My elf is so cute

Chapter 216 Cool!

Chapter 216 Cool!

At this time, it has not been more than 10 minutes since Jiang Xiaobei performed the Xinghuo Liaoyuan secret technique just now, so his mental power is still in a strong stage and has not fallen into a weak state.

Hooded Hood looked very tired, leaning lazily on Jiang Xiaobei's body.

The ice-fire whirl just released was released by her exhausting all the energy of the ice and fire elements in her body. Now her body is empty, so she is naturally exhausted.

Back then in the Snowstorm Gym, the hood only used a part of the energy, and the explosive power of the ice-fire whirling explosion released had almost reached the level of the attack power of an elite elf.

Now, under the full force of Hood and Xiaodou, the power is naturally stronger. It is not unreasonable for the five elves from the High School Affiliated to Beijing University to be directly knocked down.

Seeing the appearance of the hood, Jiang Xiaobei took out the Gulu ball, put her in, and let her have a good rest.

Afterwards, Jiang Xiaobei cast his eyes on Li Xuan who was still standing there, smiled, and said slowly: "Actually, if you don't want to pretend so much, if you are not so arrogant, you may not be the first to play in the individual competition. will lose."

After speaking, Jiang Xiaobei turned his attention to the chief referee who had just stepped into the ring, ready to hear him announce the result of the match.

But what he said just now was deeply imprinted in Li Xuan's heart.

"We, can we win?"

"Blame me"

The referee who had just stepped into the ring also heard Jiang Xiaobei's words and couldn't help but give him an extra look.

This kid is too ruthless, even if he kills someone, he will be punished!
If Li Xuan left a shadow in his heart from now on, his achievements in this life would probably be the same.

But this is not something he should care about, coughing and clearing his throat, he announced:
"In this semi-final, Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School played against the High School Affiliated to Beijing University. Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School won and advanced to the final!"

"Wuhu!" Several boys in the waiting seats of Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School immediately stood up, cheered loudly, and then ran to the ring, ready to give Jiang Xiaobei a warm hug, and Lin Chuxia followed behind.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobei suddenly felt that the mental power in his sea of ​​consciousness was rapidly weakening, and a strong sense of exhaustion came instantly.

He quickly supported the little fire monkey beside him, letting him support himself.

This feeling of exhaustion was uncomfortable, as if he hadn't slept for three days and three nights. He was so tired that he wanted to fall asleep on the spot.

But he can't sleep yet, otherwise, if his parents and friends think what happened to him, they will definitely be very worried.

Let the little fire monkey help him walk down the ring. At this moment, Xu Leilei and the others just ran over. Seeing Jiang Xiaobei like this, he became anxious and asked quickly:
"Xiaobei, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing Xu Leilei's voice, Jiang Xiaobei heaved a sigh of relief, and said forcefully, "It's nothing, it's just that I used too much mental power just now, and now I need to rest for a while."

"I'll sleep for a while, you will tell my parents later, don't let them worry."

After speaking, he leaned against the little fire monkey and fell asleep.

Noticing that something was wrong with Wang Yun, Tao Hui and Jiang Jianguo ran over. Seeing her son fainted, Tao Hui became anxious and asked quickly:
"What's the matter, what happened, why was it fine just now, and now it's like this?"

"Aunt Tao, don't worry, Xiaobei told me just now that he has consumed a lot of mental energy, and now he needs to rest, just sleep." Xu Leilei quickly explained to Tao Hui.

Although Tao Hui didn't know much about spiritual power, she felt relieved when she heard that her son was fine, and complained:

"He'll try his best. Now that he's made himself like this, and this head of hair has turned green, I'll dye it back for him later."

Jiang Jianguo, who was at the side, heard his wife's non-stop complaints, smiled wryly and patted her on the shoulder, "Okay, okay, stop talking, take Xiaobei there to have a good rest."

As he spoke, he took Jiang Xiaobei from the hands of the little fire monkey, helped her to the waiting area aside, and let Jiang Xiaobei lie on the seat and have a good rest.

Watching the audience leaving one after another, Xu Leilei looked at the time and said to the others: "I see Xiaobei's situation, he won't be able to wake up for a while, so I might as well send him back to the dormitory to rest."

"Let's go together." Lin Chuxia said suddenly, and then felt something was wrong, and added: "Anyway, it's fine to stay here."

Hearing this, Xu Leilei frowned, looked at Lin Chuxia strangely, and nodded with a smile.

The others also decided to send Jiang Xiaobei back to the dormitory together. Xie Xu's little fire monkey carried Jiang Xiaobei on his back, and the group came to Jiang Xiaobei's dormitory.

Putting Jiang Xiaobei on the bed, Xu Leilei suddenly said: "Although we still have to watch the game this afternoon, we can't just leave Xiaobei here. We have to leave someone here to look after him, so nothing happens."

"We, who stays here?" Xu Leilei suddenly raised his eyebrows at the other boys when he said these words.

Li Jinbo, Huang Xin, and Xie Xu understood Xu Leilei's eyes instantly, smiled, and said nothing.

Although Hou Ziming didn't understand what Xu Leilei meant, he felt something was wrong, so he didn't speak.

Lin Chuxia looked at the group of boys in front of her who hadn't spoken for a long time, thought for a while, and said, "Then I'll do it."

"Ah, I'm so sorry to let you be a girl." Xu Leilei even pretended to be polite.

Lin Chuxia glanced at him indifferently, and asked, "Then, why don't you come?"

"Hey, the pig's trotters at the restaurant we ate last night were delicious, why not?"

Xiao Bei, buddy, I can only help you so far.

When Jiang Xiaobei woke up, it was already past three in the afternoon.


As soon as he woke up, he felt a splitting headache. He held his head and waited for a while before the pain subsided a little.

I feel my whole body is muddled, my brain is very dull, and I feel my head swells with any question, which is very uncomfortable.

"Is this what it feels like to be mentally weak? It's really uncomfortable."

"you're awake?"

A familiar female voice suddenly came from the ear, but because of the slow brain, it took several seconds to realize that it was Lin Chuxia's voice.

Then, he looked around the scene.

Isn't this my dormitory? Why is Lin Chuxia in her dormitory?Did I get it wrong?

"what happened to you?"

The other party's voice came from next to his ear, and then he saw Lin Chuxia walking in front of him, shaking his hands in front of his eyes.

"Oh, it's nothing, I just feel dizzy."

Realizing that Lin Chuxia was indeed in his dormitory, Jiang Xiaobei responded.

Lin Chuxia looked at Jiang Xiaobei like this, and asked with some uncertainty: "Do you want to rest for a while?"

"No need." Jiang Xiaobei shook his head, then asked, "What time is it?"

"Ten past three in the afternoon."

"It's time now, is the match between the High School Attached to the Demon University and Jinling Middle School over?"

"Not yet, three individual matches have just been played."

"Oh, then let's go to the game." He said, he got up and got out of bed. As soon as he stood up, he felt dizzy suddenly, and his body was unstable and wobbled.

Seeing this situation, Lin Chuxia quickly supported him.

"If you look like this now, don't go to watch the game. You can also watch the live broadcast on your mobile phone. Let me help you watch it on the sofa outside."

Jiang Xiaobei nodded dully.

Lin Chuxia helped Jiang Xiaobei to sit on the sofa in the living room, then sat next to him, took out her phone, turned on the live broadcast, and the two of them watched it together.

On the screen of the mobile phone, the captain of Jinling No. [-] Middle School stood on the ring, his fighting cat stood in the center of the ring, and the next contestant from the High School of the Demon University, a girl with a slightly heroic face, walked up slowly. arena.

Takes out the Gruntball and unleashes her sprite.

Seeing this elf, even if Jiang Xiaobei's spirit is very dull now, his pupils shrunk and he was extremely shocked in his heart.

In this competition, all the monsters and ghosts really came out.

Now even Kura is out!
Moreover, if he remembered correctly, in order to evolve into Kulla's previous form, Lat, the level must reach level 40, right?

There are elite elves in this competition?
 Thank you for the reward of 500 coins under Dinggong, and thank you for the reward of 100 coins from Yingjing Lingyingmi

(End of this chapter)

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