My elf is so cute

Chapter 222 Intermediate Elf Cultivator Assessment Items

Chapter 222 Intermediate Elf Cultivator Assessment Items
It was still class time, when Jiang Xiaobei walked into the school, he suddenly felt guilty.

Faintly, there is still a little worry.

Although the principal had told them before to give them a half-day vacation, Jiang Xiaobei was still worried that if Teacher Lan refused to let him go, he would have to go back to the classroom.

What should I do then?

I don't want to go to class!I just want to fish.

With this in mind, Jiang Xiaobei knocked on the door of Lan Ze's office feeling a little apprehensive.

"Please come in." Aozawa's voice came from the office.

Jiang Xiaobei pushed open the door, walked into the office, looked at Teacher Lan whom he hadn't seen for more than a month, and suddenly felt a little excited.

"Yo~, our great hero is back." Lan Ze saw Jiang Xiaobei walking in, his eyes lit up, and he said with a smile.

"Hello, Teacher Lan, I haven't seen you in a month, and Teacher Lan has become handsome again."

"Tsk tsk tsk, I haven't seen you for a month, but your little mouth has become sweeter." Lan Ze put down the book in his hand, looked at Jiang Xiaobei with a smile, and said, "Tell me, why did you come to me this time?"

"Can't I come and see you?"

"Tch, you guys, when you are on vacation, you can't wait to split your time in half. Why don't you still want to come to me if you have nothing to do?" Lan Ze curled his lips, shook his head and smiled.

"Uh, well, I did have something to ask you when I came this time." Jiang Xiaobei scratched his head and said, "Someone asked me to bring you a sentence."

"Who? Can't you make a phone call? Bing Xinyue?"

"No, it's the Bihai trainer of the Demon University, Mr. Chi."

Jiang Xiaobei found that after he finished saying these words, Lan Ze's originally smiling face instantly turned cold, and he frowned tightly.

"What?" Lan Ze's tone was cold.

Jiang Xiaobei didn't dare to talk nonsense, and just repeated what Chi Yongrui had said before.

After listening to what Jiang Xiaobei helped relay, Lan Ze pursed his lips, his face was sullen, his chest heaved violently, and his body exuded a powerful aura.

Jiang Xiaobei stood aside, feeling the aura emanating from Lan Ze's body, and his heart skipped a beat for a moment.

"You go out first."

Hearing Lan Ze's words, Jiang Xiaobei opened the door instantly and walked out.

It's best not to get involved in the affairs between these big brothers, and just be a melon-eating crowd quietly.

Walking out of Lan Ze's office, Jiang Xiaobei was about to leave school and go wandering, when he suddenly thought of something.

Fatty Wang Yaodong hadn't settled with him for making fun of his emoji, so he decided to go to the classroom.

Sacrifice my precious vacation time in the afternoon, and deepen the deep friendship between classmates with a certain classmate.

Lan Ze sat on his office chair, struggling in his heart.

Hearing Chi Yongrui's words relayed by Jiang Xiaobei, he felt mixed feelings and didn't know what to do for a while.

He wanted to go directly to Shanghai, but he couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart; if he didn't go back, he would miss his uncle very much.

Lan Ze also understands that Chi Yongrui is not entirely at fault for what happened back then, but what can he do?What's the use of who is right and who is wrong?
People cannot be resurrected after death!
After thinking for a long time, Lan Ze still decided to stay in Xiangcheng, because he didn't know how to face his uncle and his dearest person when he went back.

When Jiang Xiaobei studied at night, he didn't stay at school.

For him now, staying in school is actually a waste of time.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaobei deliberately found Lan Ze again, and after applying, he was approved. In the next three months, he can come to class whenever he wants, and he can busy himself with his own affairs if he doesn't want to come.

And when I get home at night, the first thing I do is to log in to the elf cultivator website and check the information about the assessment of intermediate elf cultivators.

If you want to take the intermediate elf cultivator assessment, you first need to apply on the website.

After seeing your application, the staff at the headquarters of the Elven Cultivator Association will check whether you are eligible for the assessment. If you are qualified, they will randomly arrange an assessment location for you, and three senior elf breeders as examiner.

There are three items in the assessment.

The first project, an elf provided by the assessment site, requires you to make a complete training plan and related elf food formula within the specified time.

After the completion, three examiners will check the results and confirm that they have reached the level of an intermediate elf cultivator before they can pass this assessment and enter the next assessment.

For the second project, an elf with physical problems and materials will be provided by the assessment site, and you need to prepare relevant drugs within the specified time to solve the problems in the elf's body.

The third item is the defense.

Five to ten questions of the corresponding level will be asked by three examiners. You don't have to give correct answers to every question, but at least you must answer [-]% of the questions correctly, so that you can pass the assessment.

Only after passing the three assessments can one become a real intermediate elf cultivator.

After Jiang Xiaobei read the information, he didn't have much confidence in his heart, and he was ready to study hard for another half a month before submitting an application and conducting an assessment.

In the next half month, he plans to go to the library every day to study for a period of time and improve his knowledge reserve.

Among the rewards given by the Demon University, the Yanfu fruit was made into Yanfu fruit jam the day after Jiang Xiaobei returned home.

After some thought, he still decided to give the Bronze Unicorn this Strict Father Fruit Jam.

Because of the mutation of the fire badge and the ice badge, the Hood's level was raised too fast. What is needed now is precipitation to polish his current strength.

Since the bronze unicorn broke through level 30, its level has been stagnant. Now it is time to take Yanfu fruit jam to improve his level.

After taking Yanfuguo Jam, the Bronze Unicorn didn't disappoint Jiang Xiaobei either, and went up two levels in a row, reaching level 32.

When the bronze unicorn reaches level 32, it can take wisteria to evolve into a golden unicorn, but Jiang Xiaobei's goal is to evolve the bronze unicorn into a platinum unicorn.

Therefore, for the time being, we can't let the bronze unicorns take wisteria, lest one can't control it and evolve into a golden unicorn, which will be an oolong.

In a blink of an eye, half a month passed by in a hurry.

Except for Jiang Xiaobei, Hou Ziming, and Lin Chuxia who were escorted students, the others all returned to school the day after they returned to Xiangcheng, and started the arduous sprint stage of the third year of high school.

Jiang Xiaobei didn't relax, and was preparing for the assessment of the intermediate elf trainer every day.

That night, Jiang Xiaobei felt that it was almost done, so he logged on to the website of the Elf Cultivator Association again and submitted the assessment for an intermediate elf trainer.

It is estimated that by tomorrow morning, you will be able to see the accurate arrangement information

 Thank you for the reward of 1500 coins under Dinggong

  I'm a little sorry, I haven't thought much about the plot after that recently, so I feel that the writing seems to be squeezed out. I will sort out the outline tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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