My elf is so cute

Chapter 226 Pass the assessment and prepare to go to Kyoto

Chapter 226 Pass the assessment and prepare to go to Kyoto
When Dunshu took the ice-type potion, his whole body was instantly chilled, and he felt that his whole body was instantly frozen unconscious.

It took a full minute before he felt the existence of his body, but the severe pain from his body was much smaller.

At this time, the young trainer did not forget Jiang Xiaobei's explanation, and when he felt that the time was almost up, he immediately fed Dunshu another bottle of fire-type potion.

Because the body was protected by the ice-type potion just now, Dunshu only felt that after taking it, his body was warm for a while, and then he slowly felt like a fire was burning in his body, very hot.

For a moment, Dunshu's entire body was covered with sweat, and soon, even the surrounding ground was soaked.

This state lasted for nearly 10 minutes, and Dunshu began to return to normal, and his aura gradually increased, until finally, during Jiang Xiaobei's investigation, this Dunshu's level increased by one level compared to before.

Seeing Dunshu return to normal, the young trainer was a little excited, and thanked Jiang Xiaobei repeatedly.

The three examiners also stood up from their seats and began to check Dunshu's physical condition and various information. After confirmation, the three discussed and gave Jiang Xiaobei the results of the second assessment.

"The second assessment result, A, passed."

In the assessment of the qualifications of an intermediate elf cultivator, the third item is the easiest one.

Generally, in the case of passing the first two assessments, the three examiners will not ask too difficult questions, but just ask a few simple questions symbolically, and if they give reasonable answers, they will be considered passed.

The same is true of Jiang Xiaobei's current assessment.

The three examiners didn't ask some more difficult questions because Jiang Xiaobei was young. Considering Jiang Xiaobei's strength, they simply asked a few more basic questions.

Also, I asked about some of the more core analyzes about the evolution of the little unicorn into a bronze unicorn. After Jiang Xiaobei answered all the answers, it was considered that Jiang Xiaobei had passed the assessment.

"Congratulations, you have become an intermediate elf cultivator at such a young age. Since the profession of elf cultivator appeared, you can rank in the top ten at your age." Zhuang Zhao smiled like a blooming chrysanthemum.

"I'll discuss it with the school later, and I'll change your major to an elf cultivator. After you get to university, when you apply for your tutor, you can report to me. Then I will teach you how to do the experiment and see if you can do it before you graduate from university. Can you become a high-level elf cultivator?"

Seeing that Zhuang Zhao was about to arrange his own future, Jiang Xiaobei twitched his mouth and couldn't help but said, "Mr. Zhuang, I feel that I prefer to be a trainer."

"What did you say?" Zhuang Zhao frowned, looked at Jiang Xiaobei a little bit hard and said, "You are not a good elf trainer, why do you have to stop working, what kind of trainer are you going to be?"

"If you can become a top trainer and have as many resources as you need, even a title-level trainer would not dare to offend you easily. Oh, I'm so mad."

Zhuang Zhao talked for a long time, but seeing that Jiang Xiaobei still had a firm face, his attitude didn't change, he just shook his hands angrily, ignored Jiang Xiaobei, and left directly.

Jiang Xiaobei also knew that the other party was thinking of himself, but Jiang Xiaobei's own goal was to become a title trainer, not a top elf trainer.

"Hehe." The other two examiners saw this scene and smiled. The middle-aged male examiner patted Jiang Xiaobei on the shoulder and said with a smile, "I understand the thoughts of you young people. How can it be more interesting to explore in the secret realm?"

"Let's go, you passed the assessment, I'll take you to update your elf cultivator level." As he spoke, he pulled Jiang Xiaobei out of the room and walked upstairs.

After working for a long time, Jiang Xiaobei registered all the information.

Looking at the Intermediate Elf Cultivator Qualification Certificate in his hand, Jiang Xiaobei clenched his fists excitedly, then took a picture and posted it in their school team group.

Soon, news appeared in the group.

Lin Chuxia: Worship the boss!

Xu Leilei: Damn it!Is this an intermediate elf cultivator?Why does it feel so easy?

Lin Chuxia: . . . (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

Jiang Xiaobei: Are you going to class now?Lei Lei?Still playing on the phone?Review well, this is almost the college entrance examination.

Xu Leilei: Got it, got it, Jiang Da prodigy, his tone is just like my mother's.

Jiang Xiaobei smiled and chatted with them, when suddenly the phone screen changed, and someone was calling him, the contact person was Zhang Wenliang.

"Could it be?" Jiang Xiaobei's eyes lit up, and he tapped the phone to answer.

"Hello, Teacher Zhang? Oh, okay, okay, the 25th, the day after tomorrow, right? Please, please, I will be there on time."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Xiaobei's mood that had just calmed down suddenly became excited again.

Just now Zhang Wenliang called him to inform him that the school had already communicated with the Li family in Kyoto, and that he would go to the Demon Assembly on the morning of the 25th, and the school teacher would take him to the Dragon Vein Flame to capture the elves.

This is really a good thing in pairs!

He has just passed the intermediate elf cultivator qualification certificate, and the action arranged by the school to take him to capture the seal guard is also ready, so he will not go home again, stay here for two days in the magic capital, and then go directly to the magic city Big.

After thinking about it, he turned on the navigation, looked for a nearby elf item store, and was about to buy a Grunt Ball. He didn't expect the school to arrange it so quickly, and he didn't bring the intermediate Grunt Ball with him at home.

On the morning of March 3th, Jiang Xiaobei arrived at the South Gate of the Demon University on time.

Before, Zhang Wenliang informed him that he could just wait at the South Gate of the Magic University, and some teachers from the school would come here to find him.

He looked around, and was a little surprised to see Zhao Yuan and Xiao Yuwen not far away, the two trump cards of the Demon University High School Team.

Now that they met, they just wanted to say hello, and Jiang Xiaobei walked towards them.


"Jiang Xiaobei, why are you here? Could it be that you also went to the Dragon Vein Flame?" Zhao Yuan was a little surprised when he saw Jiang Xiaobei.

"You too?" Jiang Xiaobei was a little surprised when he heard Zhao Yuan's words.

I thought I was the only one at first, but I didn't expect there were two other people.

But after thinking about it, he wasn't that surprised. Zhao Yuan and Xiao Yuwen were no worse than him, and the Mo University admitted them in advance, and the conditions they gave would definitely not be too bad.

Xiao Yuwen's Coola is similar to Hood Xiaodou, both of which are attack-type elves, while Zhao Yuan's holy griffin is a combination of mount and long-distance attack. Both of them need a melee-type elf.

The ancient war dragon is undoubtedly one of the best choices.

"Hello." At this time, Xiao Yuwen also greeted Jiang Xiaobei.

Although Xiao Yuwen was not very beautiful on the outside, she was full of heroism and gave people the feeling of a heroine in a female school. She was very tall. According to Jiang Xiaobei's visual inspection, she was no less than 1.7 meters five.

The three of them were all young people, so naturally they had a lot of topics to talk about, and after chatting for a while, they all let go a lot.

While chatting, Jiang Xiaobei suddenly heard a familiar phoenix cry, looked up, and sure enough, an ice crystal phoenix appeared in the sky, and Bing Xinyue's figure was standing on it.

"Teacher Bing is here." Seeing this, Xiao Yuwen's eyes lit up, and she said excitedly.

 Thank you Ye Wanfeng for the reward of 100 coins

(End of this chapter)

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