voice fell, a round bright line full of complex lines suddenly lit up on his forehead. Substantial mental fluctuations spread towards the surroundings.

Under the impact of this mental fluctuation, all the elves on the field even felt a little dizzy.

The mental fluctuations around Jiang Xiaobei became stronger and stronger, and there were also huge changes in Jiang Xiaobei's sea of ​​consciousness.

Above the spiritual seedlings, an invisible fire is burning ragingly, and the spiritual seedlings below are continuously inputting spiritual energy upwards.

The burning of this many spiritual fires magnified the energy in the mental power many times, overflowing the sea of ​​consciousness, causing powerful mental fluctuations like the outside world.

At the same time, he controlled the ice badge and the fire badge to reduce their respective energy outputs, allowing the grass badge to fully release the energy. In an instant, the grass badge released a huge amount of grass energy.

The entire Consciousness Sea space was rendered in grass green!
In the outside world, with the vigorous output of grass-type badges, Jiang Xiaobei's pupils emitted a green light, and the grass-type energy in the surrounding ring frantically gathered towards him and was absorbed into the sea of ​​consciousness space.

Gradually, Jiang Xiaobei's hair was rendered grass green by the remaining grass energy.

In front of Jiang Xiaobei, Hoodou's body also changed. The original ice-blue hair suddenly became half red and half blue, each occupying half.

One pupil seemed to hold a raging flame, while the other pupil seemed to contain endless coldness.

Around her body, flames and ice continuously revolved around her, and her body also exuded a powerful aura.

Seeing this scene, Li Xuan felt a little bad, and immediately ordered his elves to attack.

But, it's too late!
At this moment, the green light in Jiang Xiaobei's pupils was generous, and mental fluctuations that were several times stronger than before suddenly radiated from his body, and the turbulent grass-type energy also radiated out.

"Vine bondage!" He slowly spit out these four words, intermediate grass magic vine bondage.

Countless thick vines broke through the ground directly from the feet of the five elves on the opposite side, and before they could react, they directly trapped the five elves.

"Hood and Hood!"

"Doudou!" Mao Xiaodou nodded in response, a raging flame was burning in his left hand, and endless wind and snow appeared on his right hand.

The hood quickly released two powerful ice and fire energies, and the flame on the left hand side quickly condensed into a thermal bomb skill, emitting a strong burning sensation.

Afterwards, she quickly poured the wind and snow energy on her right into the thermal bomb, and the two energies with diametrically opposite attributes were combined together peacefully under the control of the hood.

"Bang bang bang!"

There was a banging sound from the vines released by Jiang Xiaobei, and the vines shook violently, apparently about to be freed by the elves within.

"Hood, quick!"

Hood didn't answer, but the speed in his hand was even faster, pouring all the energy in his body into the ice and fire ball in front of him without reservation.

Seeing that the other party was about to break free, Hood suddenly stopped moving, and in front of him was a giant red and blue ball that was several times bigger than in the Fengxue gymnasium floating in front of him.

Throwing towards the opposite side suddenly.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobei promptly removed the vines that bound the five elves on the opposite side, picked up the hood, and gathered circles of vines around the five elves on his side, resisting the impact of the hood's attack force.


A loud noise that resounded throughout the green arena spread to the ears of countless spectators.

In their shocking eyes, the center of the arena was already white at this moment, covered by the white glow produced by the strange hooded doll's skill explosion.

However, before the whiteness had dissipated on the field, clusters of colored light had already lit up in the lawn under the ring.

"One group, two groups, three groups, four groups and five groups!!!"

The entire auditorium was silent at this time, and no one dared to speak, but every audience member knew very well what the five colored lights meant.

But they couldn't believe it, and they didn't want to believe it.

However, the colored light dissipated quickly, and the five elves in it were,
The five elves of the High School Attached to Beijing University!
Seeing this, the audience was boiling.

The High School Affiliated to Beijing University was eliminated, eliminated by Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School, and eliminated by Jiang Xiaobei's elf, Hood Doll, the captain of Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School! ! !

"What happened just now! Who can tell me what that was just now!?"

"The High School Affiliated to Beijing University was actually defeated by another team!?"

"Fuck! Awesome!!!"

 This chapter is [-] words, plus the previous chapter, a total of [-] words, counting as three chapters today

  Thank you Ye Wanfeng for your 200 coins reward, thank you Jiang Langwuyizhou for your 200 coins reward, and thank you Yanyu Lishang for your 100 coins reward

(End of this chapter)

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