My elf is so cute

Chapter 237 Small Seal Guard Breakthrough, Elementary

Chapter 237 Small Seal Guard Breakthrough, Elementary
The next morning, Jiang Xiaobei returned to Xiangcheng by plane.

After getting off the plane, Jiang Xiaobei suddenly felt that his behavior was not very good. His classmates were all studying hard in the classroom, while he was wandering around outside.

this feeling, really
So cool!
There is no pressure from the college entrance examination at all. You don't need to brush up the questions every day, and you can easily train the elves every day. If you feel bored, you can take the elves to travel.

Moreover, because he seldom goes to school again, he has already transferred the position of class monitor to Xie Xu.

Life is really beautiful.

In fact, Jiang Xiaobei has been struggling with one thing, whether he should go to the school every few days or not, and go around the classroom.

It's not important to see the students struggling to solve the questions, the main thing is to feel the atmosphere of the school again.

After thinking for a while, he finally decided that if he had nothing else to do, he would go around the school every week and finally experience his high school life.

Today is Friday, next Friday, which happens to be the beginning of April, so I will go to school to have a look.

In an empty training room.

In the center of the room is a huge round black stone platform, carved with some complicated lines, exuding faint light, connected to a small stone plate of the black stone platform, which has nine hollow grooves, one of which is There is a fist-sized Philosopher's Stone on the slot.

This is a magic gravity meter. The center of the black stone platform is engraved with gravity magic. When used, it is powered by the magic stone.

Among the nine grooves, every time a magic stone is placed in the groove, it represents a doubling of gravity.

The highest, can be increased to ten times the gravity.

But now, it is using double gravity.

In the center of the black stone platform, a relatively small seal guard bent over and stood on the magic gravity meter with some difficulty, sweating profusely.

"Hold on." Beside the gravity meter, Jiang Xiaobei shouted to the little seal guard inside.

The little seal guard, who was a little tired at first, gritted his teeth after hearing Jiang Xiaobei's encouragement, and stood up straight again, resisting the heavy pressure around him.

Jiang Xiaobei looked at the little seal guard and kept encouraging him.

Before the little seal guard stepped onto the magic gravity meter, Jiang Xiaobei evenly applied a whole bottle of primary body-building potion on his body, in order to use the magic gravity meter to fully absorb its effects.

About 10 minutes later, just as Jiang Xiaobei was about to stop using the magic gravity meter, suddenly, a system notification came from his ear:
"Ding! Congratulations, your elf seal guard level has been raised to level 10."

As soon as the voice sounded in his ears, Jiang Xiaobei saw that in front of him, in the gravity meter, the muscles on the little seal guard's body squirmed, and there was a bone cracking sound all over his body, and the whole elf's body was raised a bit.

After the changes in his body were over, the little seal guard stood on the magic gravity meter and walked around a little with ease.

I just feel that after the strength is improved, the pressure around is not too great, and now I can walk around more easily.

Feeling the changes in his body, the little seal guard yelled happily, jumped off the gravity meter, and ran to Jiang Xiaobei's side.

Jiang Xiaobei patted his little head, and praised: "Well, it's great."

The little seal guard suddenly narrowed his eyes and narrowed his eyes.

Jiang Xiaobei looked at the little seal guard and sighed, this talent is really good!

Less than a week has passed, and the little seal guard has been upgraded two levels in a row, and successfully broke through to a junior elf, which is faster than the original hood and pocket.

Now, the little seal guard's strength has broken through, and he has successfully been promoted to a junior elf. Next, his training plan will be changed to the training of his special talent - mind.

The best way to train this talent is to fight. Find the enemy's weaknesses in the battle.

And the elf level in Xiangcheng Secret Realm is just right for the small seal guards. After a while, I have to apply for a pass to enter.

Moreover, yesterday, the level of the bronze unicorn was raised to level 33, which was three levels away from evolving into a platinum unicorn.

I don't know if it will be successful within the next month.

On April 4st, April Fool's Day, Jiang Xiaobei set off for school in the morning.

He planned to go to school for half a day this morning and take a look at his classmates.

As soon as I arrived in the classroom in the morning, I felt the tense atmosphere in the classroom. Almost all the students were lying on the table and carrying books seriously.

After all, the college entrance examination is two months away, so they can't help being nervous.

Without disturbing the students too much, Jiang Xiaobei quietly walked back to his seat and sat down.

"Huh? Xiaobei?" Xu Leilei noticed the movement around him, then turned his head to look, and saw Jiang Xiaobei who was sitting next to him. Said: "You still know how to come back! Leave me here alone to study hard."

"After all, I was escorted. Of course, I have to enjoy life." Jiang Xiaobei pushed Xu Leilei's arm away, and said with a face of course.

"You." Xu Leilei clenched his fists and took a deep breath, "You can do it yourself!"

After finishing speaking, he covered his ears with his hands in grief and anger, and continued to memorize the knowledge of elves.

Jiang Xiaobei smiled, opened the textbook, and looked at it as if to pass the time.

With his current level, after reading the elf encyclopedia they learned, he felt that it was very simple.

After thinking for a while, he took out a pen and paper, wrote the main outline of the book on a piece of paper in a refined way, and then handed it to Xu Leilei who was beside him, asking him to refer to it and see if he was right. Is there any use for myself.

Jiang Xiaobei's daring to do this does not mean that his level has surpassed that of the publisher, but that the publisher must consider various issues when publishing a book, such as the convenience of teaching and the like.

Jiang Xiaobei just listed the main outline of his entire book.

In the morning, there was a practical training course. During the class, Jiang Xiaobei stood in the team and checked the strength of his classmates, the elves.

More than half of the students, their elves have reached level 20 or above, and there are still a small number of students whose elves are still at the primary stage.

Hou Ziming, like him before, did not come to class.

Xu Leilei's meow should have taken that Yanfu fruit, and now his level has reached level 29, and he will definitely be able to break through to level 30 before the college entrance examination and become a high-level elf.

The same is true for Xie Xu's Little Fire Monkey, whose level is stuck at level 29, but according to Jiang Xiaobei's observation, the breakthrough is not far away.

Apart from the two members of the school team, among the others in the class, Jiang Xiaobei's former class leader, Su Shiyun, had the highest elf level, and his Popola level had also reached level 27.

After that, there is Yan Muqing's Otada, level 25, and the rest, there is no elf level above 25.

After class in the morning, and to feel the campus life, Jiang Xiaobei left directly, picked up his backpack, and returned home.

In the afternoon, I am not going to go again.

After lunch, sitting at the desk in his room, Jiang Xiaobei unzipped his schoolbag, prepared to take out a pen, and carefully planned their future training plan.

It turned out that there was an extra pink envelope in the schoolbag.

 Thank you Ye Wanfeng for the reward of 200 coins, thank you for the reward of 100 coins from the handsome guy who pours wine, and thank you for the reward of 100 coins for the prince is not my boss

(End of this chapter)

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