My elf is so cute

Chapter 217 I have become green and stronger!

Chapter 217 I have become green and stronger!
The trump card of the Demon University High School is not Zhao Yuan, but this girl!

No wonder Zhao Yuan, as the captain, played from the beginning of the game and didn't care about exposing his own strength at all.

With Coola, a girl with elite strength, in charge, the High School Affiliated to Beijing University has no chance of winning.

But just over half a year after acquiring the elves, your Kura's level has been raised to the elite level?
So fierce!

Lin Chuxia is also a junior elf cultivator, so she naturally has a certain understanding of the top elves like Kura, so she also knows that Kura can basically evolve only when she reaches the elite level.

So, at this moment, she couldn't help covering her small mouth with a shocked expression on her face.

In the screen on the mobile phone, at the beginning of the game, Ku La released a large number of yellow lightning bolts from his body, covering the fighting cat with a range of attacks.

Wu Dou Mao couldn't dodge at all. He was hit by lightning on the spot and his whole body was paralyzed. Then Ku La added another electric shock, and Wu Dou Mao was directly transported off the ring.

Afterwards, under the leadership of Coola's dominance, the High School of Magic University easily won the semi-final and advanced to the final.

And Jiang Xiaobei, as well as most of the people who watched the game, also remembered the name of the girl who was the trainer of Kura:

Xiao Yuwen.

After the match between the High School Affiliated to Beijing University and Jinling No. [-] Middle School, Zhao Yuan came to the waiting area of ​​the High School Affiliated to Beijing University, and walked up to Li Xuan who was sitting silently in his seat.

Li Xuan has been sitting here in silence for almost half a day, without saying a word or doing anything, just sitting here quietly with his eyes blank.

Sensing someone, Li Xuan looked up and saw that it was Zhao Yuan, Li Xuan lowered his head again and said nothing.

Seeing Li Xuan like this, looking at this competitor from childhood until now, Zhao Yuan suddenly burst out laughing.

"You!" Seeing Zhao Yuan's appearance, a male team member of the High School Attached to Beijing University stood up angrily and pointed at Zhao Yuan, but was pulled down again by the girl in the team whose elf was a snow elf.

"Yang Yu, why are you pulling me?"

Yang Yu made a booing gesture and said in a low voice, "Don't talk, just watch quietly, the situation is not what you think."

Hearing Zhao Yuan's unscrupulous laughter, Li Xuan raised his head expressionlessly, looked at Zhao Yuan, and asked:
"Are you here just to see my joke?"

Zhao Yuan nodded and said affirmatively, "Yes, I just came to see your jokes."

"Look at the once mighty young master of the Li family in Kyoto, now he looks like he was knocked down in the face of a single failure."

As Zhao Yuan talked, the smile on his face gradually faded, and he turned his head to look at the space in the green arena, with some memories in his eyes, and continued: "We have known each other since childhood, in my memory, no matter what, You have to be number one."

"You are indeed the first every time, and it seems that you have never experienced a single failure."

"Although our two families have constant friction and competition, every time I lose to you, my father never trains me too much. Instead, he feels sorry for you several times."

"He said that you lived so smoothly since you were a child, and you will suffer a lot sooner or later."

"Today, seeing you like this, I understand that although my father is unreliable, he is indeed right."

"You will lose this competition sooner or later, even if you don't lose to Jiang Xiaobei, you will lose to Xiao Yuwen."

"I don't want my opponent from childhood to become a waste, you, do it yourself!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Yuan left without looking back.

Li Xuan looked at Zhao Yuan's back, opened his mouth, wanted to say something but didn't say anything.

In the end, he took a deep breath, and then stood up under the surprised gazes of the others in the High School Attached to Beijing University, with a smile on his face and said, "Let's go, let's go eat."

In Jiang Xiaobei's dormitory, Lin Chuxia finished watching the game, turned to look at Jiang Xiaobei, and asked, "What about tomorrow's game?"

"Oh, what else can I do? Cold salad!"

Not to mention that Jiang Xiaobei can no longer use the spirit mystic technique these days, even if he could, it would be difficult to win the game against an elf like Kula whose strength has reached the elite level.

Ku La's speed is extremely fast, and he cannot be restrained by the vines alone.

Moreover, Jiang Xiaobei was already very satisfied to win the runner-up.

In the past, before Mao Xiaodou had not undergone the modification of the ice and fire dual-line badge, Jiang Xiaobei's goal was only to be able to enter the top eight in the country.

With this in mind, Jiang Xiaobei is now in a good mood.

He took out the grunt ball from the hood and released her. At this time, the hood had recovered and was full of energy.

After she came out, she sat in Jiang Xiaobei's arms, greeted Lin Chuxia briefly, then jumped down, took out her mobile phone from Jiang Xiaobei's backpack, and started playing happily .

Lin Chuxia looked at the cute appearance of Mao Xiaodou, eyes full of tenderness, and sighed: "Jiang Xiaobei, you are really lucky to have such a cute elf like Mao Xiaodou."

Jiang Xiaobei smiled and was about to say something, but felt a little dizzy and shook his head. Suddenly, he saw a scene that broke his heart a little.

On a wall of the dormitory of the Demon University, a mirror taller than a person was installed. From Jiang Xiaobei's perspective, he just saw his current image from this large mirror.

What the hell is the green on this end?

Regardless of his current weak state, he stood up directly, strode to the mirror, touched the green hair on the top of his head, looked left and right.

When he saw that even the roots of his hair had turned green, he couldn't help crying out.

"What happened to my hair?"

Let's not talk about why your hair has changed color, but what color is wrong with you, why do you have to turn green?

Lin Chuxia looked at Jiang Xiaobei's impatient look, couldn't help laughing, and said, "This change has occurred since you launched an attack in the game. Don't worry, it's not ugly, on the contrary, it's quite handsome."

Jiang Xiaobei ignored Lin Chuxia, because it was not a question of being ugly, but a question of whether he could!

But any man can't accept staring at a ball of green on his head.

"Bang bang bang." At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Jiang Xiaobei immediately put on the hat on his sweater to cover the green hair on his head.

Lin Chuxia went to open the door, and it was Xu Leilei and the others in front of the door.

As soon as Xu Leilei and the others walked in, they saw Jiang Xiaobei wearing a sweater and covering his head with his hands.

"Xiaobei, what are you doing? What kind of hat are you wearing in the house hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha." Xu Leilei asked with some doubts, but suddenly realized the reason and couldn't help laughing out loud.

Several other boys also burst out laughing.

Under Jiang Xiaobei's almost murderous eyes, Xu Leilei gradually stopped laughing.

"Xiao Bei, I'll show you something good." Xu Leilei couldn't help laughing as he said that, then he took out his mobile phone, clicked into the class group, and found a chat record.

Seeing the class group, Wang Yaodong sent a GIF emoticon package.

It was the scene of Jiang Xiaobei's previous game. Jiang Xiaobei stepped forward, his eyes glowed with green light, and the surrounding green light converged towards him, making the hair on the top of his head gradually turn green.

A few words popped up below the picture:

I'm greener and stronger.

 Thank you Ye Wanfeng for the reward of 100 coins

(End of this chapter)

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