My elf is so cute

Chapter 221 Returning to Xiangcheng

Chapter 221 Return to Xiangcheng
Speaking of which, in Jiang Xiaobei's own plan, he will definitely subdue a water-type elf in the future.

Otherwise, if you enter the sea or enter some secret places that exist in the water in the future, there will definitely be a lot of inconvenience without the help of the water elves.

As for the types of elves, he hasn't made up his mind yet. His current thoughts are nothing more than elves like water spirit beasts and deep sea overlords.

Taking another look at the dolphins, Jiang Xiaobei continued to walk deeper.

When he reached the place where the dragon elves were, Jiang Xiaobei paused again and looked around.

Sure enough, some top-level dragon elves are still very rare. Even in the breeding house of the Demon University, there are only a few common dragon elves like Thunderbolt Dragon, Tentacle Grass Dragon, Little Egg Dragon, and Little Flower Mouth Dragon. .

Turning around, Jiang Xiaobei saw many elves with good talents, and even saw a cute mouse with light blue talent in martial arts.

But Jiang Xiaobei is not going to subdue the martial elves now.

Because, the ancient war dragon itself is an elf with dual attributes of dragon and martial arts, and its melee ability is also one of the best. It would be a bit tasteless to subdue another elf of martial arts.

After looking around, Jiang Xiaobei left slightly disappointed.

Before it got dark, he did not return to the dormitory, but went to the admissions office of the Magic University, found Zhang Wenliang, and asked when he could be arranged to subdue the seal guards.

After hearing this, Zhang Wenliang looked at Jiang Xiaobei's eager expression, and said with a wry smile:
"The elves who seal the guards have only been seen in the Dragon Vein Flame Secret Realm. The entrance to the Dragon Vein Flame Secret Realm exists in the Li family in Kyoto."

"So, if you want to enter the flames of the dragon veins to subdue the elves, you must first obtain the permission of the Li family. It will take some time for the school to communicate with the Li family."

"However, don't worry, at most one month, the school will arrange someone to take you to the Dragon Vein Flame."

The Li family in Kyoto?The entrance to the secret realm of Dragon Vein Flame is at his home?
Could it be that in China, shouldn't the entrances to secret realms be under the control of the state?Why is it still under the private control of a certain family?
Jiang Xiaobei asked his doubts, Zhang Wenliang smiled and explained to Jiang Xiaobei.

"First of all, it cannot be said that this secret realm belongs to the Li family. It can be said that it is under the care of the Li family. The Trainer Association also has a certain degree of control over the secret realm."

"Secondly, the Li family is the top trainer family in China. Although there are no title-level trainers in the family, there are still a lot of dragon elves at the third level of the heavenly king level, which naturally has a certain deterrent effect."

"In addition, many members of their family are in high positions in the Trainer Association, so they naturally have some privileges; not only them, but also the Zhao family in the capital city, who also control the secret realm of Time and Space Illusion, and many families in the country control it. The secret realm."

"A job like a trainer, as you know, consumes money and resources. It's really difficult for people in ordinary families to achieve great achievements in this area. They are all family children."

"A large part of the trainers in the Trainer Association are members of various families in the country. That is to say, in recent decades, with the strong support of the state, domestic universities have gradually opened trainer majors, and civilian trainers have gradually emerged. , Harm, why am I telling you this?"

Zhang Wenliang patted his head with a smile, "You just need to understand, it's not very important."

"Thank you, Teacher Zhang." Jiang Xiaobei thanked.

Now that he has an accurate answer, one month is not very long, Jiang Xiaobei can afford to wait.

The next morning, Jiang Xiaobei and his group went to Shanghai Pudong Airport, and returned to Xiangcheng by plane.

As soon as I got off the plane and walked out of the airport, I saw a row of students standing in front of the airport, holding banners, waiting for them.

"Warm congratulations to our school team for winning the runner-up of this year's National High School Student Elf Cup Competition, showing our school's demeanor."

In front of the banner, the principal and vice-principal of Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School held flowers and smiled.

Next to them, there were many reporters with cameras and microphones, all waiting in front of the airport.

This time, Jiang Xiaobei and the others are not only proud of Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School, but also for Xiangcheng. After this competition, people in the whole country who didn't know Xiangcheng before will also know about it.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobei and the others come out, these people's eyes lit up and they came up to meet them.

"Mr. Wang, you have worked hard."

"Students have worked hard, and they are all doing well."

"Student Jiang Xiaobei, what did you think before the match against the High School Affiliated to Peking University?"

"Student Jiang Xiaobei, may I ask what move did you use in the end to make your spirit burst out with such great energy?"

"Student Jiang Xiaobei, may I ask?"

Half a day later, after dealing with the enthusiastic school leaders and those reporters, Jiang Xiaobei wiped the sweat off his brow, and followed his parents back home as if fleeing.

He is really tired.

Dealing with those reporters' questions was more tiring than participating in a battle of elves.

A series of questions, asked him in a daze?
Some questions about the game are relatively normal, but there are still some unusual questions.

"Student Jiang Xiaobei, I heard that you study until midnight every night, delving into elf training methods, and only sleep for two hours a day. Is it true?"

Only sleep two hours a day?How come I don't know I'm so awesome?
"Student Jiang Xiaobei, I heard that in order to gather enough resources to cultivate elves, you worked five jobs a day, and you were reluctant to eat, just to save resources for elf cultivation."

Hey, hey, big sister, it's too much, my parents are still around, you're making it look like my parents abused me.

However, what made him most helpless was that his mother Tao Hui intervened and bragged to the reporters.

"Our little Bei, I knew from an early age that he was very smart. He could talk at the age of three months and walk at the age of six months. Of course, this is also an inheritance of my excellent talent."

"Xiao Bei, this kid..."

Finally, Jiang Xiaobei couldn't bear it anymore, and together with his father, he dragged Tao Hui out of here and returned home.

It's so embarrassing.

Jiang Xiaobei's home.

Lying on the big bed in his room, Jiang Xiaobei stretched his body comfortably.

"Sure enough, the golden nest and the silver nest are still not as good as my dog's nest! It's still the most comfortable at home."

He lay on the bed, let go of his thoughts, and went away unconsciously. After an unknown amount of time, he suddenly stood up, startling the small hood beside him.

Getting up from the bed, sitting in front of his desk, Jiang Xiaobei began to conceive plans for the future.

Now, he has obtained the recommendation quota of the Magic University, so there is no need to go to school every day to study hard to prepare for the college entrance examination, and he can be busy with other things.

For example, preparing for the assessment of the intermediate elf cultivator, or the evolution of the bronze unicorn, and preparing some initial training resources for the seal guards who will be subdued after a while.

After a little planning, he walked out of the room and left for Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School.

I haven't said what I promised Chi Yongrui to bring to Lan Ze.

 Thank you Ye Wanfeng for the 100 coin reward.

  The story of the first stage is over, and the protagonist will soon enter the university and change to a new map.

  I posted the pre-selection of the protagonist's third to fifth elves in the book friend circle, you can take a look, and if you have ideas, you can comment

  The starting point, there are all in the QQ reading circle of book friends.

(End of this chapter)

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