My elf is so cute

Chapter 238 The Bronze Unicorn Prepares to Evolve

Chapter 238 The Bronze Unicorn Prepares to Evolve

"what is this?"

Jiang Xiaobei took the envelope, and after seeing a few words written on it, he immediately turned to look at it.

"Jiang~Xiao~Bei~Dear~Qi~" Jiang Xiaobei read out every word.

"Who is this? He wrote me a letter, saying when did he put it in my bag?" He muttered, frowning, opened the envelope and read it.

After a while, the expression on his face changed and became very strange.

Say he is uncomfortable, but the corners of his mouth curled up, showing a few smiles;

Say he is happy, but he is frowning, not like a happy expression.

The eyes revealed three points of happiness, three points of surprise, and four points of bewilderment.

The reason for all this is because of the content on the paper in his hand.

To be precise, this letter is a love letter, a love letter from Yan Muqing to him.

It was the first time in his life that he received a love letter. Although he didn't have any feelings for Yan Muqing, he was indeed a little happy in his heart. After being happy, he just didn't know what to do.

Never encountered such a thing ah!
As for Yan Muqing, the art committee member of the class, Jiang Xiaobei really didn't have any feelings for her, even though she was very pretty.

In his memory, Yan Muqing often asked himself some questions before, but he had little contact with others, and he didn't understand why the other party liked him?

Could it be that he is already so handsome that others will fall in love with him at a glance?
Shaking his head, to get rid of the unrealistic thoughts in his mind, he picked up the phone and was about to search the Internet for how to refuse, when suddenly, he saw the date on the phone interface.

May 4st!
April Fool's Day?
"Could this be a prank?" Jiang Xiaobei thought for a while, and there was really such a possibility, so he casually threw the love letter aside, ignored it, and concentrated on planning the training plan for Hood and the others.

In the afternoon, they went to the Starry Fairy Square with their hoods and pockets, and opened a large training room for the three elves to start training individually.

In Jiang Xiaobei's training plan for the cap and small pocket, she did not focus on improving her level, but focused on training her to change between the three forms and explore various abilities in the three forms.

The main purpose of the Bronze Unicorn is to increase the level. Jiang Xiaobei gave him a lot of wind spirit stones, and the energy is enough, so the Bronze Unicorn can only increase the level.

As for the small seal guard, Jiang Xiaobei let him do some exercises under double the gravity. Now that he can't enter the secret realm, let him exercise his physical strength first.

In this way, in the blink of an eye, the whole afternoon passed like this.

At night, Jiang Xiaobei, who was playing games with Mao Xiaodou, suddenly saw someone send him a message on QQ.

Click to open it, it is Yan Muqing.

Yan Muqing: Monitor, have you read the letter I wrote to you? (shy)

Jiang Xiaobei: Happy April Fool's Day.

Yan Muqing:? ? ?

Yan Muqing: What April Fool's Day?
Jiang Xiaobei: Happy April Fool's Day.

Yan Muqing: Hey, it's not April Fool's Day, I'm serious!

"Doudou?" Seeing that Jiang Xiaobei seemed to hang up the phone, Mao Xiaodou called out to Jiang Xiaobei with some doubts.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobei gasped in a "hissy" breath.

Then immediately released the little seal guard, handed him the mobile phone, and asked him to control it for himself, then walked to the desk, turned on the computer, and searched directly:
What should I do if a girl I don't like confesses to me?
After browsing, on a website, Jiang Xiaobei saw an answer approved by many people:

If you don't like it, you must clearly refuse to procrastinate, which will hurt more deeply.

Of course it would be nice to be liked by others, but it is two different things from agreeing to date. If you obviously don't like it and still get along reluctantly, you will end up harming yourself and others.If you refuse directly, you will have the opportunity to be friends, but if you agree, you will never be a good friend without any barriers for the rest of your life.

Of course, although you explicitly refuse, when you refuse, you should speak in a more tactful way, so as not to embarrass the other party.
After watching for a while, Jiang Xiaobei opened the computer version of QQ, and saw that the other party sent a lot of messages in just a short while.

Yan Muqing: Crooked?
Yan Muqing: Are you still there?
Yan Muqing: Jiang Xiaobei, I really like you, shall we be together?

Yan Muqing: (tears) Don't ignore me?
Yan Muqing:! ! !Why are you still fighting the king?

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobei thought for a while, then typed and responded:

Jiang Xiaobei: (sweating) Uh, that's a game my elf played with my account.

Jiang Xiaobei: I'm sorry, I feel that it's more appropriate for us to be friends than couples.

Jiang Xiaobei: The college entrance examination is coming soon, let's study hard, good night.

After typing, Jiang Xiaobei sat at the desk and felt for the first time that it was quite troublesome for a girl to confess to him.

Okay, if you don't study hard, what do you think about falling in love every day?

At this time, he remembered that he had just handed over the mobile phone to the little seal guard, but the other party had never played this game before, would it be a scam?

So, he hurriedly walked towards the little seal guard, just at this moment, a sound came from the mobile phone in the hands of the little seal guard: Double Kill
"Doudou!" (nice!)
Jiang Xiaobei's footsteps stopped suddenly.

The air is shaking and cold, what is going on in this world?Everywhere is full of oppression against the vegetable dog, how to say later?

Jiang Xiaobei scratched his head, couldn't remember it, so he stopped thinking about it, and continued to walk towards the small seal guard, only to see that under the control of a total of six fingers, the hero Zhao Yun gun in the mobile phone went in and out of the dragon, and harvested again a human head.

And Jiang Xiaobei can be very sure that the little seal guard has never played this game before.

Then why is it so beautiful?
After watching for a while, Jiang Xiaobei lay down on the bed feeling a little uncomfortable. Even a elf who had just started playing the game was better than him. It seemed that he was really not suitable for this game.

I will never engage in these games again!
Because of what happened last time, Jiang Xiaobei didn't go to school for several weeks.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, May came, and a month passed like this.

During this period of time, Hood has increased by one level, reaching level 38, which is not far away from level 39;
The level of the small seal guards has been raised to level 14, and they have also entered the secret realm of Xiangcheng several times during this period. With the strength of the small seal guards, the elves below level 18 in the secret realm of Xiangcheng are basically no match for him.

Moreover, he has trained his mind and eye talent very well now. If the gap in strength is not too big, then in the battle, the little seal guard can easily find the opponent's weakness and easily win;
And the bronze unicorn finally raised its level to level 5 at the beginning of May.

Jiang Xiaobei also immediately exchanged a batch of wisterias on the elf breeder website when the bronze exclusive beast level was upgraded to level 36.

Speaking of which, because of Jiang Xiaobei's original paper, the price of wisteria is now much more expensive than before.

Now a one-meter-long wisteria requires a full 500 points to exchange. Jiang Xiaobei reluctantly spent 4000 points to exchange for an eight-meter-long wisteria.

By tomorrow, the wisteria will be delivered, and the world will welcome the first platinum unicorn!

 Tomorrow is Saturday, so there will be more time, three more chapters
(End of this chapter)

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