My elf is so cute

Chapter 225 Assessment of Intermediate Elf Cultivator

Chapter 225 Assessment of Intermediate Elf Cultivator

top armor?

As soon as this evaluation came out, many notaries sitting at the back of the room looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Is this evaluation? Is it a little high? I have been a notary many times in these years. Generally, it is considered very good to have a second grade. I have never even seen a first grade evaluation." Around 30 years old, a middle-aged man in a suit frowned and said.

The other person sitting next to him was also very surprised, nodded and said: "Yes, for such a high evaluation, will the three examiners be too hasty?"

At this time, a young man sitting in front of them turned his head, shook his head and said, "No, no, I'm not careless at all, just now I saw the screen of the elf food detection instrument in front, and you know what is displayed on it ?"

"What?" the two asked curiously.

"The elf food made by Jiang Xiaobei has reached a high level, and the material utilization rate and energy absorption rate have reached more than 90%."

"Hiss." Both of them gasped after hearing this.

For the second assessment, you need to wait for a while, and you need to wait for the staff of the Magic City Elf Cultivator Association to bring the elves over.

Although the elves to be used in the assessment are prepared in advance, there is no need to temporarily find the elves with problems in the body.

But this second assessment is somewhat special.

Elves are different from ordinary mice and other experimental animals. They are highly intelligent creatures, and it is impossible to treat them like ordinary animals.

Therefore, the Elf Cultivator Association will not poison an elf and injure him just because of an assessment.

Because the time is urgent, if a suitable elf cannot be found in the nearby secret realm within a certain period of time, then the elf cultivator association will go to the nearby elf hospital to find the elf.

When there are some problems in the body of the trainer's elf, he usually takes his elf to the elf hospital to treat the elf.

However, if the elf's physical problems are more serious, the cost of healing may be very high, and some trainers cannot afford it.

At this time, the Elf Hospital will cooperate with the Elf Cultivator Association. If the trainer agrees to use his elf as a trial elf for the assessment, he can receive free treatment.

During the treatment process, there are three senior elf cultivator examiners guarding the side, which can ensure that the elves will not suffer too much damage, and even if the examiner cannot be cured, the examiner will help treat it afterwards.

Therefore, for this kind of thing, many trainers will generally rush to sign up.

Previously, the Trainer Association had selected Jiang Xiaobei's test elves, and they were recuperating in the recuperation room at this time, and they would bring the elves over for the assessment.

Soon, the staff member who had just left the room led a young man in his 20s into the room. The young man had bangs covering his brows, was dressed in black, and held an ordinary Grunt ball.

After he walked in, he took a look at the situation in the room, and finally locked his eyes on Jiang Xiaobei who was standing in front of the experiment table.

Although he was surprised that Jiang Xiaobei was young, he still walked up to Jiang Xiaobei, greeted him politely, and then released his spirit.

It's a gopher, the evolved form of a gopher.

However, the state of the escaped mouse didn't look very good. After being released, it lay on the ground with half-closed eyes, looking very sluggish.

"This is my elf Dunshu, please forgive me." The young man patted Dunshu's head to comfort him, and then said to Jiang Xiaobei pleadingly.

"I will do my best." Jiang Xiaobei nodded and said, and then began to search for the information of this mouse.

Soon, from the detailed information detected by the system, Jiang Xiaobei learned the reason why this mouse became in its current state.

Inside Dunshu's body, there is a plant, Long Xingxing.

The dragon star is a plant with a trace of dragon energy, and its vitality is extremely tenacious. In a very difficult environment, even without sunlight, it can still grow tenaciously.

Moreover, this is not an ordinary plant, but a kind of spiritual plant similar to a cocoa fruit tree. The fruit it produces after ripening, the dragon elves can get a lot of benefits after taking it.

Dunshu itself is an earth-type elf, and its body contains many substances suitable for plant growth. It should have eaten the seeds of the dragon star by mistake at the beginning, but it didn't care about it later, causing it to take root and sprout directly in the body. Gradually something is wrong.

At this time, if you want to get rid of him, you can't rely on him alone!

The Elf Hospital has also detected its condition before. To heal this mouse without injury, it needs to consume a lot of good medicine, and the treatment is expensive, so the medical expenses are expensive. The trainer of the mouse, the Youth cannot afford it at all.

Simply, the Elf Cultivator Association selected his escaped mouse as an assessment elf, and promised to treat his escaped mouse for free.

These days, relying on a medicinal liquid that suppresses the growth of dragon stars given to Dunshu by the Magic City Elf Cultivator Association every day, Dunshu's situation has not deteriorated.

After learning about Dunshu's situation, Jiang Xiaobei instantly had several plans in his mind.

After thinking about it carefully, he picked up the pen and paper on the experiment table, calculated for a while, and finally decided on a treatment plan.

His solution was a kind of ice and fire therapy.

After a while, he needs to prepare two medicines.

The first type is an ice-type potion, but it is a very mild ice-type medicine.After Dunshu takes it, on the one hand, it can protect Dunshu's body; on the other hand, the ice-type dragon-type can reduce the resistance of dragon star plants.

The second type is the fire attribute potion, the effect is to burn the dragon stars in the Dunshu's body, and the previous ice attribute potion protects the Dunshu's body, so this fire attribute potion will not cause too much damage to the Dunshu. s damage.

Moreover, according to the principle of mutual generation of the five elements, fire produces earth, and after the dragon star is burned, it will be transformed into energy and substances that are beneficial to Dunshu in the body, which is also beneficial to Dunshu. It is very likely that its own level and strength are also will be promoted.

Moreover, in this plan, some elixirs needed for the preparation of medicines are very common, and they are available in the cabinet next to it, so Jiang Xiaobei chose this plan.

After confirming the plan, Jiang Xiaobei first wrote down the entire plan, and only after the plan was written did he start to prepare the medicine.

After a smooth operation, two bottles of medicine appeared in front of Jiang Xiaobei, one red and one blue.

Later, according to the regulations, Jiang Xiaobei did not directly administer the potion to Dunshu, but took the potion and the plan, walked up to the three examiners, and asked them to comment on it and judge whether it was reasonable.

If the treatment plan is really unreasonable, the three examiners will not allow the elf to take medicine.

After all, if the mixture is highly poisonous, wouldn't that be the same as killing the elf?

Zhuang Zhao picked up the treatment plan written by Jiang Xiaobei, looked at it for a while, nodded in approval, and passed the plan to the woman beside him, while he himself picked up the medicine and looked at it carefully.

After the three examiners checked the plan and the potion and confirmed that there was no major problem, Jiang Xiaobei picked up the potion and handed it to the Dunshu's trainer, asking him to feed the Dunshu the potion.

 Thank you for the 200 coin reward from the prince who is not my boss, and thank you Ni Duo for working hard and the 100 coin reward from the boss

(End of this chapter)

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