My elf is so cute

Chapter 224 Assessment of Intermediate Elf Cultivator

Chapter 224 Assessment of Intermediate Elf Cultivator

When Zhuang Zhao heard Jiang Xiaobei's words, he immediately called out loudly, which attracted the attention of other people behind him.

"You signed the trainer profession? I think Zhang Wenliang doesn't want to do it anymore." Zhuang Zhao said with a bit of heartache.

Just now he said that the specialty of cultivating the devil elves is the strongest in the country, but in fact, that was bragging.

In the past two years, Beijing University has made great progress and produced many good seedlings. As a competitor, Magic University has become mediocre.

Now that I finally met a good seed, I actually got him a trainer major?
Does the trainer profession lack such a person?
If Jiang Xiaobei hadn't been assessed soon, Zhuang Zhao would have gone straight to the school's admissions office to talk to Zhang Wenliang.

Jiang Xiaobei was on the side, keeping silent, not answering Zhuang Zhao's words.

Is it because elf battles are not good anymore, or is it not fun to explore the secret realm?
He didn't want to stay in the laboratory all day, doing those messy experiments.

Jiang Xiaobei waited for a while, and two other examiners arrived one after another.

They are a woman with gray hair who is about 50 years old and a middle-aged man who looks only about 30 years old and looks good.

The three examiners had already arrived, and then some other people came one after another and sat in the back of the room.

Jiang Xiaobei stood in front of the experiment table, quietly waiting for the start of the assessment.

Time passed by minute by minute, and soon, it was ten o'clock.

Zhuang Zhao sat in the middle, checked the time on his watch, coughed, and said, "Let's begin."; the other two examiners also nodded.

On the side, the staff of the Magic City Elf Cultivator Association standing at the door came up at this moment, took out a grunt ball, and released a rat otter.

The rat otter obviously knew what he was going to do next, so he stood there naturally, receiving the eyes of many people in the room.

Zhuang Zhao glanced at the rat otter, and after looking twice, he said to Jiang Xiaobei: "Now, within an hour and a half, you can formulate a training plan for this rat otter, and make a training plan for this rat otter. The corresponding elf food and basic materials are in the cabinet next to it."

Jiang Xiaobei nodded, and turned his gaze to Rat Otter.

The rat otter is an elf that evolved from the mouse otter. It is the most common type of elf, and of course, it is also the elf with the lowest racial potential.

Although rat otters are common, most trainers would not consider taming elves like rat otters because they basically have no development potential and their combat ability is somewhat weak.

Therefore, many elf cultivators have relatively little research on this kind of elf, so there is basically no information to learn from, which is a test of the basic ability of candidates.

However, it was not difficult for Jiang Xiaobei, so he immediately searched for the elf's information.

【Elf Name】Rat Otter
[Elf level] 38 (advanced elf)
[Elf Talent] Yellow

[Spirit Attributes] Normal, Water

[Height] 1.2m [Weight] 45.5kg [Gender] Male

【Evolutionary Form】Unable to evolve

[Elf skills] violent impact, powerful shield, cry, water gun, hypnotic tail, killer front teeth
[Spirit Secret Technique] None
[Spirit props] None
[Elf Profile] A hardworking guy who likes to build his own home and is a first-class architect.

As soon as the belief was moved, the system gave several sets of detailed training plans.

However, Jiang Xiaobei still had to put on a show in front of the three examiners, using the equipment on the experiment table, to test some information about the rats and otters, record them, and then slowly write down the training plan.

Afterwards, Jiang Xiaobei chose the system and gave a high-level elf food recipe, and started to make it on the spot.

When making elf food, watching Jiang Xiaobei's smooth operation, the three examiners looked at each other, and they all saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

Originally thought that Jiang Xiaobei was so young, he must not have much experience in actual operation, and the operation level would not be very high, but he did not expect to be so proficient.

When baking with flames, Jiang Xiaobei didn't choose to use the baking equipment given on the experimental table, but directly mobilized his mental power to condense a flame in his palm through magic.

The experimental equipment must not be like myself, which can control the size and temperature of the flame at any time, and feel the subtle changes in the elf food, so since Jiang Xiaobei's mental power has reached a certain level, when making elf food, if necessary, he will Unleash the flame yourself for roasting.

With the help of the Fire Emblem, Jiang Xiaobei's control over the flames is very strong.

Soon, in just an hour, Jiang Xiaobei completed all the content of the first assessment, put the training plan and elf food on the experiment table, and waited for the three examiners to test.

The rat otter on the side smelled the aroma of the elf food on the experimental table, his eyes lit up, and his mouth couldn't stop drooling.

But he also understands the rules. These foods will be tested later, and they can only be eaten after the test. He can only wait for a while.

Zhuang Zhao glanced at the time on his watch, and raised his eyebrows in surprise. It's only been an hour, and it's already finished. The speed is so fast!

The three examiners stood up from their seats and walked to Jiang Xiaobei's experimental table. Zhuang Zhao picked up the training plan and looked at it, while the 30-year-old examiner took out an instrument from under the experimental table.

There was a glass box on the instrument, and he put the elf food made by Jiang Xiaobei in it, and then let the rat otter stand on the side of the instrument.

Then, he pressed a certain switch in the instrument, and a ray of light was released from it, scanning the rat otter.

There was also a blue light in the glass case.

After 1 minute, a set of data is displayed on the screen above the instrument.

Food Energy Strength: Superior.

Material utilization rate: 95%.

Energy absorption efficiency: 92%
Comprehensive assessment: top-grade.

Seeing this set of data, the three examiners raised their brows. The material utilization rate and the energy absorption efficiency of elves from elf food are very high!
Moreover, it is still high-level elf food, plus the evaluation on the armor.

For a moment, the three examiners had the feeling of being a front wave.

No matter what the training plan is, this elf food formula proves that Jiang Xiaobei's basic ability has reached the level of an intermediate elf trainer.

Afterwards, the three examiners gathered together again to analyze the training plan for rats and otters written by Jiang Xiaobei.

Jiang Xiaobei waited quietly by the side, while Rat Otter happily enjoyed the delicious food Jiang Xiaobei made, looking at Jiang Xiaobei with kindness in his eyes.

The three examiners took the training plan, took out some draft paper, and began to write and draw. After ten minutes, they all looked at Jiang Xiaobei with bright eyes.

The level of this training plan is a bit high!

When they watched it, they had a refreshing feeling, and they thought from time to time: So it can still be like this!
After reading it, they all gained a lot

Afterwards, the three discussed it, and Zhuang Zhao announced the result.

"The first assessment, with a score of A, passed, and then proceeded to the next assessment!"

 Thanks for the reward of 200 coins that the prince is not my boss

  Tomorrow I have to take the CET-[-] exam, but looking at the real test paper, I don't want to write at all
(End of this chapter)

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