My elf is so cute

Chapter 223 Assessment of Intermediate Elf Cultivator

Chapter 223 Assessment of Intermediate Elf Cultivator

The next morning, after Jiang Xiaobei woke up, he washed up, ran around the community, and returned home to turn on his computer and log in to the website of the Elf Cultivator Association.

I looked at my background, but there was no message coming.

This is also normal, after all, I submitted the application last night, and the staff in charge of this aspect naturally cannot work in the middle of the night, and I have to wait for a while.

Since there was no information, Jiang Xiaobei was busy with other things first. He looked at the new papers published on the website of the Elf Cultivator Association these days, and learned about current affairs. He waited until almost noon before the background of the website sent a message.

Hello, Mr. Jiang Xiaobei.

After verification, you have the qualifications to apply for the examination of the intermediate elf cultivator, and your application has been passed. Please bring your ID card and junior elf cultivator qualification certificate to the magic city elf cultivator at 3:23 am on March [-]. Association is assessed.

Specific details: (a URL) - 1
Click on the URL, which displays specific information about the assessment.

"March 3rd? Isn't that five days later? I don't know when the Demon University will notify me to go to Dragon Vein Flame to subdue the elves." Jiang Xiaobei said to himself.

After thinking about it, he took out his phone and sent Lin Chuxia a message.

Jiang Xiaobei: Are you there?

Two minutes later, Lin Chuxia replied to the message.

Lin Chuxia: Yes, Jiang Da prodigy is looking for me for something?

Seeing what Lin Chuxia called him, Jiang Xiaobei's face darkened.

On the day they came back from Shanghai, my mother boasted in front of various reporters, but I didn't expect those reporters to actually report like that.

The next day, Xiangcheng Daily and some small magazines in Xiangcheng published some exaggerated remarks praising Jiang Xiaobei's child prodigy. Ocean view room.

After Xu Leilei, Lin Chuxia and the others saw the information, they naturally didn't let Jiang Xiaobei go, and made fun of Jiang Xiaobei.

Jiang Xiaobei: . . .I just want to ask if Uncle Lin is busy with work these days?If I have time, I would like to ask him some questions.

Lin Chuxia: What's the problem?Also ask my dad.

Jiang Xiaobei: It's nothing, just that I'm going to take the intermediate elf cultivator assessment in two days. Uncle Lin is a pastor. I want to ask some precautions.

Lin Chuxia: . . .

Lin Chuxia: (Big Brother.jpg)
Lin Chuxia: Let me ask for you.

Jiang Xiaobei: Okay, thank you.

Five minutes later, Lin Chuxia replied to the message again.

Lin Chuxia: I asked my dad, he has nothing to do these days, you can go to him anytime.

Jiang Xiaobei: ok
Five days passed in a flash.

During these five days, Jiang Xiaobei would go to the Xiangcheng Cultivator Association every day, ask Lin Tiannan some questions, and borrow some equipment from the association to test the elves' information, prepare elf food, and practice.

If five days ago, he thought he was [-]% sure of passing the examination, now it is [-]% and the remaining [-]% is because he is afraid of being proud.

After the preparations were completed, Jiang Xiaobei also took the high-speed train to Shanghai on the afternoon of the fifth day with a small hood and a bronze unicorn.

I opened a room in a hotel near the Magic City Elf Cultivator Association and stayed.

At eight o'clock the next morning, Jiang Xiaobei walked out of the hotel and walked into the Magic City Elf Cultivator Association next door.

According to the detailed location recorded in the previous website, Jiang Xiaobei came to a room on the third floor of the association building.

This is a room similar to a lecture theater. More than [-]% of the entire room is filled with seats, and now a quarter of the seats are filled with people, basically young and middle-aged people.

These should be some junior or intermediate elf cultivators. As a notary, they will watch their assessment for a while.

In the front row of seats, only the middle seat sat an old man with gray hair and a pair of black-rimmed glasses, leaning against the back, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

This should be one of the three examiners, a senior elf trainer.

At the front of the room, there is an experimental table, and two huge cabinets are placed on both sides. Through the glass, it can be seen that there are a lot of experimental materials placed in it.

At the front of the room, on the wall near the door, there are four push-pull blackboards.

After looking at the situation in the room, Jiang Xiaobei put down some of the materials he was carrying, walked up to the old man with his eyes closed, and greeted him softly.

"Hi, teacher."

"Huh?" The old man opened his eyes, glanced at Jiang Xiaobei, frowned and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Uh, I'm Jiang Xiaobei. I'm here to take part in this assessment. Is there anything I need to prepare?" Looking at the old man's suspicious eyes, as if he didn't know him, Jiang Xiaobei did it helplessly. Introduce yourself.

It stands to reason that these examiners should have read their own information before the assessment, right?

"Are you here to participate in this assessment?" The old man's eyes widened when he heard the words, he glanced at Jiang Xiaobei's even immature face, and asked in disbelief.

Before, he had only been notified that he had come this morning as an examiner to test a candidate for the qualification assessment of an intermediate elf cultivator.

Because there were too many things before, he didn't read Jiang Xiaobei's information, and planned to see how the other party's level is today.

During the assessment, the key to judging whether to pass or not depends on its true level. The information recorded in the materials is not very important.

Unexpectedly, it looked so young.

"Which school are you from? Peking University?" This old man is a professor of the major of cultivating demon elves. If there are such powerful students in the school, they will naturally know about it.

I don't know now, it should be a student from another university.

It's a pity, such a good talent, why didn't you report it to us at the beginning?
"Um, no, I'm from Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School." Jiang Xiaobei smiled awkwardly.

"Oh, so it's from Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School, what? Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School, high school?"

"Right." Jiang Xiaobei nodded.

At this time, the old man hurriedly picked up the briefcase beside him, took out a copy of Jiang Xiaobei's information that the association had sent him before, and opened it to take a closer look.

"18 years old, the paper on the evolution plan of the little unicorn. It turns out that you were the one who created the paper on the evolution of the little unicorn." Get up and say to Jiang Xiaobei: "Student Jiang Xiaobei? Are you interested in coming to our Demon University?"

"My name is Zhuang Zhao, and I am a teacher who specializes in cultivating the Great Demon Elves. You can ask me to be your mentor when the time comes."

"In terms of the profession of elf cultivator, our Magic University ranks second, and no one dares to say that it is the first. If you agree, I can directly get you a guaranteed admission spot. You don't need to take the college entrance examination, and you can directly enter the Magic University." Zhuang Zhao He smiled confidently.

This kind of good seedling should not be missed.

"I've already signed the submission agreement of the Magic University, and Teacher Zhang Wenliang asked me to sign it," Jiang Xiaobei replied with a smile after hearing this.

"That's it, that's good. The old boy Zhang Wenliang finally did a good thing." Zhuang Zhao nodded.

"But I applied for the trainer major." Jiang Xiaobei continued.


1——The detailed URL will be swallowed, so refer to it. (This point card free word count, no charge)

 Thank you for the reward of 200 coins from the stars in the dust

(End of this chapter)

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