My elf is so cute

Chapter 236 Training Plan for Small Seal Guards

Chapter 236 Training Plan for Small Seal Guards
The surrounding picture is not over yet.

After an unknown amount of time, a huge crack suddenly appeared in the sky, and then the crack slowly expanded. The crack was like a black hole, swallowing all the light, and nothing could be seen in it. .

In the end, the light in the sky shone brightly, but it seemed as if a magnitude ten earthquake had occurred on the ground. The ground shook, and many buildings in the surrounding commercial streets collapsed, leaving only ruins. The light in the sky also dissipated. After dissipating, the sky The cracks also disappeared.

Then, the surrounding scene slowly dissipated, and finally changed to the scene of Dragon Vein Flame.

"The change of heaven and earth you just saw is a scene when the main world split into small spaces." Xia Nai said to Jiang Xiaobei.

"The splitting of the world and Locke's disappearance occurred at the same time period. There must be some connection between them, but no one knows what happened."

When Jiang Xiaobei left, his expression was still in a daze.

Really, I didn't expect that the scene where Locke disappeared turned out to be such a situation. In just half a day, all Locke was devoured by clusters of bloody flames without the ability to resist.

The unknown is often the most terrifying.

Now Jiang Xiaobei really wants to know what that bloody flame is?
Who released it?

Will it also appear in humans?

These problems made Jiang Xiaobei's joyful mood of getting the seal guard and strength improvement a little heavy.

When Bing Xinyue and the others saw Jiang Xiaobei coming out, they were going to ask Jiang Xiaobei, but seeing Jiang Xiaobei's expression, they stopped their thoughts immediately.

In this way, the group left this secret place and returned to the Li Family Manor.

Originally, the Li family planned to treat Bing Xinyue graciously, but Jiang Xiaobei and the others were politely rejected. When they came out of the secret realm, the group was led by Bing Xinyue's ice crystal phoenix and flew directly in the direction of the magic capital.

Sitting on the back of the ice crystal phoenix, the coolness coming from his body made Jiang Xiaobei wake up a little bit.

As the saying goes, if the sky falls, there will still be a tall man holding it up.

I am now a small advanced trainer, a student who has not yet graduated from high school, what is the use of thinking about these things?

Let's cultivate elves well!
Moreover, it has been so many years, that blood flame has never appeared, and it may never appear again.

After figuring it out, Jiang Xiaobei smiled and stretched his body.

Seeing that Jiang Xiaobei seemed to have nothing to do, Zhao Yuan and Xiao Yuwen immediately approached and asked, "Jiang Xiaobei, who is the elf who called you in just now?"

Bing Xinyue, who was standing in front of her, also pricked up her ears.

Jiang Xiaobei didn't hide this, and said, "The elf inside is the king of dragon elves, the ancient dragon king Xia Nai."

"The Ancient Dragon King Xia Nai!?" Zhao Yuan and Xiao Yuwen exclaimed in unison.

"You know?" Jiang Xiaobei asked with some doubts.

It seems that the Li family has not released the information about the ancient dragon king Xia Nai.

"No." The two shook their heads in unison.

"What does he want from you?" Xiao Yuwen asked curiously again.

"Haha, the ancient dragon king Xia Nai has been watching us all the time. He saw that I was very talented, and he looked like a top genius. He specially called me over to chat." Jiang Xiaobei said with a smile.

"Cut, just don't talk if you don't want to talk, just talk nonsense here." Xiao Yuwen curled her lips, "Besides, you still have my genius?"

As she spoke, she proudly raised her head.

"Oh, this Gulu ball is really beautiful, and the elf inside is also very cute." Jiang Xiaobei suddenly took out the Gulu ball that was guarded by a small seal, and played with it in his hand.

At this time, Zhao Yuan also took out the Grunt Ball with his seal guard, nodded in agreement and said: "Indeed, this Grunt Ball is really beautiful."

"You guys!" Seeing these two guys unite, provoking herself to fail to subdue the seal guard, Xiao Yuwen's chest fluttered violently.

"Hmph, the ancient battle dragon is no big deal."

Towards evening, Jiang Xiaobei and the others returned to Modu.

After briefly reporting the information at the Demon University, the group dispersed, and Bing Xinyue didn't ask Jiang Xiaobei what happened in the cave.

After everything was done, Jiang Xiaobei ran to the large elf item shopping plaza in Shanghai and bought a lot of things.

Tomorrow, Jiang Xiaobei is going to return to Xiangcheng. Before that, of course, he has to buy more good things in Shanghai that cannot be bought in Xiangcheng.

Otherwise, it will be too slow to wait to buy online.

The little seal guard has just been subdued, and his strength is only at the apprentice level, which is the stage when his strength is improving the fastest. After returning to Xiangcheng, he will start his training process.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaobei bought a lot of things that are good for dragon elves, and bought a lot of corresponding materials according to the elf food formula that is most suitable for small seal guards given by the system.

There are also three bottles of primary strength potions.

The seal guard is a dragon-type elf, and after the final evolution, it will become a martial-type elf, and the dragon-type dual-type elf, physical strength is the most important, so in the initial stage, Jiang Xiaobei's most important thing to improve is the physical strength of the small seal guard .

Jiang Xiaobei only prepared to train his special talent when his level reached level 10 or above.

The special talent - the eye of mind, can easily see the opponent's weakness, the effect is indeed very powerful, with this kind of talent, after the strength is improved in the future, the little seal guard will become the king of fighting in the future.

Of course, Jiang Xiaobei also bought a lot of training resources for hoods and bronze unicorns, and he bleeds a lot.

Hood's current goal is to steadily improve his strength, gradually reach level 40, and break through to become an elite elf.

The current goal of the Bronze Unicorn is to raise the level to 36 as soon as possible while ensuring a solid foundation, so that it can evolve again and become a Platinum Unicorn.

After he successfully evolved into a platinum unicorn, he would be able to write another thesis.

Because he didn't bring his elf food making tools, and the hotel wouldn't provide them, Jiang Xiaobei could only make elf food for the three elves when he got home.

And in the evening, Jiang Xiaobei could only bring the three elves to a luxuriously decorated elf restaurant for a casual meal.

Although, judging from the appearance of the hood, the bronze unicorn, and the little seal guard, they are not very good.

When the little seal guard was in the secret realm of Dragon Vein Flame, he drank the elf milk provided by the Li family when he first hatched, and later, he followed his grandfather to eat sea fish caught in the sea.

I have never eaten such delicious food, so I naturally have a big appetite.

Jiang Xiaobei sat aside, looking at the row of empty plates in front of the little seal guard, feeling a little dazed.

It's not because of the money, but because I can't figure out how such a small stomach can hold so much food?
In particular, these foods are all elf foods that contain a lot of energy?
 Thanks for the reward of 100 coins that the prince is not my boss

(End of this chapter)

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