My elf is so cute

Chapter 227 Dragon Vein Flame

Chapter 227 Dragon Vein Flame
"Ms. Bing is our team leader this time?" Seeing Xiao Yuwen's expected tone and excited expression, Jiang Xiaobei asked with some doubts.

"You don't know?" Hearing Jiang Xiaobei's question, Xiao Yuwen asked Jiang Xiaobei back.

"Uh, Mo Da only told me to wait here today, but didn't tell me who the teacher who leads the team is."

"Ah, well, well, when the teachers in the admissions office informed us, I asked, and they told me that it was Teacher Bing. I thought they would have given all this information in advance."

The ice crystal phoenix soon landed next to Jiang Xiaobei and the others, and the waving of its wings like ice crystals caused the surrounding temperature to drop a lot.

With a leap, Bing Xinyue jumped off the back of the Ice Crystal Phoenix and landed on the ground. Jiang Xiaobei and the three of them immediately walked to Bing Xinyue's side.

"Hello, Teacher Bing, my name is Xiao Yuwen. I have regarded you as my idol since I was a child, and I have always admired you. May I have a shadow with you?" Excitedly said to Bing Xinyue.

Looking at Xiao Yuwen's image of a little girl, Jiang Xiaobei stared at her with wide eyes, with a strange expression on his face.

For a moment, he felt that Xiao Yuwen's image of a woman in his heart had collapsed.

Bing Xinyue didn't expect this kind of situation to happen. Originally, she just took the students to catch elves in the Dragon Vein Flame. Who would have thought that one of the students would be so enthusiastic about her.

After taking two photos, Bing Xinyue stopped Xiao Yuwen, who was still full of thoughts, and said to the three of them:
"Everyone is here, let's go directly."

Afterwards, the four people climbed onto the back of the ice crystal phoenix, and the ice crystal phoenix led them to fly into the sky, towards the capital in the north.

Flying high in the sky, an invisible barrier condenses around the ice crystal phoenix, isolating the high-altitude wind and severe cold.

This is the second time for Jiang Xiaobei to sit on Ice Crystal Phoenix's back, and it feels much better than the first time.

However, he glanced at the rapidly passing scenery below, and sighed in his heart: Compared with the last time, the flying speed this time was more than a star and a half faster.

It feels that compared to the flight speed of a passenger plane, it is not much better.

Bing Xinyue quietly stood at the front of the back of the Ice Crystal Phoenix, looking at the sky in front of her, wondering what she was thinking, while Xiao Yuwen, who was sitting next to Jiang Xiaobei, was also pouting, with a troubled expression on her face.

When it just took off, Xiao Yuwen ran to Bing Xinyue's side, chattering and asking non-stop, and Bing Xinyue herself likes to be quiet, so naturally she doesn't like this kind of feeling.

So, after holding back for a while, seeing that Xiao Yuwen was still talking non-stop, he couldn't bear it any longer, and directly scolded her to sit in the back.

A little bored in the air, Jiang Xiaobei chatted with Zhao Yuan, who was on the side, about elf training.

While chatting happily, Bing Xinyue suddenly turned around, looked at Jiang Xiaobei and the others, and said:

"Before entering the Dragon Vein Flame Secret Realm, there are some things I want to tell you."

Jiang Xiaobei and Zhao Yuan stopped and looked at Bing Xinyue, while Xiao Yuwen, who was on the side, propped her chin with both hands, also looked at Bing Xinyue.

"The elves of the ancient war dragon are very strong, but correspondingly, the number of elves in this race is very rare. There are only more than 300 of the ancient war dragon population of the Dragon Vein Flame."

"There are only three or four new seal guards born every year, and there are very few young elves, so you may not be able to get the elves you want as you wish."

Jiang Xiaobei:? ? ?

I bought all the elf balls, so you just tell me this?

And then he saw Zhao Yuan and Xiao Yuwen beside him nodded, obviously they understood the situation very well.

In an instant, he felt as if he had missed some news again.

So he carried forward the good habit of asking when he didn't understand, and asked, "Then, Teacher Bing, how can we obtain the seal guard?"

"After you go in at that time, the patriarch of the ancient war dragon clan in the flames of the dragon veins should arrange some tests for you. If you can pass the tests and get their approval, you should be allowed to take away a seal guard."

"What is the test?" Jiang Xiaobei asked again.

Bing Xinyue shook her head and said, "I don't know, the test is different every year."

"Okay, thank you, Teacher Bing."

Originally, Jiang Xiaobei thought that by following Bing Xinyue into the Dragon Vein Flame Secret Realm, he would be able to directly capture the seal guards, but now it seems that his thinking is still too simple.

After flying in the air for more than two hours, the ice crystal phoenix came to the vicinity of Kyoto, and then the flight speed slowly decreased, and it flew to a suburb of Kyoto, where it landed.

The Li family in Kyoto is located in this suburb.

At the beginning, because the Li family discovered the space entrance of Dragon Vein Flame in this suburb, they directly bought this suburb, rebuilt a manor here, and moved the family here.

When viewed from a high altitude, the Li Family Manor occupies a very large area. In addition to many ancient buildings, there is also a large area for elf training. Jiang Xiaobei even saw a lot of dragons in it. elf.

The ice crystal phoenix landed in front of the gate of Li's manor. The gate made of mahogany was open, and there were two huge stone lions standing in front of the gate.

"Master of the Ice Hall, you are here." Just as Jiang Xiaobei and the others jumped off the back of the Ice Crystal Phoenix, a plump middle-aged man with a round head and big ears walked out from the gate of the Li Family Manor. He greeted Bing Xinyue with a smile on his face.

Compared with Bing Xinyue's status as a professor at the Demon University, most people value her status as the deputy head of the Fengxue Gym more. In the outside world, many people also call her that.

Bing Xinyue nodded, at this time, the chubby middle-aged man made a gesture of invitation, pointed at the door and smiled: "Master Bing, go in first, people from Beijing University have also arrived."

As he spoke, he led Jiang Xiaobei and his party towards the interior of the Li Family Manor.

The middle-aged man led them to a living room. Just as Jiang Xiaobei walked in, he saw Li Xuan sitting on the sofa in the living room, chatting with a red-haired man sitting beside him. Looking at the sky, beside these two people, there are two students who seem to be about the same age as Li Xuan.

When Jiang Xiaobei and the others walked in, they caught the attention of these people.

Li Xuan turned his head and saw Jiang Xiaobei in the crowd at a glance, his expression changed involuntarily, but soon returned to normal.

And the red-haired man cast his eyes directly on Bing Xinyue, his expression was happy, he stood up immediately, and greeted Bing Xinyue with a smile.

"Xinyue, long time no see, I didn't expect you to lead the team this time."

Seeing this person, Bing Xinyue frowned, nodded at him, then looked at the short, fat middle-aged man who brought them in before, and asked, "When will we enter the Dragon Vein Flame?"

Seeing that Bing Xinyue ignored him, the red-haired man smiled helplessly, and then looked at the short, fat middle-aged man.

The chunky middle-aged man smiled apologetically, and then said: "Please wait a while, there are still some people who haven't arrived, and you can go in when everyone is here."

When Bing Xinyue heard that no one came, she nodded and sat down on the sofa beside her.

And Jiang Xiaobei looked at the red-haired man, for some reason, he felt vaguely familiar.

 Thank you Ye Wanfeng for the reward of 100 coins, book friend 20201122223655547 for the reward of 100 coins

(End of this chapter)

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