My elf is so cute

Chapter 215 Concerns of all parties

Chapter 215 Concerns of all parties
The interfaces of the major webcasting platforms were suddenly covered by dense barrages of question marks.

It took a while before various shocking remarks appeared.

"My God! Who can tell me what happened just now?"

"Why does this feel like a joke, isn't this a movie?"

"From the reaction of that Jiang Xiaobei and his elf hooded doll just now, I can see that they are explosive, but your explosive is too strong, right?"

"Damn it, brother Newton's coffin can't be held down anymore!"

"I remember just now someone said that if Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School can win, he will live broadcast Chixiang, brother, let's go and watch your live broadcast platform and account number!"

"Hahaha, that's right, that brother saw it, come out and report the account!"

The melon-eating crowd in the live barrage was just shocked, and it may disappear after the heat goes down.

But the students and teachers of Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School are different. They all know Jiang Xiaobei. This time, Jiang Xiaobei also competed on behalf of their school's honor. Seeing the result, they naturally became more excited.

All of a sudden, countless students from Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School took out screenshots of the game just now, started chatting and Moments, expressing their inner excitement.

When the principal of Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School saw this scene, he instantly covered his chest and almost passed out with happiness.

On behalf of Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School, Jiang Xiaobei won the High School Affiliated to Beijing University and won the tickets to the National High School Student Elf Cup Final. Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School can at least win a runner-up honor this year.

Under such circumstances, the Municipal Education Bureau, including the Provincial Education Bureau and the Trainers Association will definitely greatly increase the investment in educational resources for Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School in the coming year.

Under such circumstances, Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School will definitely get better and better in the future, and as the current principal, he will be able to raise his lower position in the future.

Immediately, he notified some school directors in the wechat group of the staff of Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School, and planned to hold a short meeting to discuss this matter.

In an elegant and quiet study room, a middle-aged elegant man with black framed eyes sat quietly at the desk in the room, quietly reading a book.

"Bang bang bang!"

Suddenly, a hasty knock on the door broke the silence in the room.

The middle-aged man frowned helplessly, closed the book, sighed and said:

"come in."

The door of the room opened in response, and a girl in a green sweater and a black peaked cap rushed in from the door. She ran to the middle-aged man with her mobile phone and shouted:

"Dad, look what I found?"

"What's the matter, what a fuss, didn't I tell you to be careful no matter what happens?"

"Oh, I got it, I got it, watch it quickly." The girl said with a wrinkled face, then picked up her phone, clicked on a video, and showed her dad.

In the video, it is the scene where Jiang Xiaobei uses the Xinghuo Liaoyuan secret technique, coupled with the increase of the grass badge, to release the vine restraint.

As he watched, the middle-aged man gradually straightened his body, and finally after watching it, he sighed: "What a strong affinity for grass elements, who is he?"

"His name is Jiang Xiaobei, and he is a student of Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School. This video is the scene of his match with Li Xuan from the High School Affiliated to Beijing University just now."

"Li Xuan? That kid from the Li family? I think he's going to suffer a lot." The middle-aged man shook his head with a smile, then raised his hand and patted the girl's head, saying: "Good job, this time I won’t teach you to disturb my study.”

"This Jiang Xiaobei, I'll ask someone to invite him later. With such a strong affinity for grass elements, it would be a pity not to join our Sunshine Gym."

The Sunshine Gym is a top gym in China with the same reputation as the Snow Gym and the Martial Arts Gym. The Gym specializes in the cultivation of grass-type elves.

In China, there are only three top gyms, namely Fengxue Gym, Martial Arts Gym, and Sunshine Gym.

Because, only in these three gyms, there are title-level trainers sitting in charge.

In a research room with various advanced equipment, a middle-aged man in a white lab coat and gold-rimmed glasses walked up to an old man who was observing the experimental data, and whispered:

"Old Liu?"

"Well, Xiao Li, what do you want from me?" The old man raised his head to look at the middle-aged man, stopped what he was doing, and said with a smile on his face.

The middle-aged man took out his mobile phone, played a video, and placed it in front of Mr. Liu.

The content played in it is the change in the body when the hood switches from the state of ice to the state of ice and fire.

Seeing this change, old Liu's eyes suddenly lit up, and he exclaimed excitedly:
"Elf mutation!? Whose elf is this? Invite him over and let me study it."

"Okay." The middle-aged man nodded.

As for whether Jiang Xiaobei, the owner of the elves in the video, would agree, the middle-aged man didn't think too much about it, at worst, he would just give him some favors, and could he still refuse?

If it really doesn't work, you can only use some small means to take yourself. Anyway, the other party should be just a high school student with no background.

After Jiang Xiaobei showed his trump card and broke out, he quickly attracted the attention of all forces.

Some people are interested in Jiang Xiaobei's strong affinity for grass elements, and some people are interested in the fact that the hood can change its shape. In general, the current Jiang Xiaobei is a favorite in many people's eyes.

However, Bing Xinyue was also paying attention to this game before, so after the game ended, she immediately announced in the name of Fengxue Gym:
Jiang Xiaobei is a disciple of Fengxue Gym!

This announcement immediately dispelled some of the thoughts of most of the forces.

Every gymnasium in the country is extremely defensive. Once you become a gymnasium disciple, you are a part of this gymnasium. Anyone who wants to hurt a gymnasium disciple must first weigh whether his own strength is enough.

In particular, the strength of the Ice Emperor ranks in the top three among all titled trainers in China, and ranks in the top ten in the world.

The safety of gym disciples is the bottom line of a gym, and no one dares to easily violate the bottom line of Fengxue gym.

The green field arena, on the arena.

Because of the magic protection of the arena, Li Xuan was not harmed, but he couldn't see the surrounding situation clearly for the time being.

Gradually, the white awn caused by the explosion of the ice and fire spiral disappeared slowly, and he hurriedly looked forward.

I saw that the front of him was empty, and the five elves standing in front of him were all gone.

When he turned his head and saw five elves in his team on the lawn below the ring, his mentality collapsed instantly!

He told himself repeatedly in his heart that this was not true, but the scene in front of him reminded him all the time that it was indeed true.

At this time, a mass of scorched vines in front of them slowly dissipated, revealing Jiang Xiaobei and the five elves.

 first change

  Thank you Ye Wanfeng for the reward of 100 coins, thank you for the reward of 588 coins in Xiaoyao Yinshi, and thank you for the reward of 200 coins

(End of this chapter)

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