My elf is so cute

Chapter 235 The Reason for Locke's Disappearance

Chapter 235 The Reason for Locke's Disappearance

Feeling that the mental power in the Sea of ​​Consciousness is several times stronger than before, almost the same as the total amount of mental power when using the Xinghuo Liaoyuan secret technique before.

And, thinking about it, Jiang Xiaobei vigorously waved his arms twice.

My body has become much stronger again!
The soaring strength gave him the illusion that he could single out elite elves.

Of course, despite having this illusion, he hasn't thought about putting it into action yet.

Let's leave the fighting and the like to Mao Xiaodou and the others. I don't want to bother with my small body.

"Strange!" Xia Nai's huge dragon head stretched out towards Jiang Xiaobei, looking left and right, but no matter how he looked, he couldn't see why Jiang Xiaobei was able to obtain multiple badges at the same time.

As if thinking of something, Xia Nai was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and sighed: "I don't understand!"

Seeing Jiang Xiaobei's eyes still closed, looking very intoxicated, Xia Nai stretched out a dragon claw as thick as Jiang Xiaobei's thigh, poked Jiang Xiaobei lightly, and said:
"Okay, I've seen enough of it, please return the dragon badge to me."

As soon as he heard that he was asked to return the dragon badge, Jiang Xiaobei's originally happy mood was instantly washed away.

Although I have gained a lot of benefits in this process, if I can permanently obtain the dragon badge, who wants to only have it temporarily?

However, considering the strength gap between himself and Xia Nai, Jiang Xiaobei honestly released the dragon badge and took the initiative to break contact with him.

A drop of Jiang Xiaobei's blood appeared on the dragon badge, and then the dragon badge returned to a dim state again.

Xia Nai took out the drop of his own blood that he had put away just now, and was about to drip it on the dragon badge again. Suddenly, looking at the dragon badge, he seemed to remember something, and turned to look at Jiang Xiaobei.

"Lord Xia Nai, what's the matter?" Seeing Xia Nai staring at him suddenly, Jiang Xiaobei froze for a moment, then asked.

Xia Nai did not answer immediately, but turned her head to continue the movement of her hand, dripping blood on the dragon badge, and took it back into her body, then turned her head to look at Jiang Xiaobei, and asked:
"Why did I call you here?"


Jiang Xiaobei was a little confused, and said with some doubts: "Didn't you just say it? It's because I felt the badge in my body."

Xia Nai nodded, and then continued to ask: "Then before I released the dragon badge, did you feel the dragon badge in my body?"

Hearing this question, Jiang Xiaobei finally came to his senses.

That's right, I didn't sense the existence of the dragon badge at all before, but Xia Nai could feel his own badge.

This shows what?This shows that the badge owners can feel the existence of each other's badges in each other's body, but they can't sense Shanai's dragon badge. It must be that the other party has the ability to conceal the fluctuation of the badge.

Now Xia Nai has no malice towards him, but if he meets other badge owners in the future, but he is not the opponent of the other party, then his situation may be in danger.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobei's pensive look, Xia Nai laughed, then suddenly stretched his right paw forward, the space fluctuated, his right paw seemed to penetrate into the space, and then pulled out a dark red scale from it.

Then, a dark red flame with extremely high temperature was ejected from its mouth, enveloping the scales in it. About 3 minutes later, Shanai stopped emitting flames, and then a burst of energy gushed out from his right claw, flying in mid-air. Condensed into a circle of magic circle, and finally printed on the dragon scale.

After the magic circle was printed on the dark red dragon scale, a dazzling light burst out from it, and after the light on it dissipated, the dragon scale, which was originally the size of a fist, became the size of a human fingernail .

Under Xia Nai's control, the dragon scale floated towards Jiang Xiaobei.

Jiang Xiaobei took it, and when he was about to ask, Xia Nai's voice sounded again:

"This piece of dragon scale is my gift to you. There is a magic circle carved by me on it, which can cover up the fluctuation of the badge in your body, so that when you meet other people or elves with badges in the future, as long as you bring this dragon scale scales, they won’t be aware of it.”

After hearing this, Jiang Xiaobei clenched the scales in his hand with some joy, and thanked Xia Nai:
"Thank you, Shane-sama."

"You're welcome, you can leave if you have nothing to do, I'm going to sleep."

Jiang Xiaobei nodded, and was about to turn around and leave when he suddenly remembered something, looked at Xia Nai, hesitant.

"What's the matter, tell me directly." Seeing Jiang Xiaobei's hesitant look, Xia Nai asked directly.

"Then I will ask directly." Jiang Xiaobei organized his language, and then asked: "Master Xia Nai, I have studied the ruin civilization of the secret realm for a while."

"I know that in the secret realm, that is, in your world, there used to be an intelligent civilization, which seemed to be called Locke, but now there is no trace of them. Do you know where they went?"

Said, Jiang Xiaobei looked up into Xia Nai's eyes.

As the ancient dragon king, the other party should have a certain understanding of such things, right?
He really wanted to know what happened that caused Locke, a race, to disappear out of thin air overnight.

Upon hearing this question, Xia Nai slowly stood up straight, looked at Jiang Xiaobei calmly, but remained silent.

Jiang Xiaobei waited for a while, seeing that Xia Nai didn't seem to want to answer this question, he said with some disappointment: "Since Master Xia Nai doesn't want to say it, then forget it, excuse me."

"Actually, it's not a secret. It's okay to tell you." Xia Nai suddenly said.

Then, as soon as his pair of huge longan eyes lit up, Jiang Xiaobei felt a powerful mental wave, and then he felt the scene around him change instantly.

"This is the mental picture I created, you can see it when you look at it." Xia Nai's voice sounded in Jiang Xiaobei's ear.

And around Jiangxiaobei, there is a bustling commercial street, with small shops selling various products on both sides. The street is slightly short, with pointed ears, and Lockes in all kinds of clothes are bustling in the slightly crowded place. Walking around in the commercial street is very lively.

Jiang Xiaobei stood in the center of the shopping street, and when Locke passed by him, he turned a blind eye to him, as if he didn't notice this person around him at all.

He looked at his body, only to realize that his body was somewhat illusory and slightly transparent. He remembered what Shane said just now, and realized that his current situation was like watching a VR movie.

Looking at the bustling scene around him, Jiang Xiaobei felt uncomfortable, because he could guess that after a while, such a scene would definitely be destroyed.

Sure enough, a few loud screams suddenly attracted the attention of all Locke in the commercial street.

I saw that among the Locke group, blood-red flames were burning on the feet of several Locke, and slowly spread towards the upper part of the body.

The strange thing is that these bloody flames seem to only burn Locke's body, but have no effect on the clothes on his body.

The surrounding Locke poured water on the Locke whose body was burning with flames, but it was useless. These bloody flames seemed to be illusory. Whether it was splashing water, dialing with clothes, or using magic, it was useless.

It just burns slowly, from the feet to the body.

Locke, who was burning with blood, had no choice but to watch his body burn slowly in despair. In the end, the entire Locke disappeared into this world.

This scene made Jiang Xiaobei's hair stand on end.

However, it doesn't stop there.

In the surrounding Locke group, more and more Locke's bodies were burning with bloody flames, without any sign, without any cause and effect, these flames seemed to appear out of thin air, appearing directly on each Locke's body.

In the end, there were only one piece of clothing left in the entire bustling commercial street, which fell on the street.

All Locke, not a single one was missed, were all swallowed up by the bloody flames.

"Is this the scene where Locke disappears?" Jiang Xiaobei asked, his voice trembling.

"Yes! In just half a day, all Locke, whether they were children or great magicians, were all swallowed by the bloody flames, leaving none behind." Xia Nai's slightly deep voice sounded.

"Then, do you know the reason? What is the bloody flame?"

"I don't know, but I heard from some ghost elves that it seems to be a black magic curse, the most vicious kind, the curse magic that acts on the blood."

"But what kind of magic and who cast it, no one knows."

 Thanks for the memory | Dream big brother for the 1500 coin reward, thank you Ye Wanfeng for the 100 coin reward, thank the prince is not my big brother for the 100 coin reward, thank you Qianruoqingfeng for the 100 coin reward, thank you *** ** 100 coins from the boss

(End of this chapter)

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