My elf is so cute

Chapter 228 Entering the Flame of the Dragon Vein

Chapter 228 Entering the Flame of the Dragon Vein
However, Jiang Xiaobei was very sure that he had never seen this person before.

The red-haired trainer, it's impossible for me to see him without any impression.

So, he touched Zhao Yuan on the side, pointed at the red-haired man vaguely, and asked in a low voice, "Zhao Yuan, do you know who he is?"

Zhao Yuan nodded, and replied in a low voice: "His name is Xu Yan, a professor at the Trainer Academy of Beijing University, a Heavenly King trainer, and the teacher is an apprentice of the Yaohuo trainer."

"The ace spirit is the top fire spirit, Fire Feather!"

Fire Feather! ?
Hearing the elf's name, Jiang Xiaobei remembered it.

At the beginning, when he had just become a trainer, there was a big battle in Xiangcheng, three Heavenly King trainers fought, and one of the elves was Huo Yu.

At first, because of the distance, Jiang Xiaobei only detected the types of elves through the system, and no one could be seen.

However, some people's photos are sent to Moments, and the spirit of fearing death is very powerful!

Before the Ice Wing Cthulhu launched the blizzard back then, someone was staying directly below their battlefield, taking a lot of photos of the sky with their mobile phones.

Later, he posted it on the Internet, and Jiang Xiaobei saw the figures of three of them from these blurred pictures.

That's why Jiang Xiaobei felt familiar just now.

Jiang Xiaobei and the others waited in this living room for about half an hour, before the short, fat middle-aged man led three people in again.

They are a teacher and two students of Jinling University.

"Now everyone is here, everyone follow me, I will take you to the Flame of the Dragon Vein." The chunky middle-aged man smiled and said to everyone in the living room, and then walked outside first.

A group of people followed him to a forest of boulders surrounded by walls in the manor. When they walked up to one of the boulders, they made a follow gesture to the others, and then stretched their legs and walked towards the boulders.

The entrance to the secret space of Dragon Vein Flame is just above this boulder.

Jiang Xiaobei and the others also followed and walked into the secret realm.

As soon as he entered the secret realm, Jiang Xiaobei looked around, and found that the surrounding scene was not as he remembered it.

There are no dragon-shaped sculptures that are spraying water, and there are no caves that are isolated from the water.

Walking out of the space entrance, in front of them is a huge ocean, and their location should be a small island in the sea.

The vegetation on the island is very lush, except for the beach where they are standing now, the rest of the land is covered with plants.

On the beach, there are many water-type elves, all of which are common elves like circled sea turtles and water jumping fish.

At this time, the chunky middle-aged man took out the grunt ball and released a pterosaur with red wings and blue skin.

As soon as the pterosaur came out, the chunky middle-aged man said to him, "Let me know."

The pterosaur nodded, then flew into the air, let out a "woo", and the loud cry spread to the surroundings, and the water elves on the surrounding beaches were so frightened that they hid in the ocean when they heard the cry.

Jiang Xiaobei checked the information of this pterosaur.

[Elf Name] Pterosaur

[Elf Level] 62 (Heavenly King Level Elf)

[Elf Talent] Cyan

[Spirit Attributes] Dragon, Wing
【Height】4.2m 【Weight】476.5kg 【Gender】Female

【Evolutionary Form】Unable to evolve

[Spirit skills] curling and tightening, electromagnetic waves, dragon minions, fast movement, dragon diving, dragon dance, reverse scale
[Spirit Secret Skill] Flying Shadow Blade, Dragon's Sneak Attack

[Elf Props] Dragon Spirit Orb

[Spirit Profile] Enjoy the feeling of flying in the sky, the flying speed is very fast, but it likes to go around in circles.

Heavenly King Spirit!
Originally, Jiang Xiaobei thought that this pudgy middle-aged man was just a housekeeper of the Li family, but who would have thought that he was actually a heavenly king trainer.

He patted Zhao Yuan on the shoulder, pointed at the short and fat middle-aged man and asked, "I didn't ask just now, who is he?"

"His name is Li Yun, Li Xuan's third uncle." Zhao Yuan answered very simply.

Jiang Xiaobei nodded knowingly, looked at Li Yun's face, and then at Li Xuan who came with him.

This, just looking at the face, really doesn't make any difference.
After the pterosaur yelled at the surroundings, about a minute later, Jiang Xiaobei heard rustling sounds from the woods ahead, and then a pterosaur was covered in blue skin with a red horn on top of its head. , with huge fists, a very handsome ancient war dragon appeared in front of everyone.

As soon as it appeared, the ancient war dragon glanced at everyone, then walked to Li Yun's side, patted Li Yun's shoulder skillfully, and said hello.

Li Yun took out a pack of marinated beef jerky from his pocket, and handed it to the ancient war dragon. The ancient war dragon's eyes lit up, he quickly took it, unpacked it skillfully, and poured it into his mouth.

Closing his eyes, he chewed with enjoyment for a while, and then the ancient war dragon reluctantly swallowed it down.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Xiaobei's eyes widened, but he was thinking in his heart: I knew that the ancient Zhanlong liked to eat stewed beef jerky, so I brought some here.

After the ancient war dragon finished eating, he led Jiang Xiaobei and the others towards the center of the island.

Led by this ancient war dragon, Jiang Xiaobei and the others walked to the center of the island unimpeded.

In the center of the island is a huge lawn, in the soft grass, there are many dragon elves living in it.

Among them, many ancient war dragons were lying on the ground, basking lazily in the sun, and some ancient war dragons, the seal envoys, practiced their fighting skills against each other in pairs.

Compared to the seal envoy and the ancient war dragon, the smaller seal guards gathered together and played carefree.

There are also some Thunderbolt Golden Dragons, Spirit Touching Flying Dragons and other types of dragon elves in the lawn, but they basically just rest on the edge of the lawn, not daring to approach the ancient war dragon group in the center.

On the east side of the lawn, close to the mountain wall, there is a cave with a large opening. At the entrance of the cave, there are two ancient war dragons whose physique is a circle larger than the other ancient war dragons in the lawn.

Jiang Xiaobei used the system to investigate and found that the two ancient war dragons were both above level 70, obviously reaching the second stage of the Heavenly King level, the Domain Heavenly King level.

Two ancient war dragons of the Heavenly King level guarded the entrance of the cave. This cave must be unusual.

However, Jiang Xiaobei didn't care about any secrets in it. Now he only thought about what test he would have in the future, and how he could gain the approval of the ancient war dragon clan.

Leading Jiang Xiaobei and their ancient war dragons to the lawn, they barked a few times around, and the noisy environment suddenly became quiet, and the elves in the entire lawn looked at Jiang Xiaobei and the group of people.

And an ancient war dragon that was lying at the entrance of the cave also stood up and walked towards the entrance of the cave, ready to notify the patriarch that the humans were coming and let him come out to preside over it.

 Thanks for the 100 coin reward from the unknown boss

(End of this chapter)

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