My elf is so cute

Chapter 220 Visiting the Demon Breeding House

Chapter 220 Visiting the Demon Breeding House

I didn't expect Mr. Lan's background to be so deep, not to mention that he is a king-level trainer, but his uncle is also a title-level trainer.

As for the misunderstanding that Chi Yongrui said, Jiang Xiaobei actually wanted to ask what the misunderstanding was.

However, because he was afraid of being beaten to death, he didn't dare to ask, and just replied:
"You said, I will definitely bring it."

"Just tell him, if he still recognizes me as uncle, he will come back to see the old man, what happened back then," when he said this, his lips trembled, and finally said:
"I was wrong, old man."

Jiang Xiaobei didn't think too much about Mr. Lan's private affairs. He was just a messenger, so there was no need to know too much.

The match was over, and in order not to delay too long on the way back, Jiang Xiaobei and the others directly booked the plane tickets for tomorrow morning.

For the rest of the day, they used the metal card they obtained earlier to redeem those rewards.

They first went to exchange for intermediate elf props.

Although I have also obtained intermediate elf props from K University before, but who would dislike such things?
No one has stipulated that an elf can only carry one elf item, and an extra elf item, although the self-improvement is relatively limited, the active skills it carries are still very fragrant.

Moreover, in the item hall of the Demon University, there are a wide variety of items, many of which are very suitable for their elves.

Jiang Xiaobei searched for a while, and chose a top-notch wing-type and ice-type mid-level elf item for the bronze unicorn, the cold wind bead.

The active skills carried are Freezing Wind and Air Cutting, both of which are very practical skills.

In the Magic Great Spirit Orchard, relying on the functions of many grass-type elves, many spiritual fruit trees are planted, among which there are many cocoa fruit trees and fig trees, but there are only a few Yanfu fruit trees.

Therefore, the Magic University can produce a lot of spiritual fruits every year. If the students in the school get new elves, they can buy a lot of cocoa fruits in the school in the early stage.

The price is much cheaper than outside.

After receiving his own Yanfu fruit, looking at the scene in the spiritual orchard, Jiang Xiaobei suddenly thought of the moon pomelo grove in the secret realm of Xiangcheng.

I don't know what happened to that Kaka bug now.

Jiang Xiaobei was not in a hurry to exchange the secret skills.

He asked before, and the person in charge of the Demon University gave him an accurate answer. As long as he has not received these rewards, he can come to collect them anytime and anywhere, and there is no time limit.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaobei is not going to receive the secret skills and elves for the time being, and will go later when he needs them.

After receiving their own prizes, the group of people set off for the last place of today's goal - the Admissions Office of the Magic University.

After the other people heard that Jiang Xiaobei and Hou Ziming had already obtained the recommendation places of the Magic University, they naturally hoped that their university could also enter the Magic University.

And they won the runner-up in this competition. Although most of the credit belongs to Jiang Xiaobei, they are also eligible to participate in the self-enrollment assessment of the Magic University.

The self-enrollment of elves and arts and sciences is different.

For independent enrollment in arts and sciences, you need to have a certificate of Olympiad score to be eligible to participate in the independent enrollment assessment organized by this school. Afterwards, many people will take the written test together, and then conduct an interview, and finally obtain the admission qualification with a reduced score.

However, the spirit department does not need to be gathered together, and can be assessed at any time.

Moreover, Xu Leilei and the others had just competed in the National High School Elf Cup held by the Magic University, and some actual situations can be clearly known through the game video.

Therefore, after comprehensive consideration, the relevant person in charge of the Demon Academy still gave Xu Leilei the place to be admitted with a reduced score.

Li Jinbo dropped 10 points.

Xu Leilei's meow talent is good, so he dropped 20 points.

Huang Xin also dropped 20 points.

Xie Xu's little fire monkey is very strong. Although every time it reaches level 30, it is estimated that it will break through when it takes the college entrance examination. Its strength has already exceeded the average strength level of elves admitted by the Magic University in previous years.

So drop him 30 points.

As for Lin Chuxia, she plans to choose the major of elf cultivator in university, so she is different from Xu Leilei and Xie Xu.

After having obtained the qualification of a junior elf cultivator, she was directly recommended to the magic university's elf cultivator major.

After a group of people finished their work, it was almost evening.

Everyone was tired after a busy day, so they returned to their dormitories to rest.

However, they agreed that in the evening, they would set off together and find a big restaurant to celebrate, so they were not in a hurry to have dinner.

Jiang Xiaobei thought that there was still a lot of time left, so he went to the elf breeding house of the Demon University alone to visit and see what elves were there.

The elf breeding house of the Demon University is called a breeding house, but it is actually a park with a large area, in which the attributes and types of elves are divided into areas where elves live.

Relying on the metal card, Jiang Xiaobei walked into it smoothly.

In the elf garden closest to the gate, there are more than a dozen grass-type bouncing seed babies living in it, all of which are pets that have not been hatched for a long time.

Here, once the age of the elves exceeds three months, or breaks through to the elementary level, they will be sent out and will no longer be cultivated in the breeding house.

Jiang Xiaobei didn't pay much attention to these bouncing seeds, but simply checked their information, and found that none of them had a talent below yellow.

Sure enough, they are all very talented elves who have been carefully selected!

Walking all the way, Jiang Xiaobei walked through the grass-type elf area, the fire-type elf area, and the electric-type elf area, and finally stopped in the water-type elf area.

In the water system elf area, most elves live in a pond, and Jiang Xiaobei saw a few very cute elves in a pond.

It looks like a dolphin, with a life buoy on it.

The name of this elf is dolphin.

This kind of elf used to be Jiang Xiaobei's favorite kind of water-type elf. Although the strength and racial potential are not very good,
But it's cute, good-looking and it's over, and the value of appearance is justice.

Jiang Xiaobei probed one of the dolphins.

[Elf Name] Dolphin

[Elf level] 6 (apprentice-level elf)

【Elf Talent】Green

[Spirit Attribute] Water System

【Height】1.2m 【Weight】57.5kg 【Gender】Female

【Evolutionary Form】Unable to evolve

[Spirit Skill] High Pressure Jet, Liquid Water Ring

[Spirit Secret Technique] None
[Spirit props] None
[Elf Profile] A very kind elf who often saves people who have fallen into the sea in the sea.

Although this kind of elf is not very strong, it is very rare. I didn't expect there to be here in Moda.

(End of this chapter)

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